IPHIGENIA IN TAURIS Realize how much their loyalty might mean? Women know women. Make your plea to them. And after that we are in the hands of Heaven. 1055 Iphigenia 0 friends who have been near and dear to me, It may depend upon your carefulness Whether or not I reach my home and kin. A woman knows how much her weakness needs The sympathy and help of other women, 1060 Their understanding and their loyalty. 1 ask you only this, that you say nothing Of what has happened here, that you keep silent. The stillest tongue can be the truest friend. We three must take a hair's-breadth chance between 1065 Capture and death, deliverance and home. But if we do escape, then we shall work For your deliverance, for you and you To share our happiness at home in Hellas And you and you. Holding your hand, I ask you— 1070 Kissing your cheek. Clasping your knees, I ask you— And you I ask by love of your two parents. (To the Second Maiden.) And you by love of the child you left behind. Who will say yes to me? Who could say no When it might cost my brother's life and mine? The First Maiden Rely on me, dear Lady. The Second Maiden And on me. 1075 The Third Maiden We shall do everything we can to help. The Fourth Maiden By Zeus we pledge silence and loyalty. 419