Ecological Communities on the Red Rock Lakes National Wildlife Refuge: Inventory and Review of Aspen and Wetland Systems Fr^hTcdfitr ditluiiiu Jem F=iiil Hindiu^i , Marc Jaiui, lAanfuu Nhtvrkl Hent4^« T^4|T4^ Natural Rcf aurr « Inf4irL 4d«TV Syitcm M«Btuu Stntf Librixy Jiiiu2«0E MONTANA Natural Heritage Program Ecological Communities on the Red Rock Lakes National Wildlife Refuge: Inventory and Review of Aspen and Wetland Systems it«iRc.ctLayiENp.tiE-P,lWiaMeRrfaff Homd^lohr Route Bek IJ LK^.Moihni ^7^ Purdufs OrdtrN ti01£lDP7?l Kvpirtdby: [^ithfimt Jf *n , P*ul H^ndncRs , MtJE Jonts ,3.fve CDaper md John [^txlfon Montuu Nitari 1 HeriUe^ FiD^un 15 15 Etft Sixth Av*nu* ^ n s r A N A Natural Heritage Program if 1 4^ Na^fid RcsAHix @ 2002 M4al4iu Nafurvil Hcrit^^ Pn^mn PO Boi 301300 »1515EiftSKiiiAup • I-Ielau MT 5at.]0--3:: • 40iS-444-J0aS Th2s dDCTixoeiit shauld be dtdiEfallDiTs {: Jeui ,ttil 2QD2 Ecolagictl [:aiumimjtip e EmOu Re d RocRs Ltlr^ s Nitianil WddM t Refuge iLiveiitoiy ind Etvif^ cd AEp^n md Wttlmd Eyrtems Report to tht EtdRai± LihtE NhtiDiii 1 WildUe Refagf Montuu Nitari 1 n«itie^ FrD^ua, He leni , MDiitULi 3o pp p^^f tppendiEEE ACKNO WLE D GME NTS Thanhs tc Daim7 Goiue^ R£laC# MaiiAgei »t R^d Rock I^#s NAtional \WiiIife Refuge fi^ piQject And for piQvidiiig flecks; to uiI&ihaI lile; We aLo Appi'«Mal& limSwAnsDii, Fiaject Du^chn Ibi He NAti.ii# Coia^TTSDcy (TNC) ui CeiilmiiiAl YdiQ^y^ Aiid TNC intem? Kfn7 Pahl and NaSkAii Kotb Suu' CDntuuied mtei-e it ui the biadiveisity of C#iileiiniAl VJler Thanhs also to jtafFa I ttc Montana N^Ku'aI He iitn^ PiD^iaiu Wtiitn£7WEbeidesignedmdpii]du£ednvLps rbr ifae recoil. Tenia Keimey piocassed and entei^ mfDiiiiatiDii and pliotagraphic images uitc pnngiaiii databases Ttas t^p[^~t1>eiiE!it!Ed;ignificaiid7^niwm'kfiuidedby Montana D&pailmenlalTlnvin^ Quality and fldnmus ten ^ 3 7 Lmd» ^ ani, to identify and describe sigmficanlwetlands ui Montana. Hianks to Sue C lis pin wliD helped edil and Jd7 Lew u for prcof-readine and pioductiDn assis tance Thaighthis I'epoithas pnDEted^nTittc JuppoitandcDntiibutions aFniai^peDple,an7eiiai5 of conimusiDn Di Dims s ion I'sst TTith the authoc . TliEpicqectiTas funded h 7 Itc ITS FuhV^ldhfeSemceRiichaseoider H6013aP771- Table of Contents AckncK¥ledEiii&i±: _ _ _ _ i Table of Canfent . ... 21 IntiEductioii _ _ _ _ _ [ Pliy::ical^ettii^ . . . . I LccAtian _ _ _ _ 1 Geolocy _ _ _ _ 3 Clumte . . . . 4 Vegetatioii _ _ _ _ 4 Metlcdi . . . . 5 liK^niDiy . . . . 5 NDitifiiclatuit _ _ _ _ 6 D a ia Manage in&nt and AhaI^u .... 7 StatiJ of Anutiftl,PlaDlandCoinrtiLni|y InvEiitDiies S AnunaL . . . . E PUiib ... 13 NatuiJ Caroniiiuties ... 14 Overvi€w of W&iJand and Aspen Hibitat ... 16 Wetlani Habiiab . . . ifi Pliy::ical^ettii^ ... 16 Vegetation Descnption ... 16 Ke7 EnTuonmental FactoH ... ... 17 HabitalValoej . . . !7 LaniU3# ... IE Eraticj ... IE Qualms Aspen Habitat ... IE Pliy::ical^ettii^ ... IE Vegetation Descnption ... 19 Ke7 Eirmonmenlal Factos ... ... 20 HabitalValoe! ... 21 LaoiU3# ... 22 Eraticj ... 23 Statu of Aspen HAitat ... 23 Futiu^ tivenlDiy Recoimn&ndatiDni .... 25 Liteiahu^ Cited .... 27 FigaiBl RfidRoiJzLjlEjHatiDniJ^WdlifeEeEiee^tidyAi^araLp FigoiB 1 Mapi}ed recDrdj oTbi'eeding and lunbieeduigaD^lubiaii:? Fi£aiB3 Mapped obs errahon lecoids for 16 vasciilai planb afcan^em FieaiB4 Ajpen^ Wetland, ^ age-; tepp«, and C Dnil#iDiu Foi'e^t Habitats on the Relate Table 1. VeilEbiale; of Concern and Conseirahonlnleiest TAIe2. An^MiiMBandReptilesoFCoiicenianRidl^tf Lakes NWR Table 3. VaiaJai Plants of CaicemonRedEiKkLaltea NWR Appei^DE A Red Rock Lakes "National \Wdlife Relbge Anmtated BHiagiaphy u INTRODUCHON l^dRockLEOMsNatraiiJ^Wdlifel^tU^lin'^-f^ ctflblblifid 3pecifij:Edl7tDpianDte tlie biig-teini cDtueiv^tian aftlifi Tnm^^t^r ^wAii ( Ql £?zjij brw^cznaiijr) {Bsni^ I96Q) He RefugeupAitofaiiAtiDtiAl n&hTDik of lands and WAtei^ irith tli£ poij^ Beav^rliead Mcontains Section (M33!?E)j and two Subsectionij Scatliwest Montana Inte lire ntane B a; nu and Valleys (M332Ej) and S mltcm Beaveihead Mcuntains (M332Er) Behind tlie characteii;tics of the ecDre^ionalsnbsections^ ItciB are sevei^yety iir^oitantfacloi^ infli.iencnig tlie Refuge 's en vuDuirc lit Tliese uie kid e tlie east-ires t ti'ending and lelatiTely high C entenmal Maintain; , tliehighbase elevation(appionmatel76,600f1}atthfi valley ';easlein extiemity, the fact that tlieYalle7is ' PiibliE Lm 105-^7, iaj=" CouffPSf en^curg^j^ed by exteii^iv^ aiid relAtiv^ly tn^hup'^^di^ dtrd Be piE^#iicQ of the Ui^s llAkeAretlAid coi^#x ui Fvloiir Alia Fe re umal 3 beam density u relatiT^xy loiv Aud All^tieaiii; Qmr ttcs hraid into tlifi Red Rock Rinr. GE OL OGV AND S«LS Ttc CentEiunEd Mcnuitaiiu, wlnjJLfonn tli& jcathembDider aFth&RelaC#, are at]lDckfai.ilt range of ifae LAxaiinde Oii>geny, aiid are tliE only e^st-iv e^t h'enduig lange of significant ib lie Fiil Montana 1^7 aLo rbniTL tlie C Dntmental DiTide uitfau lagian, which mn; fiomMoinda Pajs at 6,7^11 ei^'^ii^?™^!^^^^^ m elcT^hon eas hiaid for abcuil 35 iitJe 1 ^ tit iT-glie-^t Tio_rt o:'^'[:l^:^t Jefl#E:on(10j211 tl) Hie eastern half of the lange wai eKtemiT^ly g_a: _? '£ [i d.^lll■g 1"^ Pleu1]cenfi perjid^ and a T^iy niKcd, north-facuig ejcaipniBiit to^T^n: 3^1X1 fl or^r ttc jcatlih cundaiy of the Rf Gige Ttc ^tiBmr andriT^c of thcare^are nud^rately enti^nctcd and cans tandy adjujtuig to the paj I and contuumig uphfl of JuuDundme nnintain lanfiK Ttc Centennial Valky u a classic higli-elev^tian uil&iniDntaiiE bajin (6,S]Z0 ft aI its uppei end) diained by tli&weshTard tloiTjjig Red Ecck Rivti, a tiibutaiy to tlie H^aveihead Rivei andu'*ni7iately t*'^ Mu^oun Rit^i Od#ll and HelliDuing Ciaek^ oiiguial&anthenDrtli-flankDftheCentEniiLEdMa^irA-it? ann draniuitcRfd Rock River Uppei and Loirei Rfd Rock Lake^ ai^ sliallnr (^vei^e d#ptli ^cat 3 fl, AitiGcially niaintanifid) IE nmanb of nui^ extensive aiv:e^tial lak#s Siat fomiEd uithe pbivial chnHte; of tli& Fbistoc#ne and ^arly HolfKeiifr epocli; Ttc geology md geccliemutiy of the; e and otter lentic w ate is an pn^Eledin PanILn(1973) Tte Cenlemual Mountani; and Valley we I'e created ui Fal€ocene andEoc#ne hire^ and fiuthei elevated in tlifr lat# Fbocenfr, witlinpLFlconhniing ala lesseiiale to the present TIie rejultuig eicKionhas b##n enDuucoj, fiHiTig IIie 6-iuile wide Centennial b asm to an unknown deptli witli ^edinwnt; inauily Gnm MiDccne vdcanic; (bothintiient-iichbas Alt: and iiitu#nt-pcoi rliyohte;) and fionTiPaleosiic, Me^os^ic and e ally Tertiaiy ;e dime ntaiy lEck Pleistocene seduuenh have b een deposited dt^i Sie valley Qdoi inbioad, gently sloping alhiTial fan; Di in lake 2 tlia I have expanded and contiac ted it ifli tli& chinahc flue tuation; of Q^B Fl#EtDccne and HoliKene In late Fbistocene and e ally HoliKene tinus (ab cut 1 !?,rXK) ycai: BP), wafer fiDin melted glacie is iiiinda fed tlie Centennial Valley When the w ate is receded, areas of uiv:ons ohdated aUuYnunweii left exposed to piev^ihng STinds, piesumably fioni the noitlire^t a; indicated by dime development b eing aiaiate towaid tlie s cuttc as t (thai gh ttc dune -sy^te in geiu rally tie ndj s cutlvres t to noiilieas t) Ttc dan^s aiecon^osed □f Gne sand, with silt-si^^ and finer lualeiials having blown out to tlieeast Hdiue to auniqae flora and fauna, tlie done; eontiiiie to shift accoidnig to local patterns of des tabih^tion attiibuted to convex m'^ractioiu of lo dent activity, giazuig pi^eijuie, fire, and pie Tailing wuids Ah o associated with tte le tie at of PlE^tocene lakes aie eiuergentb^ache; , tliose neai 8« luith-^liaDie of Red Rock Lakes are especially laige and well developed 1. l^dRDDkLahcjNaluiialVvildLfERErii^SiiidyAi^E^nHp ELM IliEnplAiid sDib of the Relb^^ liav^ beenclAs^iCed, desciJieii aiid iiiapp«db7Nieban And F^nuwoitfa fl%5) Tli&y lound eight of tli£ learecDginzed jDiloidet^ foi tte Uiuted^t^le; And At tli& finest Ict^I of clAssiGcatiDii^ S uidiTuiuAl ;oil ;eii£; i^pi^senhngalnglil^TelofvAiialiDnfarsaclialuiuted Ai'ea Only A few of the;e 111^117^011 types ai^ caimtiDii Aiid #xteii;iT? on the R^Eige, itiSl 6Q% of the mapped areA cDtuu hug aftlie Chuig, Bug, Rzyiu^fbid, Aiid Bi'eca ^#ne^ And Sie ArradA-Beckton, AxradA-Chui^ And peat- iiuck CDiiiplexe; Climate Ttc chmate of g^Atei ; outhir extern Ma utatiA CAnbe desciJied as seim-and And teiiduig tniTAid CouhnEtitAl witli A stiDtig IT intei-siuuTiTcr ten^rAtuE CDtitiast, hcnr evei, tlie nuuercm^ iiuustAiii iAiig#j geiuiAte IqcaI distuicliDiQ and pecuhanties. For ins lance, Bu eAJ l-^res t oiientahDii □£ tlie CenteimiAl MaintAin lAiigE pcHiliDti; it tc uileicept cells of niDu t all tlial auguiale in the Gnlf of M#XKD Aiid '"diifV" tiDithiT a^ in lale jummei Tliesecelb aie tlie scoii:# of lelAtiYely pisdictable Af^incon thindeistcnreis that CAiibe qaite uifen^e And can caiu# the mcoiilanL iiiEAdcnTS to ie mam green long mta Sie graiTing seas on A T^iAge amnAl piecipitatianal Late view 16,700 ft) At Ite veiy baie of the iAng# u ^ I ^ uijJies — qaite lugli rbr A valley location IcDiipaie to VJudon^ MontAna anolhei T^lky loca turn At 6,100 fl cleTahim, w hich lEceiT^; only 115 inclies anniAlly) PiacipitatiDii pmfaably exceeds ^0 inctcs tieai the ciesI g£ Sie CentemuAl McRintaina Pi^ecipitahon u lelatively evenly du tribute d thnniEtini I tlie ye at with tliE eK^eption of A jpiing tiul^ in M Ay And Jane, a penod typicAlly leceiYing a little l^s^ than 1/3 afthe Aveiage Aiuiial piecipitation. Huj piecipitAtian bulge u typical lai iTestem Montana'^ maintAmm; Aieas Nat uncomnunlv, sn^iwlall Dccun: eveiy montli of ttc yeAr and can AccunnlAte b v tliE endafwmtei lodeptlis nfliOinchea- TI1E aveii^e July maxmniu teiiTgeiAtiiie u 76^F^ ttc wanufist recorded ninuuEr dAy has tie vei exceeded 94 degiees TIie AveiAge Janiaxynuimuiniu -K F, tlie colder t dAy ui Decenbei, Janiaiy, And Febmaiy can be low e J tlian -40* F with An all-time re c Did low a F -49* F Theyeailymeanten^eiatai'euanly 35*F, the lo^rest ancng lecoiding ^tAtians nLMontAiia And knr ei even tlian Montana'^ well-know 11 cold spc^ Wisdom (in the Big Hale Valley) TTicugh&ost canacmi in every lUDiitli, the fiost-fi^ee season a veiages ah cut 51 d^^3 Gom nud-June to nud-Aagajt llie^e£gure;alanEsugge^t that the valley is a veiy cold envuonmen^ Bs caiMbe pi'edicted fiDiu lis high elevation Ibu u e^aceibatedby thenaiii7mi£s^ of the valley^ the high iiuuntAm langes suiioiuiding 1^ and lulL of the AlAska Basul jus t ta the eAJt ^hich ui^de anikiiT Th&se r^clois cause deep ponding of cold An mtlie VAlley and the peisis tence of ^niTrrpAckwell into spiing nunths TI1E lAct that suJia^me lbi'e;t extends iieArly to the valley Qooi on the nortli flank □£ tlie Centennial Mcunfanu sQecb flie I'elalively cc Id teniae latiiie i^miE of this valley as it ell as it high precipitation. Vecitaticw Ttcugh tlie Refuge eoiutitiite: a ^inall aieA lelative to ttc immensity of the Centennial Valley And Mcuntam?, it eantam? mos t of tlie hab itat type^ fcond m the region Beginning m the faiglErelevTitionanthe noithEank of the Mcuntam?, the Rf Gige incbide^ a^^netyof ;eiallodgepolepinEli^nru fc^nfL7rfn> stands, and DcuglAS-fii {Pseiidotju^ jy^y^Diesu) dominated E^iesb on habitat thatwcold potentially siipfoit subalpme fbi'e^t eonposed of sub alpme Gi {Abzes ^^i^^litt^) AiidEngehuami^pnice iPzc^a ^igffhf:aiit^ Ttcse type^ aie faind ui the ^ heep MoiintAni RfseaxcliNAtiiial AieA (RN A) Along witli hnd^er puie (J^jj J^«^2^LS )-daniinated old-ginwth iTccdland: on MAdison hme;taiiE And iTanu EXfosuies Bun^hgiAS^- dommAted glass lAiids occni on Areas w ith thmnei soils TliE #xteiil And b icdiTct^ity aFwellAnd Aiid aquatic habiiat: oii ttf Relac# u 5 igmikan^ Aiid ns^be gnater tlian that of ttc enhie nurcoiidiiig i^idil Wetlands laiige £diii hEe-donuiia^d Eiig#liiHiin spnic# and qoalone aj p«n Id shiub -donuiiat^d nraiip; aiidcaus (in pailiailai a T^iiety □£ £i?E x-dDtimiated typs), to enwt^iit tctbaceoiu types Tuchaj b enhed sedge ^Ccu «.^ Jif7^^z Jfil^i^HdcniiiDateid lUAistcs aiid feii; Hifiieare fiT^n 3alt-aflKtEdj mbmigated »ieaj that 3 up pc it black greaiewcod (ScD'oxbanis vfiSTHH^aiZLirru), Nutt^ll's allcali^iajs (i^^cinff^^ELi nr[jW^ZL2?bi) aiid inland saltgias^ (Af^^Uc J f^EC=[i^)-Hdcniii^ ^ome of tlw niDst extensive ^etlatids ai'e th£»# dairaiiated by bidiTish r^fjE^^ff^Mj^f^IaL^ s^p ,balti£ m^h rJr[72f r[j fviZnczjj), b#ahed sedge and bbi€-jauTt I'eE [Lgrajs (Col^uykis} o^tis ciD2£[dei\^u) Inttc pa^t, ^anwof tli&wetlandj (md mesic mepidaiT ;)Yrei'e canTBded ^ hay&#lfL witliexotu pn^tiiie p'ajses, ui^luduigsnuotb. biaire (B^otth^ i?B37nL3>, CDnuron tutiothy fPftZff rffjiprcrlflnj*) and Kenticly bkiegiajs {Pc^p? aJ^njc j) ThE RfGige'; aquatic envuomii&nt^ and snb iiTci^d maciopl^le ^oiimuiutie^ liave b€#n cliaiacteu^^ by Paiillin (1 973}njine AiatK Yanab le;, specie; ccri7$H» iticoLand su^cessiinkAl iB^pm Hb laind tlie three nu^t flbundnnt ^qu^tic species to b#^ in deci'eAsuig oidei, RiEhfudjoii^s foiidcreed (PoSn??^sfftoyi n^h^di^^zi,^d\^-pGTA^^^A (Shi^hsy^zap^c^t^^i^ = i^^i?n?^fc^EpecfinA?jLr),and;liDi~tspikewateiTi7ii]iail ^1 ?iop!l\flroyi sibz^iciirn = ^r^^^^hJpf{^IhIm eyoIbe^c^yu-X and noted that fcui specie^ ginuiH ^auld be le^ogmzed, n^^ociated with water clienustiy and jubs tiate cliaiacteiutic^ By fai ttc iiu^tcommDn^^ge tation type w ithintlie ^eatei Centennial I'egionr: s ^gebmsli-^ teppe doiuinated by nmintanibig sagebnish(^?«^ra jui £1 E^nfL^Ca 3sp voj^i Lir^> and "tc snr^ligiikj;, Idalio Fesrae (i^ jfzj^a u/aho^Tuis) Shmb -steppe E ^hfLi^ctenzed b y one or nuie ^agebnish taxa that laim » lucde^t ^liiob cavci □f ^oiit I D% ta ^^% canopy CDTei The remainder of the ;hiab-^tepp« ui the legion coiuuts of a nind^er □f othei jagebnish taxa (all of whi^h ccciii on the ReGige) including b asm big sagebmsh (Jirte??m^uL and three-tipsagebm^h (Arten^sia tripartitaX eachwithpaificular substrate leqiuieinent:: and/oi disturbance Kspcnse; Ttc C elite nmal !