696 INDEX Europe, 73-79, (78) I France, 284- 285; Germany, 385-386; Greece, 622; Hungary, 579; Iberian Peninsula, 687-688; Italy, 642-643; Netherlands, 327; New Baltic States, 496; Nor- way, 183-184; Poland, 483; Ruma- nia, 562, (563); Russia, 537; Sweden, 195; Yugoslavia, 599 Cernay, 270 Cevennes, 266, (265) Champagne, 281, 286 Charleroi, 300, 301, 309, (300) Chateau Sabines, 270 Chemical industry, 142-143, 201-202, 396- 397, 422 Chemnitz, 370 Cherbourg, 267, (262) Cheshire Gap, 222 Cheviot Hills, 221, (218) Chiaturi, 532 Chilterns, 229 Chomutov, 463 Cities of Europe, 56-59 growth, 56-57; present cities, 57; types, 57-59 Cleveland Hills, 225 Climate of Europe, 29-46 climatic zones, 38-39; factors influenc- ing, 29-33; influences on European life, 39-40; precipitation, 36-38, (30, 31, 37) ; temperature, 33-36, (32, 33) Climates of European countries: Balkan Peninsula, 591; British Isles, 214-217, (215); Bulgaria, 608-609; Czechoslovakia, 450-451; Denmark, 339; Finland, 503-504; France, 263- 264; Germany, 359-36o; Hungary, 572; Italy, 636-637; Netherlands, 319; New Baltic States, 495; Poland, 4741 Rumania, 552, (553); Russia, 518- 521, (520) ; Scandinavian Peninsula, 179-181; Spain and Portugal, 669- 671, (670) ; Switzerland, 408-409 Clyde, 220. 221, (218) Cnossus, 626 Coal: Austria, 442; Belgium, 300, 308; Brit- ish Isles, 241-243, (242) ; Czechoslo- vakia, 445, 460, (455) J England, 225, 226; Europe, 105-110, (108) ; France, 287-288; Germany, 368, 389-390; Italy, 658; Netherlands, 330; Poland, 476, 487; Rumania, 564; Russia, 528, 539; Spain, 675, 690; Spitsbergen, 191; Wales, 223 Cobh (Queenstown), 235 Colmar, 270 Colonies: Belgium, 311-312; Denmark, 349; France, 67, 294; Italy, 631; Nether- lands, 334-335; United Kingdom, 66, 254-256 Commerce of Europe, 162-169, (147), (157) ; character of commerce, 166- 168; history, 162-163; future of com- merce, 169; present importance, 164- 165; restrictions to commerce, 168-169 Commerce (foreign) of European coun- tries : Albania, 604; Austria, 444-445; Balkan Peninsula, 592; Belgium, 311; Bul- garia, 615; Czechoslovakia, 464-465; Denmark, 348-349; Finland, 509-510; France, 293; Germany, 399-402; Greece, 627-628; Hungary, 583; Italy, 663; Netherlands, 333-334; New Baltic States, 498-500; Norway, 190; Poland, 489-490; Rumania, 566- 567; Russia, 545-546; Spain and Portugal, 691-692; Sweden, 203-204; Switzerland, 424-425; United King- dom, 251-254; Yugoslavia, 601-602 Como, 639, 662, (635) Como, Lake, 639, (635) Constanta, 552, 556, 558 Copper, 114, 690 Cordoba, 691, (670) Corfu, 626 Corinth, Gulf of, 624 Corinth Ship Canal, 154 Cork, 234, (233) Corn, 37-7$, 562, 574, 579, 590, 610, 622, 643, (579) La Corufia, 673, (670) Cote cl'Azur, 273 Cote d'Or, 272, (265) Cotswold Hills, 229 Cotton textile industry: Austria, 444; Belgium, 309-310; British Isles, 227-228, 249; Europe, 139-140; France, 290-291; Germany, 396; Italy, 660; Russia, 525 Coventry, 227, (218) Creus, Cape, 676 le Creusot, 287, 290, (262) Croatia, 588 Croats, 592, 593; 594 Croydon, 231, (218) Cultural activities of Europe, 62-65 art, 62-63; education, 63-64; literature, 63; music, 63; philosophy, 63; reasons for cultural activity, 64-65; science, 64 Cumberland Highlands, 222, 229 Cuxhaven, 365 Cyclades, 624 Czech Basin, 81, 88, 129, 365