IPHIGENIA IN TAURIS Fled beyond Europe's land And Europe's sea, fled safe but sick at heart, Away from home and kin, Into the alien wilderness of Asia, What sort of men would leave the holy streams Of Dirce, or the reeds 400 Green-growing in Eurotas, to explore A bitter beach, to dare these ominous rocks Where the seas meet in fog, Where Artemis, among Her colonnades Demanding sacrifice, 40 5 Receives upon her altar human blood? The Fourth Maiden Why have they urged the oarsmen of their ship To shake the clinging sea With a great stroke and to accelerate With rush of rivalry the racing wind? 410 Was it to sweep the shores For riches and to vie in bearing home, Each to upbuild his house, The treasures and the trophies of the world? That glittering hope is immemorial And beckons many men 415 To their undoing. Ever insatiate They sail the sea and look to foreign towns To fill their ships with spoil. But some men never find prosperity, For all their voyaging, While others find it with no voyaging. 420 The Third Maiden How have they passed the peril of the Rocks That Clash and of the coast Of Phineus heavy with broken waves? 425 I wonder if they sailed across that reach Of sea where mariners Boast to have looked on Ocean's Fifty Daughters 387