^ andhilL heouBie uortheinedge of the ReRige and fauna unique I'egional envuDmuEnt supportuig a iiuibei of ; en; itiT? plant specie; and lare natuial coiunurutie^ Ttc ; and lulh uv: bide several ui^Kurtant natural coiunurutie^ S onie aie coiuideied lang-teimst^le (oi cinuax) v^etatioi^ soch as bajin big sage and thiee-tip sagebmsh shiub land^ w itli a needle-and- thread grass (!!ffjp^To^tzp£i= Slzpa coTT^^a) Di Idaho fescue unde is taiy Othei ^andlulL CDiumimties seial, and depend on active sand duius andblo^r- cati: , thfise mcbide gi'ee:^ labbilbnu h({^;i jolft^m^ui^ vuc^dflo? au) /needle-and-tluead giBS s and tluck-spike wtcatgiass V s live r leaf pliac e ha (&^ mu loi^^ofatiis / i^^^v^ba Aiu fci^ heibacecoj vegetaticn^ which is con^ideied globallv significant (G!?fS 2) Methods As a tiist step, we le viewed previoiu mventDry and juivey woik on tlie RePige ta b etter utiH^ en^tuig uifaiiuation and to identify data gaps Iniaiiuatian scoi'ces inchide RfCige files and notes, state and umv^city Ebraii£s, and Montana natuial Rentage Piogiaiu (MIVHP) Qles An annotated bibliogiaphy in Appendix A summarizes mich of Bus piesims work We also leviewed leeoids ui the MTNHP databas es rbr eon^Jeteness, date of last cbseirvation and acaiiacy INVE^^TOR¥ We conducted field uiventones oFplant species, natural eoiuniinities , teiies tiialniolbisks, amphibians^ binds and small niamiuals ui wetlands and qaakn^ aspenhabitats onthe Rf Gige dumig the soiumei of OCO I Our bbjectivewas to s^teinatic ally docDmeid and evaluate distiibntian^ hah itats and status N^IuitlI ^aimiuuuhe^ iT#ie m^cntoned ui tli£ wetUiid and qoAhuie Asp&nlubilat b 7walkuig and lecoiduig h^ itat fe^iiu^; U^iiie a Rapid Ecological As^essivciil (RE A) l&chiiiqi.i#, we t^cmd^d tlifr coii^NDsitio^ DiEDi hTDof ttc lAi^^t qunhuig aspen ti^#3 peiplo^ire tcok an umeiii&nt coi'e sample And meAJiuEd ihe diametei at b lEaj lli£iclit Id es labluh E^ of ttf donnnaiit DT?t::tDiy Saii^luig iDok place acii»j an en^iinnmfintal gi^diEnt^ Ihu tectmiqae pioride^ » d#3 cjiptian of the tatRl landscape pattE 111 We c [Elected nuii detailed ecology plo I data ui ^CY^ial lai^ p^tch quaking aspens lands tlialwere XElatively lioinogeiiecus and had more luuibiTiTL en vuDnn7£iitd conditions . ^^ defined plani ns^ociatiDii:? based on tlie li^iT^tional Clajsificahon of Ecological Comrmnilifi; (Naloi'eS eive 200^ Tlii;dfltaba3#, deT*lop*dbyTlieHfltiu^Coiiieivancy(TlIC)ftndNati.iie^#iT^, fomu tliebAsu for a ^tandandi^^ Nahonal VegetatiDnClajsi&catioiv ll uicotpoi^le; and expands onpubhslied itife and regional plani CO irmuuuty clajsiQcahDns, nich as Pfister elaL (1977), Muegglei and Slewart fl9Ba>, HEUB#netal (1995), Coopei et al (1999) Eud l*iegglei (I9SS) Foi aqaatic cDmrnimtiea, we tefened tc Pieni^'^ classiGcationoFaqaatic vegetationuiwes lemMontaiiA and luibemldntc] (Pietre 2CO0) EHunal jujrey? fbciued on selected a^pen and wetlands habitats and a few adj Kent site^ , and eirgha^i^^ aninialgiEups tlkat aie eccJogicaUyinT^m^aiilui tluse habitats oi lend lob # res trK ted to tlvi^^ We made daily visit:: fiom July 6 Id 9 to ^n[ selected qaalong aspen elands to document budnje and hve-hap small mamnvdj We aLo ^earc ted briefly for teues hial s naiL ma few standi Durmg this sanT^Jing peiicd we weie vigilant fbi aii^iibians and i^ptiles , but did iiot nuhe special eflo it to juivey foi tlienL Seveial^maU wetland sites amnd Uppei Red Rix:k Lake wei'e juiveycd for an^iibians between 30 Angiist and 1 S eplent#^ iTith less aHention to qi.iakmg aspen stands durmg this Tisit. S niall iiianunaL wei^ sainpled on sn[ trap lines placed m qaahmg aspens tands Tiap lines consisted of ten stations eacli, placed 20 paces ap ait Each station consis led oFa singl# S tcnnan hve ti^p baited witli icUed E»ts and a s ingle mis eiun special snap hap baited it ith p earn I bn Iter. Ti^ps irere ctccked each nuining, closed at that tune^ and ies#t m tlie #venine Hand ram p immature ly tnpped some ti^ps^ and #lk damaged a feTT. Total ti^p-mghtssanT^Jedwas 26S. We mainlained daily lis b of^uds detected in qiiakuig aspen stands while it# tended Ihe small mammal tiap lm£s, and noted evidence ofbi'eeding S nails irere sampled by searching Ihmogh leaf htter and undei fallen logs and bark, especially durmg peiiods of c cole 1 and we tt#r we athei We did lut examine soil san^#s for snaih, so tlie lis I of t#ii'estnal snail species as socialed TriSi quahmg asp«n on tlie Refiige is mcon^Jete 3 elected wetland siles w#re siirre ye d fox tlie pits e ice of airghib lans by slmrly travBrsLTg tlifoiigh tlie site and peiicdic ally sweeping tlie w ate 1 with a net Counts wei'e made of tad pcles, bans forms d ;iiYeniles , and adults. I^iticalai eflbitwas made loexamme small w ate i bodies neai tlie base of avalanjihe slopes tliat appealed tobfi fed h y subsniface streams We wei'e als o vigilanl fbiiuad -killed mdividaals _ Nomenclature ~ IhE ^'ittir pIictikI Clissifi:*tiiHi of Ec Dlf^ hi CouiDiimtiPS ? 4 lupiixcluE il f lisstf^ uiiLthp biTtft -evE I {if f ocutKni md dinner f ) Hid stziic^iTE (pl^~ii£]^iaii^)*ttlielu^ft^vtlf C\iiitnt^tli£ ippei l£Vf Is of tlie lupiu'cl'^hivp bten q^H^iTsd ts I ckssifK itiDn ftmdiid by tlie F^deiil [j«c^iplu£ Dit* tomnilflp CTODCIflW) Tte piuciple tlomtic i^elereiiEK lu ad for plant id enhficAtion inc hided HitchEock at al (1955-1969) And DDni(l9S4). Inkaepuig ivith LiteiikAhonal ClAJsiEcatiDii ofEcalogicAl C Diiiiaiiiities (NahuBSeive^lXl^}, we follnTed ttf iiDnTciiElalai'e pie^ Eiited ui KaiI&sz ( 1999) for vRsailai plAiit, except foibogb ii:ch{Bfftfda fio^Jc^ a), wlwt^ we u;ed tlifr Flm'A oIlTcnih Aiueuca IFuoloT 1F97| FoiiiicKs^swefollmTed AiideisDn fl9TO>aiidAndei3[m#lal (1950)- TwD otter tiLXDiiDiTiic «ni;id#i7Ltians »ie wai&iiDtmg Tte fiist cone em? que conuiu ii wetland s edg^ , oil eii called h eated 3 edE#, wlmch liai been #nDiificu;ly £ ftlled ^Lirff x roj f? l^Tlt ni pravioiu stidies While Caiex ro J t? LifLi doe; □cciu' in iiDrtli^#steiiL Montana, it u veiyiai'e In tin; refoi~^iTe i^fer ta b#aked sed^ a; Carvj r[lrTcr[/^Li(GnEitli; 1939) S ecoiidly, we iu#EiigelirLaim;piiice(J^4A4TE^/?fHnPGzJtcnicIude white ipmce tPicea en^ln^^Dzzz^ Pi^ea ^axw^a}^ md Sienl^i'idj (DanbeinunB 1974) CaimiiDii and scientific lunwnclahuB oTbinij ciled in thu I'epaitfoUmrs the seventh edition of ttc AniEncAnOniiBiDlDgut3'UnionCliEcklEt(A_0 U l^9S)Andmpplen7ent (A U JIOO), manmifllj follow FoiEsniAn (20D1 ), anT^Jubians andisptile^ Ibllow^tEhbinsll^S^}, Eshfallo^r HoUonand John;on11996), and ten^^tml iiBlbula foUm PiLbiy(1939, 1940, 1946, 1943). DataManacimfnt and Analysis Cairmnnity ecaldgy plots were liKaled on the e^cond u^ing US GS 1 24,000 quad maps, le corded with a Glcbal PajitianS ystein(GF2 ) And laleinplaaded nita a Geogiaphic LifanuAtionS >Tteri7L(Gl^ ) AllploldatA w e IE tianscnb ed into a confute u^^ datTib as e foinul^u and peiman&nt stoiag# ni Hentage data^^rtenx Td dociinifinf T1i& ccaintnce oFqaalong a; pen and wetland CDniniinifi#3 ranked as bavirg OHts ^ rjdbig qiiahty Di considei'ed raiB oi nipeukd, we entered » CDinmimty cccuiienEE lecaid nilc the ;tandard_zed Biological Cans erratiDn Database (BCD) TlieDccuaieiicEiEccidincbide^inToiniahDn nuchas RGMclas^^Ccnraidin class ^subclajs (Co^raidin et al 1979), dannnant specie;, l^diolo^, and landscape settnig Commimty elenwnt DccuuencE lecoids weiB also geo-i^fereiv^ed, digitized