26 ESSAYS IN NATIONAL IDEALISM. realism they talk about isn't art at all, but science; interesting, no doubt, as a scientific achievement, but nothing more.... Transcripts from Nature, what do I want with transcripts ? I prefer her own signature; I don't want forgeries more or less skilful.... It is the message,, the f burden' of a picture that makes its real value." At another time he said, " You see, it is these things of the soul that are real.... the only real things in the- universe." Of the religiousness of the art he said: " That was an awful thought of Buskin's, that artists. paint God for the world. There's a lump of greasy pig- ment at the end of Michael Angelo's hog-bristle brush, and, by the time it has been laid on the stucco, there is some- thing there that all men with eyes recognize as divine- Think of what it means. It is the power of bringing G-od into the world—making God manifest." "The object of art must be either to please or to* exalt; I can't see any other reason for it at all. One- is a pretty reason, the other a noble one." Of * Expression' in imaginative pictures he said : a Of course niy faces have no expression in the sense- in which people use the word. How should they have any?' They are not portraits of people in paroxysms of terror,, hatred, benevolence, desire, avarice, veneration and all the ' passions' and * emotion' that Le Brun and that kind of person find so magnifique in Raphael's later- work .... The only expression allowable in great portrai- ture is the expression of character and moral quality, not of anything temporary, fleeting, accidental. Apart from portraiture you don't want even so much, or very seldom: in fact, you want only types, symbols, suggestions. The moment you give wlvit people onll expression, you destroy