ALCESTIS Apollo I never took his body away from you by force. Death How is it, then, that he is above ground, not below? 45 Apollo He gave his wife instead, and you have come for her now. Death I have. And I shall take her down where the dead are. Apollo Take her and go. I am not sure you will listen to me. Death Tell me to kill whom I must kill. Such are my orders, Apollo No, only to put their death off. They must die in the end. 50 Death I understand what you would say and what you want. Apollo Is there any way, then, for Alcestis to grow old? Death There is not. I insist on enjoying my rights too. Apollo You would not take more than one life, in any case. Death My privilege means more to me when they die young. 55 Apollo If she dies old, she will have a lavish burial.