and mcoipcialed nitc the jpahal CDinpcnEnt of tli& MTNHP data system InTbiniatiangaSieiBd onqaalone aspenaiidw#4and habilat was sunuTiaii^^ (# g , e^neialsite descnptiDiQ, emlogical diTEisity, an- mdof^ite land us #s, iuanag#iuenl needs} and enl&ied inta asite i^caidniBCD Detailed plantcDinmimty ah ^tracts w eie created ta cliaiacteii^ b othc a nuiion and luicDinircn quaking aspen and wetland plant canutnnitie! T1ies# mcbide mibinTLatian £Dni » vaiiety af scmi'ces daciuuentnig cmuininity lange, typical laiids^ape jetting^ typKal ;p&£i» ccni^NDSitian, jiicc#s;ia Hie baindanes of each quaking asp«n and wetland site we le digitized as fol^^Diu and stoied associated spatial dataOles We applied Caiv^bell and Barlos 's ( jCOI ) Key Id qnakuig aspen Ris k Factois ta pnoiiti^ the stands whsie lestoiatian and conseiT^tiDii actiTitie; may be needed ta enhaiv^e tlie siunval of tliE quaking as p«n ;tand TliE five nsk factors for quaking aspen dominated stand; aie 1_ Canifei cov^r fandeistoiy and aveistaiy) gieater than 35% 2 Quaking asp€n canopy CO vei less than 40% i_ Dommant quaking aspen tiees giealei tlian IQO yeais aid 4. Quaking as p« 11 le gene lahon l^ss tlian 500 s lems per acie (5 — 15 feet tall) 5. 2 ageh msh covEi greatei than 1 0% Status of Animal, Plant and Community Inventories Ammals Mucliof ttc b iDlo^ical umntDiyDf mimab ontli^RfiGige ha; IbciuBEiDnal^TT species of Inglicanserr^tiDn cDiuzeiiL FoiBnu^t Aiiung ttc3# u ttc Tiiuii^tei SwAn. R£d Rock Lake; N\VR was e; tab Lulled specifically topiDiiiDte tlie long- teim Conine iT^tion af tluj bud IB anka I960), tt Inch coiihnie; to be Aiiiajoi laciu of RfifU^ actiTihes ^CT^ialDthei bud species oFcDti;ei~v'7LtiancDiu:B£nflBtiue Aquatic and wetland lubilat (Table I) ha^? benefited fiDiu the piDtectioiiaFthe iTedatids airi bbs far the firans, hciweT^i troitiiie irumlDmig aFttcs# jp&ciK liK notbeeii » puciit^far Sie Rf Gige in die pas I Moie recently, bald eagle And peregnne lakonnEst: liavc b eeii iiuiiilDtBd^ tlie latter species a; part of a s lal&iTide snivey iSmnnei and Ro^is 19^9) , pairs ofb Dth ;pE ci#s loutmelyluuitw^teifa^Tl on the Relag# Bec^ueiT#tlaiidj»ieui^»oitant h^ itat on di& Refii^ foi a imib ei of aninTial species , stiidies of Sie m^iacts on Itc vegetatiDn of natiT? and non-natn^ gia^r: and biowseis Lat? b e&n conducted (e g , Doinl97Q) T^le L Veitebiates of Concern (Caibon ^01) and Manlana Pailners In Flighl puonties I or II doauuent^ in the R^d Rock Lake; National \Wdlife Reloge Habitat associAtians ^itluii Sie Refug#are uidicated. Brackets aiiund CDimuon bud names indicate b i?e ding no I docQinentei CoimnDnNunc C«iKcrv;it»n ^f^t^ Babitat?' Fidi Weitslapfr CntduDAt Tioiit Ofu^ho?t^?^hii^ cltof^iewui Concern 1 Montana Arctic Giayhng JJ^^^uZZru tocm^Ais rn^nJLiTQjj Concern 1 Hnibat Lola foSa Review 1 Ajh^h^Kuts Boi'eai Ta»d B^^obco^iu Concern I. X 5. 6 BkiM [C a loniDn L oon] Gt^i^urwtwT toiKzemHI' 1 1 Homed Gi'ebe Podie^i nr^itru Potential Lomzein, PU- 11 1.3 Claik'sGreb# ^ch??Ky}-pho? ru cl^irkii Review 1.3 [AiMiican White Pelican] Peieca?^is ff?^tho\h^\c\\os ConeeuL 1 GiB^t Bli.i# HeiDn A} dea h£? oA^is Review 1.3 BSflcl-croiT red Night-Heian t^ CfLULTJ Sa J]} FftiJCT lU Concern T Wkte-fflced ^.i; Phs^^ L?^Ja CoiKzein, HF II 2 Tnuiip*tei SwnL {JifiPflu btij^cm^tt^ CoHZBin, HF I 1 1,3 Banuw's Golden&ve Ric^ph^a zsia?^ca PIFn 1.5 Hocded HeiEansei Lophodile^ cwcfilfa^u PIFn 1.5 Ba-::Ea&le HnJLOf Ffra hiif-ocephnlfi^ toiKzeij^HI' U :!.5 NoitheuL Goshawk A^cipte? g^i\nlu CoiKzeiT. ?-F n 5 Swainson'j Hawk Bi]i£o SM m.i\^o?u Potential Concem 3.4 Fenaginoiis Ha^k BJifeo^^^Jij toiKzein^Ht U 3,4 Peregmie Falcon FqIco ^fTfigrerau Co-reiT. HF H ^5 Rnfled Giouse Bo?za^£i \D7^fh{^ FIFL 5.6 Gi^eatei ^ agE-GiDQ je Centroce^ ru j^rcp^ajLonrtJ Potential Cone e in, PIFI 3 Plack-n&cked^tilf| !h??KD2topri^ yy^y2^a?uis Review 1.5 Lorg-b:!^ed Cuifcw N?IIY\£^]Z2U iD7^71^a?^lS Potential Comzem, PIF El 3.4 Maibled GodiTif Lz??ieMafsdoa PIFn 3.3.4 VTilion's PhfllMope P?i/Jn7 opru nTM^LTr Review 1.:? FninHui'3 GuU tLU rtj pzpi-\ca?z CoiKzem, WF n I.I! FoEtei'a Tern i^e^i^fm^t^n Coijceir^ F_F L I.I! [BlKk Tem] Chlido?ZUIS 3ZIgB3 CorjieiT. ?:f i: 1.:^ [BuizDiT uig OttI] j4£pt£n£ i?2ZrL2^2 JlHTlT toiK:eiii,Ht 1 3,4 Gi^fltG^ayOrrl JbX-T WF&JiJl^lT ConceuL 5 Aio JJa?wfE ru Review 3,4 Sielliila coHiope mu 5,6 Bia^d-iRiled HTuminiiebuii Selasptt^Tnu piai;\c^rcft^ CoiEeoi 5,6 [LewE 3 \Vocdp€ck#i] iJffifm£?j?ffj JffU'jj toiK:eiii,Ht II 5.6 V^lliAiiB oil's S apjocker ^Jfvj^^^wru f'l^TLTutzJJ Review, PIF El 5.6 Rfd-uAped S ^psacker ^J^ ?^97if r[j ^ftehaiu PIFn 5.6 [liiree-taeEl ■rVooElpecJsiJ Plcoidii tndiu^t} ^3^ Review, PIF 11 ^ ^ Hbclz-fe Acked Wcodpeckei f^C^ZL^ J ^ L?IU]iJ CEiiE£ni,nFI 5 OliYfr^ Jed Flvcfltclwr ^■?lU.^JLP FMfWn Cmxi^m, HF 1 ^.6 HaiiuuDud '3 Flvcfltctcr EnjjjeLiD?3a.T P[L7mmwubi FiFn 5.6 C ditMIe jaii HycAtcli&r £Viperi!onfl.T ^j^j^k^jj PIFn 5.6 LoggerhEad S tmkE Zfmizjj ^r[L^'2^2£3?zjLr Potential CoiKzem, PIF El 3.4 [Casjui'a Vii^o] J^TffCH ClU f iniE Review 5,6 H jow 11 Creep*r Csfltna A7iBn£aFta PIFI 5.6 Veeiy Catf\^ii^ ^m?£ jjjfliu PIFIJ 6 S age Thias I1E1 Ore^coptei m^nfom u Renew 3.4 [Teimejsee Waibler] [^]if[fL o?a_pfi?£^m/t Review 5.6 Hiewei '7 S ikqidw J^^fi^^ji i? fiiL^n PoteiitiAl CoiKzem, PIF El 3.4 [Lark Eimhiig] ClJawkj^^i^lt n^laiioco?^ j PoteiitiAl CoiKzem, PIF El 3.4 GraSshoppE J ^ PEUTOIT jl^miSLfi nwEiJ jlti arajL^nffii PoteiitiAlCoiKeiii^PIFEl 4 La^di Boiihug Pojj^? Z?^£liD7:0^1^ PIFn 6 Hnbcluik Doli^h£yy\\ \ ojji jr ^ jlp Review :^.3 H_Fic^ ?_ory Fuich Lffficosticte atroLa toiK:eiii,Ht II 3.5 Muhuiuk Prebb'aSluM So?e7:p7^bIez ConceuL 3,4 TowiEciid's Big-Mi^d Hat <7l7T> KO? ^KJLP fOWKJfl?tfil ConceuL 3,5 BL^k-tailEd Jacknbbit iflpjLP C{thfo?lUC2U Concern 3,4 Pygiuv Riibbit 3} {tcfixfofft^ id^tD^it^u Concern 3,4 Great Basui Pcck^l Mco3# Ps] jg?tif Jejlp payvm Concern 4 GiayWalf Cai\2s h^is Concern 5.6 Gii^7 BcAi Ursiis Luctpj ']CT?i^Jej Concern ^.6 Fulwr i^Lti fffj_^]i?MKn Concern ^ ^ N ith A ire 11c a n Wol vt niie Gf t^o p Jj ijiJFra CoDceuL ^ ^ Lynx ZL^n."^ cat2^td£?^zs Concern ^ ^ AiiiE ncaii H uon" Boi biimt Concern 3.4.5,6 ' I) ac|i.iatic, ^) wetland con^lex, 3) 3 hmb-steppe, 4) smdbOb, ^ camieiEUj ibiB!