330 ENGLISH SAGA accountancy makes it necessary to use them in such a way as to deprive him of pride and enjoyment in his labour and of stability in his life. For these are as essential to the well- being of man, as children and child-bearing to woman. A factory that does not afford them to its workers is a badly organised factory. Nearly all factories in the economy of mass production for profits are badly organised. So are those in the new despotic states organised for quantity of output. Man should be master of his tools, not his tools of man. It used to be the glory of England that its craftsmen took pride in their work. Under the modern system the artisan is denied the joy of giving quality to his task and is usually employed on a temporary basis. He is at the mercy of forces over which he has no control. He is not truly that which his English instinct prompts him to ber-a freeman. That is why many Englishmen found so surprising a degree of satisfaction amidst the perils, pain aad discomfort of the last war. The army, for all its harshness, gave comradeship, pride in achievement and the assurance that a man who did his best would receive his reward. It was the same appeal that the iron totalitarian creeds later made to the starving and workless millions of capitalist Europe. • • • • • f • . Civilisation is the science of enabling men to live in society as free, virtuous and rational individuals. The cement of any such society must be justice. The utilitarians by setting the rule of figures above that of human equity gradually undermined Christian civilisation. Those who destroy civilisation leave men no other refuge but the herd. And the herd, as the totalitarians have proved, is cruel and irrational. It is particularly unnatural for an Englishman to live in a world not governed by justice. That is why he is fighting to- day. An attack oji the independence of a small people by a large is aa obvious act of injustice which awakes the dormant conscience of every Englishman, But behind the barrage of figures which cloaks the pwsuit of private profits, injustices have daily and unconsciously been committed against millions with almost as little equity as Hitler's rape of Poland and Czechoslovakia, There is not only $ crying need for justice between nation aftd nation. There is a crying need for justice between man and man. Even in Franco's despised new Spain the law now compels the payment of seven continuous days' wages to manual workers