„ SHOOTING NIAGARA Yet the advance of Socialism was nearly always anticipated by the premature retreat of the individualist. Before the vanguard of the red revolutionaries reached each successive barricade the capitalists were already receding. Many of the demands of organised Labour were granted by Liberal and Tory politicians— quick to sense the changing wind of electoral favour—long before its Socialist representatives were in a position to enforce them. Successive Employers' Liability Acts limited and largely abrogated the old legal doctrine of common employment. Under pressure from the Unions the scope of the Factory Acts was steadily extended.1 The Workmen's Compensation Act of 1897 made an employer theoretically liable for all the risks of his workers' employment. Charity, now invested with the prim pince-nez of the statistical bureaucrat, was restored to its former- place as a civic obligation. The stigma of pauperism was re- moved and those in receipt of poor law relief were admitted to the franchise. Labour Exchanges were established at the expense of the taxpayer to help find work for the unemployed. Small holdings were provided for agricultural labourers. ' The Socialist principle that the State as the ultimate owner of all property had the right to tax capital as well as income was admitted by the imposition of Death Duties in Sir William Harcourt's Liberal budget of 1893. Fourteen years later Mr. Asquith introduced the distinction between earned and unearned incomes and a new impost on very rich men called super-tax. In order to finance a nation-wide scheme of old-age pensions and other "rare and refreshing fruit for the parched lips of the multitude," the new levy was extended to all incomes of more than .£5000 a year, by the Liberal Chancellor, David Lloyd George. To a modern reformer, saddened by the omnipresent spectacle of human greed, injustice and muddle, such modest measures of working-class amelioration, now taken for granted, may appear trifling. To a Liberal of the 'sixties they would have seemed a revolutionary interference with the laws of supply and demand and a half-way step to wholesale confiscation and Com- munism. To many old-fashioned persons like the Conservative die-hard peers, who sacrificed the powers of their own House in a last desperate attempt to stay the new electoral will, they seemed so even in 1910. 1 Within a few jrears of bringing the dockers within the scope of the Acts, the number of dock accidents was halved. E.S. 0