EURIPIDES Amphitryon I mourn, I grieve. 1065 Chorus Mourn for these dead children. Amphitryon Ah. ... Chorus Mourn your son, grieve for him. Amphitryon Ah. ... Chorus Old friend. . . . Amphitryon Hush, be still: he stirs and turns! He wakes! Quick, let me hide myself in darkness here. 1070 Chorus Courage: darkness lies upon his eyes. Amphitryon Take care, take care. My grief is such, I have no fear to leave the light and die. But if he murders me who begot him, he shall add a greater grief to these, 1075 and have on him the curse of father's blood. Chorus Best for you it would have been if you had died that very day you took revenge on those who slew the kinsmen of your wife, the day you sacked the city of the Taphians! 1080