SWADESHI. 168 'Those familiar with the factory system and its results, in "Europe, and the resistance made to regulation and inspec- tion, will be able to read between the lines, and to under- stand how mistaken India will be if she believes that th§, .agitation for factory regulation is engineered from Lanca- shire " for the purpose of arresting as far as possible tlie progress of the cotton industry," by placing restrictions on the indigeno\ts labour employed. It is of no consequence to India whether or no an agitation be engineered in part from Lancashire, or not; what is of consequence to her Is whether or no the problems of physical and moral deteriora- tion, overcrowding, drunkenness and unemployment, •characterising the development of the commercial systein In the great cities of the West, are to be imposed upon the East as well. That there is only too much reason to fear such a result, while there is too little to hope that Indians rure any more alive to the clanger than Europe was fifty years ago, is evident by other statements in the Report. It appears that in Bombay the operatives inhabit slums of the most wretched character, crowded and insanitary. T}ie rent of a room 12 x 10X9 ranges from 2 to 5 rupees a month, the wages of an ordinary 'hand' being from 7 to 18 rupees a month. They remark that the consumption of liquor among factory workers is undoubtedly greater than .among men of the same rank in life engaged in other occu- pations. The Commission appear to regret that the opera- tives are still very largely connected with their villages, .and are not entirely dependent on factory work! "There is as yet", say the Commissioners, "practically no factory population, such as exists in European countries) consist- ing of a large number of operatives trained from their youth to one particular class of work and dependent upon employment at that work for a livelihood......Matters, however, are gradually improving; the standard of living is undoubtedly rising all*over India, though slowly ; and there are some indications that a class.