114 Faraday's Researches electrolytical will be understood at once: muriatic acid is electro- lytical, boracic acid is not. 401. Finally, I require a term to express those bodies which can pass to the electrodes, or, as they are usually called, the poles. Substances are frequently spoken of as being electro- negative, or electro-positive, according as they go under the supposed influence of a direct attraction to the positive or nega- tive pole. But these terms are much too significant for the use to which I should have to put them; for though the mean- ings are perhaps right, they are only hypothetical, and may be wrong; and then, through a very imperceptible, but still very dangerous, because continual, influence, they do great injury to science, by contracting and limiting the habitual views of those engaged in pursuing it. I propose to distinguish such bodies by calling those anions ^ which go to the anode of the decom- posing body; and those passing to the cathode, cations ; 2 and when I have occasion to speak of these together, I shall call them ions. Thus, the chloride of lead is an electrolyte, and when electrolysed evolves, the two ions, chlorine and lead, the former being an onion, and the latter a cation. 402. These terms being once well defined, will, I hope, in their use enable me to avoid much periphrasis and ambiguity of expression. I do not mean to press them into service more frequently than will be required, for I am fully aware that names are one thing and science another.3 403. It will be well understood that I am giving no opinion respecting the nature of the electric current now, beyond what I have done on former occasions (19, 253); and that though I speak of the current as proceeding from the parts which are positive to those which are negative (399), it is merely in accord- ance with the conventional, though in some degree tacit, agree- ment entered into by scientific men, that they may have a constant, certain, and definite means of referring to the direction of the forces of that current. 1 dvL&v that which goes up. (Neuter participle.) - KOLTLV that which goes down. 3 Since this paper was read, I have changed some of the terms which were first proposed, that I might employ only such as were at the same time simple in their nature, clear in their reference, and free from hypothesis. of electricity: it is analogous in its sense and sound