EURIPIDES Maid Oh yes, he is crying. He holds his wife close in his arms, imploring her not to forsake him. What he wants is impossible. She is dying. The sickness fades her now. She has gone slack, just an inert weight on the arm. Still, though so little breath of life is left in her, 205 she wants to look once more upon the light of the sun, since this will be the last time of all, and never again. She must see the sun's shining circle yet one more time. Now I must go announce your presence. It is not everyone who bears so much good will toward our kings 210 as to stand by ready to help in their distress. But you have been my master's friends since long ago. (Exit.) Chorus O Zeus, Zeus, what way out of this evil is there, what escape from this which is happening to our princes? A way, any way? Must I cut short my hair 215 for grief, put upon me the black costume that means mourning? We must, friends, clearly we must; yet still let us pray to the gods. The gods have power beyond all power elsewhere. Paean, my lord, 220 Apollo, make some way of escape for Admetus. Grant it, oh grant it. Once you found rescue in him. Be now in turn his redeemer from death. Oppose bloodthirsty Hades. 225 Admetus, O son of Pheres, what a loss to suffer, when such a wife goes. A man could cut his throat for this, for this and less he could bind the noose upon his neck 24