^ 6} Kp«R. ^ eKhipated Tte Upp€r CenteinuAl V Alley ii one of the few plAcei in MoiiiMia wli&ie tliviAl Aithc Giaylmg p*Kut5 Cans equently, tliu fuh species Iias been Be laciu of s#v^ial s t^iiu a^se^smenh and moniicnng efSait (N#bDnl954,KayalF90, McgEml996) Tl« W«tlope CutthiofllTnmt haj ALogeii&ELtedcanserratiDn con^euL ui recent dec»d#s (Lih^os 1954}b#cai;e of dianiahc declni^s ttaQughcrut ib nnge, iiv:bidine ifae Uppei C entenmal Valley. Ttc fkiina of teiies tnal hab itAb haY^beenle^s tliDii]uglil7fiuT«yed an Red Risk Lake; NVX ABi^edmg Bud Snivey mate ion; iT#st fiom Red Rix:k I^; tluou^h the Relag# and LakeTieir; almost half of Sie 5Q ponil-count: aie on tli& Refuge and provide ^anw bajE foi iDuc-teimniDnitoune of many faies I and ;lmib- itepp« budj Ttc RfGi^^ checJdulu fnily can^lete foi binds, mcKtly Suuugh repoil: of appoitunEtic cb^eiT^tiDiu letter tliAns y::t#nH tic mivey? The ^tAtii;, ti^nds and liabitat a^scciatiDu; of tnos Ibud jpecj^s Dnttc Rffi^eaie not well daconiBnted S luall manuual inrentaiy work haj b een limited, and tnos d7 in Ibi'ested habitab an th& jouthside of the Refill Huj liAS pioduced a ffluly con^lete luammalchecklulfaiiT^Qandand lai^st liabitats^ bulUttle uifaimationau ^tatu: and i^lahve abundance Inten^iY^ tiapping ui tli& ;lmib-;tepp« and ;andliills habilat on Sie north side of the R#fii^ (HeniiuJ:^ AndRi]«del2IX]l}iecentl7»ddedlaii;iuanniamri7Lal;peci»lD tlifr Relate cliecklut, incbidnig two of ;tate c on? etr^tion concern (H endue ks and Rixdel 2C0I:) Bat contune to b e nndei-jniT^^d thunghcnt th& Rf f i^ The checklist foi an^Iubians and reptd^s u pxabablycon^Jete oi n&aily ^a (T»bl# 2}, tliank^ tc several lecent rai-v-ejTf iRofrdel ani H#nliicki 1F5S, HeiJncks aoi Roedel 21X11, Boilonetal 2002) Hmev^r, habitat as; ociahons, need lobe uidib thDuiochly documented, e;p4ciall7 in upland ai^as, and stahu and trends aie lai£#ly nnkiiDwii- Figure 2 lUuhates tlie mapped lac^tion? of bi^edine and UDubieednig amghibian; Taible ^ An^lubian? and reptiles dDcimunted At Red Rix:k Lakes Natianal V^ldlife Refine ConunonNunc F ^cifr]hfi& N'Uh£ HitiMts^ Tig# J ^ alaiuand#r j1]^Y JjOfflT t:gri^2ID72 1 1. ]. 3, 4 Boi'eal Ta»d Bi^obco^iu 1. ]. 5, 6 Vftstem Chonu Fioj P^ff\{d{tcMj t^is^M^Ha 1. ]. 3, 4 ColuKbia ^ Tio"^:: FiDg RiD^ahtlfii^fT^tru 1.3.5,6 Weitem Teirestnal Gaiter S nake Tha??^^j?fRs e!eg(D^ ?.3.4,5,6 ^ 1) aqi.iatic, ^) wetland CDn^#]f, 3) s hmb-steppe, 4) smdhilb, 5) camiemus Ibres^ 6} a;p«n Byfai, tlifr e^Ate^t ev in Ini^ uiloirnatiDn u foi uweitebiatB Oidy ttc nu^t prehminai7 Tuivey? liave been conducted^ and only la i a few ^elEcted grcaps (hgei beetles , butteiflies , n¥Jla^ks) 1^ lut of tiger b#etbs u piobably cDu^Jete foi die sand£:ilL (ii#ndiicks and Roed^l XOl X but nat Ibi otfaei pcibon; of the Refii^.and tlie docnmentAtionoFtfaebntteiily fEunais mEon^Jete for all liabit^t^ Th& bst of teti'esti'ial snaiL kn[iwn fiDin tlifr Relac# E tclack of fccused jean^he^^iTe conducted » brief juivey ul qaaking asp&n habitat durmgsumniei 2001 Es ;enliall7 nodung is kcuiv n of atli&r nncrtebiates ontlie Refuge, e]{cept p&iliapi? aquatic msects ^m analyses aFfbhdiets . IQ F^^r2. Mapped iBcoiiij aFbi^^duiguid HDD brefdiD^AiT^Jiliiaiu rn NdDnJ ^ld>hh^>3a liTiOi-K| 11 Plants VAnm; plant uiv^ntoiifi; haTebeenconductEd mtli& C#iiteiinial i'egian(e ^ , Vand^iliontaiid Lbjica, 1994 , Lbica, 1950), hut few liave cKplicitly tAiEeted Ihe RetiiEe Wlule cDuductuie itseaich on uifeiactiaiB of iTuoje, cattle and willows, DaiiL(196S) collfctEd e^#iuiTEl7 nnd docaiii&nted 437 species anbotli the Rcfii^ and tiDxtliEin Qaiihs af Be CeiitEnmalMaiiitaiii; , InreTcr, lEfei^ti^e: to liabilalaie e^tifiialatid aiily thfi Tcuctcr specuii&ti; mduial^ wtcthfii » paiticiilai species it as recorded anitc R^Gige piopei Lowiy (1979), Tisdei contract to tli£ Biueai.! aFLaiid Management, conducted an UK^ntoiy of ttc '"Centanmal Mcuntann? Ins tantS tiid7 Ai'e»"Eiidine 362 tai[» , tos work did nol uickide Ralac# lands but points to ^pecias tlial nH7 exist on the Rf Gige, based on ^ppiopnate liabitat Culvei (1 993), irho s tudiad the dis bibuhon of sensitiva plant species on Buieai.i of Land Management landj ul tlie area aLo collected on Itc Refuge (en^Jkajizmg wetlandj) and noted tlie pies ence of otliei vascular plant species Tflble 3 lists plant species of concern aurentty documented fiom Sie Refuge in Ihe MUlMP databases (exeaihve boundaiy) Figiue 3 shoiTS mapped obserrahon lecoids Ibi 16 plani s p«cie^ of concern. T^t3. Vasmlai Plant Species of CDiK:enilHeidei:aDI)docm™ntedmtlie Red RikIc Lakes HatiDnal VAldlife Refoge and uumediate juiinundmgs Habitat as; ociahons witlun the R^Eige aiemdicaled C»ihun*n Nunc ScieiLtiGc N»hu CeihSdv^tvn ^t^tu^ Habitnta^ S itka c obi nil uie A^^ml£giafo}iY\os£i\(u ^^T?raMa MTNHP Special Status ^.6 jy^.-^A ™illi-n^+nli As^ agali^ c^T^Dysiciis Trtr ^ru BLM Sensitive 4 EaiUiead ralkvetch AstragalAis fffPTran/Ju BLM Sensitive 3 Idaho sedge Gu«^ z^ihoa BLU & fZ Sensitive 2 Maiif^iibed ;edge Caie-^ fra J/M QJlaJLi BLM Walch 7 Fendkr caf s-eve C}^i-pt£s:lh^fs^h^en 'BLMSensitiTe 4 Gieat Basin DcTmungia Dou ?znigia ia£ ta BLM Watch 2 SmdiTildrT? Fl'y ??^i^JJ(U'£SC£72J 1 BLMSensitiTe 4 DiT arf g old e i^T e e d H^lop^^ypri^ nanr u iMTNHPSpecialStatij 7 IWe eyei'nig-pmiua^e Oe72otheTap^lid^vai zdahoen^is BLM Sensitive 4 ^^-li_Tiple'3 s eaiTLtoi-^ie Pff?^ te PMj3?2 il t\2pple£i?^is BLM Sensitive 7 Flatte:_-^uefoil PoLs^]nll£iploite?uzs BLMWatJi 3 Fie jIw jtitchw ort Stfffl^-ia cjfljs^cjui BLMWafeh 2 S pmy skeleton it esd Stephcu2oyy^7ia s]7i?^sa BLM Wp^cK 3 Slendei tlielypcdy MTNHPSpEcialStatus 2 \ 1) aquatiE^ ^) wetland complex, 3) s hmh-steppe, 4) s Eoidhills, ^) camieicus forest, 6] aspen?) other Although uoKim; weeds aie cun'endy pIIit^ le^^ls on ttc ReCige, ttcy lepiesent a potenhallhreat to the native ecosj^ teifl. 5 nice 1 999 , mte ins working fa i Tte Nahii'e Cons eivancy liave mventoned, mapped and lemoved noxicos iTeeds in tlie Centenmal Valley Seveial species have been lecaided (Kaib, 2002) and ti'ea ted along the load conidoi mcbding spotted kna^eed fCr rz^ir^ff a ^^u^rc^^^fLi}, common luunds tongue (Q^'?^slixs^ fayiqQicu^e)^ yellow toadflax (Lut^ia v^Ugco-u), nuinmg glaiy (Coxivoivjilfa iDT^TUis) Canada thbtle ( (^7 jEPffu LIT vff ^4} and Mask thistle ( C^ L&Qjj ?G^Lmj), and maish scKT this tie (,^?^hii^ aiTeTuzs jsp U * VriNff]*^ I j^ iLq^ 13 Oiu of tlifr lUDst AggTESsiv^^eeds, spDfkd kiKpireed, ofleii UTTflde^ nAtiiial laiidjc»p«3 md u le foiled fii^ni tlifr load cauidor Ecology plob lakenmqaakii^asp&njtaiidjiii^COIiiidiJiatEhighaculai'CDVEiDfC^iadA thbtle in a ecu pb □£ la cation? Caiiadfl Ihutlfseenr tabe WDise ui ii¥3u I npuian jettmgs . Natural Ccsimunitib a A vcgE bhoii lUAp b Ased piiiuai'il7 on poteiitiAl natuial TEgetAtian Aiid diaf^d eKplicid7far tlu Rffi^e (Ccop&i 1999) ideiihfifid 15 plant A^^ociahon:? and a niirbei of anlhuDpo^mc coiuniuiiti£; ThesE cDnmumtiK iT#re Itcn gmiped into ^ b load liAitat type ^ as ilbuti^ted in FigiuB 4 1^ niapEbaj^don inlEipi&lahDn aflai^-scAlfi, coloi-mfiai^d photcgiapt^ along witha l#iT vegetation plots and Q&ldiute;, and ha; nnd^j^DiiE eul acauacy ass essment At the map scale en^Jayed (I ^-,0[]0) tlie great inajDiity of CDmiTiiniti» appeal as complex mosaics , the lai^s I snigle camnuuuty types ai'e wetlands chai^cleii^d by species such as bealc^d sedge, Baltic msh md bhiejoint leedgiass {Caia??