ALCESTIS from these scowl-faced looks and the tension in your mind. We are only human. Our thoughts should be human too, since, for these solemn people and these people who scowl, 800 the whole parcel of them, if I am any judge, life is not really life but a catastrophe. Servant I know all that. But we have troubles on our hands now, that make revelry and laughter out of place. Heracles The dead woman is out of the family. Do not mourn 805 too hard. The master and the mistress are still alive. Servant What do you mean, alive? Do you not know what happened? Heracles Certainly, unless your master has lied to me. Servant He is too hospitable, too much. Heracles Should I not then have enjoyed myself, because some outside woman was dead? 810 Servant She was an outsider indeed. That is too true. Heracles Has something happened that he did not tell me about? Servant Never mind. Go. Our masters' sorrows are our own. 49