ALCESTIS meeting my married friends in Thessaly, the sight of their wives will drive me back, for I cannot endure to look at my wife's agemates and the friends of her youth. And anyone who hates me will say this of me.r "Look at the man, disgracefully alive, who dared 955 not die, but like a coward gave his wife instead and so escaped death. Do you call him a man at all? He turns on his own parents, but he would not die himself." Besides my other troubles, they will speak about me thus. What have I gained by living, friends, 960 when reputation, life, and action all are bad? Chorus I myself, in the transports of mystic verses, as in study of history and science, have found nothing so strong as Compulsion, 965 nor any means to combat her, not in the Thracian books set down in verse by the school of Orpheus, not in all the remedies Phoebus has given the heirs 970 of Asclepius to fight the many afflictions of man. She alone is a goddess without altar or image to pray before. She heeds no sacrifice. 975 Majesty, bear no harder on me than you have in my life before! All Zeus even ordains only with you is accomplished. By strength you fold and crumple the steel of the Chalybes. 980 There is no pity in the sheer barrier of your will. (They turn and speak directly to Admetus, who remains in the background.) 55