EURIPIDES The First Maiden Oh to fly swifter than the winged sun Upon his dazzling track!— And not to let my golden light be folded Until I touch my house, my roof, my room, From which I used to go To noble marriages and take my place In the bright company, Give them my hands and circle round and dance 1145 And always try to be the loveliest, Under my mother's gaze, In my unrivaled radiance of attire And in the motion of my hands and feet, While my embroidered veil I would hold closely round me as I danced And bowed and hid my cheek 1150 Under the shadow of my clustering curls. (Enter King Thoas with Soldiers.) Thoas Where is my guardian of the temple gate, My Grecian girl? Where are the foreigners? Am I too late to see the sacrifice? Are the victims' bodies being burnt already? 1155 The Fourth Maiden She is coming out herself and she will tell you. (Iphigenia appears in the temple-door, carrying the -wooden Artemis.) Thoas (Starting up the stairs.) What does this mean, daughter of Agamemnon? Why have you moved the Goddess from her place? Iphigenia '. O King, stand back—stay back beyond the threshold! 422