EPISODES OF THE GREAT WAR [1915 and the place chosen was the sector between La Bassee and Arras. Other subsidiary attacks were necessary for the same purpose, and these were entrusted to the British forces. They were strictly holding battles, and it was enough if they distracted and occupied the attention of the enemy. Early in the month a general bombardment began along the whole Allied front. Its purpose was to serve as a screen behind which the preparations for attack could be made, and to puzzle the enemy as to which section of his line was chiefly threatened. The Allied aircraft were busy, for it was important that no German machines should reconnoitre over our lines. As the 25th of the month approached our airmen went farther afield, and bombed vital parts of the German railways. On Thursday, 23rd Sep- tember, the main bombardment began. From La Bassee to Arras, and along the Champagne front, hell was loosed from thousands of pieces. At a quarter-past five on the 25th, on a fifteen-mile front, the blue-grey waves surged from the trenches. At the same moment, at lengthened ranges, the guns flung their curtain, of fire between the enemy and his supports. Machine guns took heavy toll of the attack and the German artillery from far in the rear were " watering " the path of the advance. The road was marked by piles of blue-grey dead, but the impetus did not slacken. By the end of the day, on a fifteen- mile front, the advance had been carried forward for an average of two and a half miles. Practically the whole German first line had gone, and the French held parts of the second line. But the enemy battle 182