^^ts9 0st:^ aoTiideii^u) These wetland types ai^ ofl#n associa ted witli ccncentiic zanatian aFlah#s oi ponds Mds t plant assDciatians piesent on the ReEige weie desciib edb y Coap«r et al ( 1999) in a le port specific for tlie BeaYeihepd Maintain^ ectiDii Hie I F99 doaiment mcoi'pciates pieviaus studies intfae iegiDn(DeVelice I99?j Ccoper et al I995)as well as wetland vegetation typ€s fiom Hanson et al (1995), range types fiiDin Mue^lei and Stewart (19S0}and forested associations fiDniFGstei et al (1977} As fmre kncnr, only Caopeietal (I W5), DeVehce ( 1993), and Hansen et al (1 W5>gfltlwred vegetation sanples an tl^ReCige MTiraP staff collected additional pfcjt data mXOI for this leport- A pielnmnfliy tire lustaiy fai tlie nortli slope of tte Centennial Range was conpiled by Pahl m jODI Pohl luedQie scaimethcdalc^y tcdEtEJininE tliat an e]dettsive, pmbably s tand-i'eplacmg Ihe occuued in 1372 , othei flies of lesser exteii^ aiid iindetenmnEd seventy liave occuned appiD]an7Lately eveiy 43 yeac pnorio setdement, only one file n 93D) has accuned since settleniEnt Vegetation studies m the Centennial Sandhills ha^? focosed on ttc soccessional dynanuc^ of tlie dime blowcats 1^ landscape sup pc it s eve lal laie plants that are associated it ith early seial en vinDnmenl:: such as xecoveimg duiu blowouts BliTrrauts ai'e created thrcugh a ninter □£ dis turbance factmi: (fire, cattle grazmg, packet gap !£ IS and then pie data is) acting alone or m conceit Lesica and C ccpcr (199S) piesented attescnptive uudEl afthe sandlidls s^temfor ttc contneied manitEnaiiE e oFeaily setal hab itats In an excellent 1973 tliesis^ Faullni descnb ed Sie a^uaticmaciDpt^tes and Sien liabitats of the Refine 's water bodies Ancng his nust intngoing Qndings it as Sie xelatively lapid rate of sedimentation m the Refuge 's vaiious iTateibodies, foUmredb y fanly predictable sere of aquatic ccmnumties ultunately leadmg to e ire 1^ lit vegetation as wateis neai about 2 lt_ in depth In the long teixt^ this process could result in significant loss of aquatic habitat. Panllinalso doaunented a ciash m the cor^r of Canada wate tweed iElodsa c^dki^?^ zsX tlie ptelened food source of the tnurgetei ssr an, , in botli the Upper and Low ei Red Rock Lahes loUo^Ting the ins tallation of a contiol s tnctue m 1957 that ekvated lalce leveb appioKouately one fcot Pnoi to installation of the contiol s tmctiiie, Beed (19^) liad noted tliat Canadawatenreed m the Uppei Lake giew to pmie stands o^cr nuchoFthe area, especially m deeper watei I^alhn attiJmted tliE crash of Canada it ateiweed to Sie nse m the Upp«r Lahe level, which incieased tuibidity, siltation, and watei depSis By 1973, wlute-stallced pondweed (Potamexg^ tffnp? flj^ongau J, fennel-leafed pondweed iPottoT^^Jonp^c^t^^i^ I and Richardson's poiuAreed liad began to leinvade the aieas formerly dominated b y Canada iTaieisTeed^ liowever Bieu open 14 Fltur*.^4. As[vtL WtLliUid- Suy^-sleppti^iintl Con! AauiJ:^ Fon^t (ublLiUirti Hit; Re1ii[ie 15 Einwth pattern caiihibuted littb to st^Omug tlu duhaphic condibDn:? oii ttc Upper La)« I^oUin's liy^tli^e: fof Itc neckiv of CaiiPidA wAteiwud ui ttc LaiT#i LaIcc and pords uiEEuded lieibiT^iy by tnuii^tei nTAii; And a natuial seque^trAtion oFneeded imctDnihieiib m^edinwiib oi the hjsius of olhei plants. Overview of Wetland and AspenHabitats Wetland Habitats Phvi^ical Sftting M[» I of tli£ IT etlAnd: an Be RfGige aiE hhisIies asjociatEd with Red Rock and Sit an L»ke^ and Be Red RockRivci Tli»ela]c#3 aii lemnant^ofalaigeilAke thfithA^tieeniEduced tlunughinfilhnglSandeiiggei et a1 1952} Hey aiB #xtt^nwly shalloir, irith an aveiage deplh of 3 f1 , and suppcit exteiun'c niat::K d^TElopnunt Wetlandj are al?a lamd smtli of Uppei Red Rix:k Lake on aa albi vial fan associated with ETCondrTatei duchai^ VE i^ T ATI OW DF SCRJPTIOW LACU3TEiin: Ieiit^i Vegetation ammd Red Rock and Swan Lakes ocimis niani^ foUcnr nig topographical and sod inou tine gradients (sc^ tertoi'e and cheiuu hy iiiaybe othei in^oiiant facto is ni deliimtnig vegetation coiiii^^ Lake bottDiusediiuenb, and by extsnsinii, lanutrme fimge soils, have high cone enhatiDns of avails le c ale mn^ inag HE smin^ and organic matter airi lo^T concentiations of ptosphoms and sodnTn{I^il]nL 1973) Wheie san^bd, soil t#xti.iiE was sdty clay and sdty clay loain Beaked ^ edge DC aipies thewettestemeigent vegelahDiisme SQiminding open watei, and fonnseKlensive stands. Water Sedge (Cc[y^y af]^i£m?Ef ) and haid-steinbuliiish ^H^hf^nf^Jec^fru ^icz^cj} cmiuiunitiK foini local^ed patches widiin this commimty Baltic msh&nges tlie beaked sedge CDnimimty and donunates A nanmr to bioad SDne onsDinewliat higtcr and dner locahons n it ide i Qat, cliis bied 5&ld sedge (Car ex prtteg^oi^lu) co-donunales withBalhc nish. Onsonie highei aieas as s ocialed widi gieafer sod alkalimfy, a coinminity of black gi^ as ew cod -inland saltgiass —Nn Hall's aDrahgiass mland shmbland pi'edoimnates Nattall's alkahgiass is the doimnant giass ni this commimty, aldmigli inland saltgiass is abundant in localized patctcs Hie black gi'easewocd shmbland is lelatively nanmr and giades nib a b asm wildiye (i^i^JiLr fnup^au) ^NnHall's aikahgiass heibaceoiis conimiuuty, winch cccu pies the least ire sic portion of di^e it etiands TOllqwFlatt TliEse wetlands occupy an albivial Ian and lakeshore adjacent Id Uppei Red Rock Lake. Ihey I'eceive pcondrT ate 1 disc haige fiDin inai^ small spimgs audnvnlets as well as suiface it ater fiomToin and Battle Creeks. Tlieie are also niai^ small ponds in the wetland Soils aie comprised oFa fibnc p«at layei fiom !U to > ^ cm deep, althmgh an organic to isongieater dianS c 111 thick appeals to be liKahzed This peat layer IS undeilain b 7 sdty clay loam oi silty clay Some deeper mniEral hoii2]ns (depdi>^D cirj are gleyed, gravelly sdty clays w itli mai^ piomment jedoKinDiplnc featues . Most of this site suppoib a mosaic of low to medium it iIIott conuiiuiitias, mcludnig wolf willow (Salix woifiiX ^watei sedge, wolf willow /baltic msK andHcoth's willmT (5n^u boothiz) ^beaked sedge cover langes fiom o^n to dense Th^ dominant giamnuides ai'e watei sedge, beaked sedge, and Baltic nish. Ifi Tufled liaugia;; iDeschfDT^siac^tfij^itosa} 15 locally camnioii in the wolf wilioir S Baihc nuh cumminily. Foib; liavE loT coT^i uiall thfise stTnidj, tli& iiicKt conuiiDii specif; beuigelephanfs-head jPff^ii&im grcw]iZLniifij?a)j wild ctavEJ ij4nciffff JcriffenaprrtJFffJilj wlute ci^ne '5-bill f&] a?iirffji fiiJ^ ^orai), woolly fojsytos; rl^ztrrmLii~ui i^:rt£2ia\ and Cnnad^ ^oldenrcd (£oh^iso c^i^tda?^is) PlAiiE-leAf iriUmr f^^u jr/^in^^), aiid Aider 4#afWcktIioin fR^i/^f ITU Li?Tt^jE Li} ai^ coim^ Cbin^ of tallwillDiTs , ^ich ^ Geyei 's iTillmT ^£2/1 X ^>'rrzLip^} Aiid Bcoth's iTiDcKT, aie liKaUy co-doiuuiaiit mi ttc liT^erflat Aliluioch wolf willow E tli£ do iinnant willow SuEuglim^ bogbnch iBemla gliD2d}ilo^a) md shnibby cuiqi.i#fail fZ^]^^ o^^iif^i^LTJcT 3 sp ^^i^zp^) c[>Kiomm^te uiiuAiiy Jiiiall patclifi; He^e ai^AS aLd liav^ toghcoTcr of kuimkuinick (Arctoitcq)!