EURIPIDES lolaus This man here dragged me from the altar by Main force, and showed contempt for all your gods. Chorus What country are you coming from, old man? Have you reached these federated states By the blade of the oar in the sea? Were you Rowed over here from some Eubocan port? lolaus No, we're no islanders. We've made our way To Athens from Mycenae. Chorus And what name did you go by Among the Mycenaean citizens? lolaus YouVe heard of me, I think. I'm lolaus, Known as the right-hand man of Heracles. Chorus The name has a familiar ring. But please, Why don't you tell us whose young children these Are, whom you're leading by the hand? lolaus These are the sons of Heracles, who've come To ask protection here from you and yours. Chorus Just what is it you want of us? Are you Applying for a hearing here? lolaus We ask you to stand by us and to keep The Argives from abducting us by force. 136'