^lixs zji'^r-p^JzlandsappoitacDiituncoj hicks Izyei doiiiiDated b 7 golden moss ( 7c^T^^n(^j?nf ff>i nftrrt^ and niach ;tmig nc;s {Jiiii^^oTT^^fDTJj^aiiiitr^) Tftllw illoiT conuiuuuhes, iiHBtly Booth's w illoiT and Gey&i'; willow withabeakfid aedgeundeistoiy, occar along sh'eani cliami&b Aiid aie be^t developed along Red Rock Creek Othei willo^rs pie^#nt include Dnuiimond '3 willow ^h^zj ^ipr^n^n^b^iTui) and Bebb iriUmr (Scths b^bbitmn) Hie^e commimties occur on DToneial soil, nichas loaniniideilAinb 7 One ^andy iDaniwitli pioniinent iedo]mii[]ipliic featiiies . Anold-giowtli Eng#lnianii spiuce 'G#ldliot::etail1ff7]iZf«fji?nLii v£T[j«)conniiuiity occupies approximal&ly 5-^ hectai'es near Ihe ^oiitli ^liDi'e of Uppei Red Rod Lake Tlieovei^toiyis comprised of maiiueEngefauann spmce (^0-ciudianieter-at-b jeajt-liei^hl, approKunalely 1 7D yens old), with jcattei^ed ve ly laige tiees (>S5- ckl dianielei-al-bieas l-lieiglil) pre^enl Ttc giDund layer u donimated by field hoiset^il^ witli the dwai'f- slmib^ biinclbeixy {C^ZTiru CLiTbi^njz j) and twird^eny iZiT^zofLi ^ ^oZz j) liKaUy abiuidaiil Nnmeioiu dtcsic rbtbs »ie piesent atlow corei, mcludnig led banebeny ^ bULi ti^? a), western sweet-cicely fTI^zcf? tem occidEfz£aieX fiagianlbed iti^w (GnhrEm Cri^o?i£m},bliint-&iiitsweet-cicBly iOsmc^ hz::£id£jyaiqxe? ^^\ large- leaf avrtu r{jpf jpn^^if 7 Li^ffi //r[m), and auowle^grcQtidsel (&nFf zc^ }?~uin^ JfUTf ) GianuiiDid; »ie geneially leiT and include fbnged b iDiiie (Btott^^ czl^nim), bbiejoLzit leedgia:^^ beaked ^edge^ and ; oil- le af ; edge (C^ff-\ ^sp^^-ma) Hie soil IS a b lack Jilt loam witli lugli oiganic inattei content Tlieapiuce andwillow- doiniDated commimhes characterized by a co-ocaurence of spnice and itiDckt^ and a ;edge dominated grcnnd laj^r Key ENvntoflME nt al Fact ors Radiology u tlie pumaiy factor mOuencnig Ihe^e w e Hand;, TTith giDundw » lei discharge, s tieani inilofr, piecipitatioi^ and nifiltiation fioni snow iiie It all conhibu ting to the w »tei budget Upp«i Red Rock Lake teceive; tliemial gnundw »tei discliaige (^ ondeieggei et al 19S7) ^ tab le giDundwa lei discharge is a key racbr aflechng the willow £at we tiandj Consis lent gmondnatei duchaige and jatuiated condrtions liare led to die deTelopn^nl of a p«at layer »l Ihe site and is ttc pmnaiy nifluence on the stmctuie and c onipositiDn of site '; plant CO iiTiniuutie; Mcc^e (^f^j l^^^^j) heibiTory may alsobe influencnig vegetation stmchii'e BuEughbuKraing ofwiUnwi and Ergel^annSpmceaeedhngs and saplings Habitat Value <; Ttcsewetlands suppcitbi'eeding populations of iiuiiercoj b nd and an^ghibian specie^ of concern^ mcludnig TiariTeteiSwan(^"::B, S2N^G4),Hlack-crawiKdNight-l«iiDnlJf cftcorcu Whrte-faced Ibis (Pisfiafrj ^?fefe,SIH^ZN ^ G5), Frankhn'3 GuU (Ia?iu jnjjz^cm^SBH^ZN rG4G5), Foi3lEr'5Tem(5ter?za/o3JterT,S]H^ZNVG!^,ardBorealTofld1Bz/otL7reLU LowerRedRock L»ke also supports ^popilahonofMontana Arctic Glaring (TTf^'mx/ZiLr nrctic\{^ n^^ilnr^is^^l IG5TIQ) Ttc jpnice ^ land ^oiithofUppei Rfd Rock Lake contains anactiT^ Bald Eagle (^Li/uie£}:jj f^rw^ocephaliis^ S^, S3N /G4, luted threatened) n^st ^ite Boieal Toad toadleti] and subadults weie fcond in Itc ^tnpof n ui latE AugLu t ^COI It u lih#ly that tli&yiue ^iiiiilAibieediiiglubitBlSiiEugliait tte flat A popibtiDnDf S leiidei Thfilypod^lTTif ji_fVL£r[m jfi^l^ifT^njsp ja£inaA^S2rG4'P)iTa;d[xnin7ciite[i»tthu;iteuil993 Inaddition Id tlifr ^peci£; Df^oiiE^ni, tli^e it ^tlands also juppoit bxeednie populatioii; of Western C horns FiDg {Pseiid^^Ti^ f?u ffTiLiCa), CobuiTh la S pottEi FiDg (^mn^aifff zvffnlnjX aiidligei ^ alaniandei (Jm^vf^iw Ingeiifiial, tli&willcnT Qat Lat? iiot AcciuiulztEd #iicogh oi^aiiic soil Id be ts clinically t&mied » peAthmd, altlmigli localized p^tctc 3 doliAvc ahistic lun^ni >3] cm tliick Hocrevcr, Siu aieaif flaiisticallyveiy smulax to a calcai^au Di nch fell, aiid itsliare^ many of the ^aiiie functional and habita I values Huj type of wetland u lelahvcly rai'e in Montana in gene lal and u e;pecian7 lare in jautlnrest Montana FeaQands piQvide habitatfoi 40 spacia; of laie v^rolai and non-yasailai plants^ one lare anmial, and se^^ral lare pknl connmmties, the inajadty of which aie associated with nch fens LandU^ llie h^dnJo^ of bath Uppei and LcTrrer R^d Rock Lakes hasbeenaltexedbyaw^taicontiDlstnKhii'e tlmt has laised lake levels h 7 appio^iniatel7 one foot Hus tncd location may liave a significant influence on the ecology aftliese lakes the i niodi£catioiis inc bide levees and the c taction of aiiificial ponds northeast of Swan Lake Exotic:^ Erotic species aie » nunor CDnp]iient of ttcse wetlands and include local^d populations of Meadocr Foitail {AJop^cAir-}is prmenjisX Reed Canai^iass fP?iiTJa?u aiiii{/!z?^£2Cffa\ Kentu£k7 bluegrass, anJ AsndBhoii (Tc^a^^^TDTzqSlciyKtie') Exotic speciasai^ more abundant intipananai^aslthmgh still a nunor compcnent af tlie vegetatioi^, and nv^bide foirl blue grass [Plta ^Li/ai^rnf), Kentucky bbi^iass. Common tmioth7 (J%Zep£m^F Lite TEJ«), Canada SusSe, and dandelion Quaking Aspen Habitats Phvi^ical Setting Quaking aspen is fcondm^ vmiety af settm^ an the Refii^, luoally ocauruig as small to laige patches witlnn wetlands^ sagebnish steppe and Douglas fiifoiests TIie mos t extens ive stands are on knv ei slopes ontlie nortliem flank af ttc Centennial lange, on old inass wasting leatuies (eai&flows md landslides) Eailhflows formed as soil was saturated by watei penciled on an nnpcinwable substiate, »iid became nub ih^^ and floored downhill Thfise aid Hows are I'eadily cfaseived m ttc soutlvrestempcitionof the Refiige, and »ii eloT^atE ta lobate and InnuniKky inshap« Eai~thflows consist afgiarules , pebbles, cabh las, ai'd b culders in an unsoi~ted^ uni^ans ohdated to senu-coiuolidated matinf of clay, silt, and sand (\\^tkind I9a2j. The piesence of quakmg Eupen on these lower slape positions is partially a ttnliufad to snb-suiface snil nuistuie fiom adjacent slopes In the InteiiYuuntaniWest ^uakmg aspen appeals to be hnuted pnmanly by adequacy af the soil moisture le^uned Id nuet its lieavy ev^potianspiiatian demands (Mneg^i I9S3} Many of tlie smaller stands of qaakmg aspenaie les tncted to a naiiow eleT^tions]ne near Sie forest^ steppe tzansition or adjacent Id tlie npanan areas near Uppei Red Rock Lake ^'^ d T ATICW DF SCBIPTIOW At l#a3 1 5#TEnielahvEly di3 tiict qiiA}[iiig KpencaiTiniuuty iyps acau- an tli& l^f^ Tli&se conmiLniiifii lepaiatE ana ^i^^nt aFiiiQU iiu^ tlial u uiifaeiiE^dby nianyuitei^c hng lactais juchaj deplhta w^ter lable, ilape p[»itiDn, bnfth of CDllectuig ^lope, ;ail l&xtui^ And depth Qualong a^pen u pimTiarily a ^ei^ fai^st alcme tliE lu i6e III Qanlc [^ifae C elite nnial Mcuntaiik? Init ni^ attaiiLlDiig-l&ini dcnii^^ settrngs Comfeis me nolably scAn:e ui Q\b QaAlcmg asp«n J Prn&^^s^ canmunity types \^Jithait distiib Aiv:e, 3#i7l1 qi.iaknig aspen will e ventuflUy be leplaced b 7 Daiglaj Qi or Snba^nne fix Overtime comfec gimT A\ov^ tlie qiiaknig ajpen canopy and eYuituflUy DTEF-jliada^r ttc ^uakmg aspen. Qiialnig aspenu shade ni^lei^nt ^nd namiot lepiE^nce beneathits aiTncAiup7(Bnnhinan£ Rae 1 975 , Perala 1 990)^ a factoi leAcnig to f|>iaknig Asp&n dechn^ Qualung aspen nbo p&cists as a nuiiDr tiee bentatli camiei?, especi^ywtcre it lauus a&nge alone the Icnrei slope of conii^mms foiesl. Qiiakme aspen s lands ai^ generally nchinfaibs Tall foibs iiv:bid# Ene^lmann's ajfer (Eiie^haSm ffK^fiJffimKn =Affi? en^^ffiipmie J, western laikspoi {De J'_^PmiirffJi OFFiLls^ifLiT*), stowy s hEbeed (Hackelui J^LTTJ^rmctiJ^ cowparsnip ffl-srac^er^m ^^iLiEffEffn}, wes fein sweet-cjcely ( OjTfUJ 'izra cw^i^^mWj j), Feiidl^ nieadofTnie (7hai2^STrD72fsndien\ 01 wes fern ntadowine {J^Tidi^tTroyioccid^y^i^e), tall lagiToi-f (Se^iecw j«7Tlt), and western Talenan fl^rFiLi^bi c^^z^rzWzj) ni ttc Centennial re gian Tliemoie consnun foib s, easily ore rlcoked anungst tlie laxaiiant gianmiDids, uv: bide silveiy bipme {Zj^tqjj Lir^nCd rcj), nnnmDn = Oj??Ky}tuniL ^^zlff^ Ef), WKidland strawberry tJ^n^iTTLT v^jfci), aiidwheie giB^ne IS heavy dand#ljDii and weedy inillc vetch fj45 f? Li^iZcu muffr) Two inaist qaaldnc aspen coi*^imn!*y types ccciir cm seeps, spnnp and welland ecatones (TJppei LalH Can^i^iaund) neai hill tae-s Japes witli nv^reased sojlmcustiiie TI1& qnaknig aspen V willow ssp conrniLmty cliaracten^s the wettest aspen sit« on Sie Refuge TI1& aspen canopy is veiy op&i^ with tall wiUoirs nickiding Baob's ttiUow and DninnYund willow mteisp&rsed m the canopy gaps Heibs indicatmg the hydnc nalai'e of Sies# sit&s niclad# field luisetail bealced sed^, wat&i ragwort (Sejiaci^ ^^ojr^aii), water ledge and bbiejomt i?«deiass , only tlifr fhst of tli^e attanL appi^f lable co^^i II1E qadkmg as p«n /bbiejoint iBedgiass fai^st Donmumty is ansth&r inoist ty^ fcmnd just abov^ the lake maipi^ w he i& sob siuf ace £aw and pos sib ly c a piUaiy fling e siuiEund nig ttc la]c# hie ly pia vide e^asoil nuistui^. Hus 4!oinniinity gen&ially hes nnmediately adjacent ta tliE quahnig as pen/ tall f 01b coinminity or ^t wetter li&ib -dominated iT#Sands Hie ti^E canopy is very open, with quahmg aspen donunant and Eng^lnunn cccainng as scatterad seedhngs andsaplrngs Bkie-joint i^ed grass fcmns a tall swaid ni some ai^as Foibs ai^ s catteie d and inc bide tlios# nL Sie'tallfoib la^i^' of the Ibllawing conimimty type, as well as bog oichid (^LiberuDTa ssp}, axro^rbaf grconds#land twistBd-stalh(JH^erepI^r[j a??^ey^ohiii). Quaking asp&nfonns eirf^nsive stands an the law#i slopes, Ibotlopes and iiEhned b en^hlands an the noi~ttc m flank of th& Centennials Ttcse laiidfonns aie generally associate d with mass it as tnig leatuies siiiJl as old eai&flmrs and landslides Ttc Quahmg As p«n / Pine giass forest is Sie mos t common qoalong as p«n type associated with this envnanmenL being iTidespiead in tlie s cuthwes t portion of Sie Refuge Tlib comnumty has a veiy simgle stmctuie, lacking a distinct slnub layei, but witli at leas 1 10% to as nuchas fiO-SO% Eov^i of pine glass or Elk sedge (Carex ^leFiJ FiamanabliqueTiew, Sie grass appean: tafonn acontiiiicus caipet Otliei m^mtant gi^mmoids mckide b bie wildiye (E^iflrcj gf^^rcj}, mcontainbrome (BroTT^u cajiyKini^) irestem needlegiass iJicf^i^^Tfon occidE?^taie = ^\pa occr^TJtcdu^ Kentucky bkiegiass , and Wh^eleibbegrass (7^ ^iffi'ltj^) — the last two luted ta have Inglicavei Qual:mg aspen ^ Fendlei's n^adowme forest is similar m environmental parameters and con^csition the Quaking Aspen ^ Pmegi^ss Ibiestty^ Bath have a hro-layeied s tmctuie — a tiee stratum a F only quaking as pei^ and a k^ir- 1? Qualniig ajpeii V Tnllfaib fai&st e found on site:: tliat are g que rally flat Id mDisti.iiE-CDllfictiiic (^iTales, tofrslope;), IT ith deep ^DiL de lived f linn ^olbivTi 111 afs ediiii£iitaiyai Yi^ Huj type uabo noted for it3 stmctiial 3 urglicity iMueggler 19SS)j lacking a sludb ; tia turn, bill with a diT^i3# foib imd^Eloiy Ttc undeistciy juppoii: ^hhU Anuunt^ aFEngelnian ^pioce And job nlpui^ fii* ui Itc sapluig And ^eedlmg c1as3#s Typical giAiiiiiuidj uicbd# imoiitRin biDint, bli.i# wildiye^ and stcnvy ainongi^;: {Mehca j^ff f f^E^z j}, naiiE aiE ^DiiuiiDii The Qiiakuig aj pen ^ Canada l:iiif1alo3:i#iiy J^Iu^Ju? ^ii CLzna^nju J Foiest aLa hfu a diveise fbib luidei^taiy Qiiaking Aspen^MoiiiitAnibroiue fore^tu lauidbetneen Su uppei lake and the loireraUiTial slopes above tlifr lake ontlE nDith£ank of tlifr C entsnmal Rdnge Ttc caiupy i; doimnatedb y qaahnc aspcn^^ith nicLeis ui tliE luiderstDiy QoAloiie asp&njuckeii: and joba^nne fix seedlings/saphngs ai'e re^ulaily bioirjed by luig-jlates Tli&iiiid#igioi7tlihK sea ttei^ sliribs , Ilia? tly lucoiilaiiLsninTb euy ^H^ ^^Je<3f^l?l7^^ And Wcod's icKe |j^lt v'L^ffLtrzz^ AiiungadeiiselieibaceaijIayeiT^iiablydoniuialedbyniaiiitAnibi^ bkie irildiyc, and slendei wheatgrAJj {f^vmiLP Ctlk^i^ flbiZfu = Ag?oj^ion trm^f^-card tdtj oi Ag^of^^m conjnrEm), jlvKvy omongiajs (Mehca sp^ctctbih^K Kentucky b be grAJS Veiy oRen connuDn yairoiT and dand#ljDii ai^ abimdant Ttc Qiiakuig asp&n /Kf ntuclyb biegias; forest u awidespread, giazuig-iiidaced coiminnity tlialis coinman along slopuigb#iicli» , IcKvei slopes and i^mianstungec (ofl&nAi'eas wli&re hT^stock hare ease of Access) More so than otter Re lb g# types , tlieiE inay b e a sub canopy or siKkei shoots of quaking as pen. Kenlucky bkiegiAss^ a rli^inatoiis and gi?rang-iesistant grass, has witli high covei Tahi#s Othei gianunoids consistendy piesent Ai'e mcunlanL bioine, Wlieelei's bbegrAss (Pixa nfn'c^a). And slendei wteatgiass rf^^uLT f? Of r^ f oi^rcj) , dandehoiv coinncn yAiinr and clovei species (Tr^oliiim ssp) aiE consistently piEsenland Ihe nust abundAnt foib s S liort quaking aspen tie#s aii fcund in Avalancli^ ClnitES And mn^iut Aieas in a nulled shmblaiil consistmg of clioketheiiy {i^ jpzjlt i'E] ^uz^i^\ r«iiuitAniniApI& {j4f fr glab^iirf^^ seinteb euy {JbT^Iai^hieT ^^folzai^ tlimiilebeuy l^c^pu ^nn'x'ZcHrru} and CanAda bnflalobeiiy Tte lelahve abundance oFsluobs is hkely doe to the fATTuable light lEgmw TI1& I'esihencE oFtlie quaking as pen and s limbs help ensiue tli&u siimval on tli^e peiicdically distuibed sites Quaking Aspenand SAg€b mshco-acTQi ni tliE gi'e a lei Centennial Valley it lie 11 sageb msh And aspens s lands aie adjoining and as pen suck e IS liavc en: loac lied on tliE sag^biosh. Tins plieno ire noii relive t quakrng aspen clonal liealSi, Tigo^ and lepinduction IT ittcjutdis hub ance Encioacbnient into sagebnish has beennoted on elk e^closuiES ni Yello^Tstone Natioiial Paik, ^iBias^n e]{panding inlo and ehnnnatnig the s ^ebnisli ni a 2+-yBai penad- Key Envir <^ime nt al Fact S0 yeais}, piDnding vrIu^ le habitats to pniuAiy cavity neuters fucha^ I'ed-naped ^ap sue kei (Hall ai'd Sart 20Q1) Habitat Values AltliEJUgha iulhd: vege^a^ioncon^Ksrenlanthe Relbge^ qaaking ajpencomuiuiities ait eKtitiuely nnpojtant for wildlife and offei ^iuEzd[ius b icd it* Kity values We dacainenled ?4biid species ni quaking as p€n stands during July JIOl , niEliding active cavity nests afRed-naped ^ apiucker, Hauy Wcxidpeckei^ Black- capped Chickadee, and Tiee S walker rnhve tiees, tliesapsuckeiis aHf" pnonty II species (Table 2). We cbseiTcd olhei species tlial undaibtedly nest m quaking asp«n cavities , including Nai&em Flickei, Red- b le as te d Nuthatcli, M contain C hick adee, and Reuse \\^ 11 Bniisp«ciesnclinessisaflengieateiinquaknig aspen than adjacent c a miei fbiests^ and aspen are particulaily ni^mtant fbi cavity neshng species (tlaiik 1976, V^teimtz 19^0) Species iichness m quaking aspen is lelated Id gieatei diveisity, largeisize^ and greatei luind^ers of insects ni Sie understoiy l^s^Juilenutz 19S0). S ons msec tivorcos biid species b leed nig ni quaking aspenaie also aiea-d#pendent, b eing found ins lands gieatei than sanu luinuiuuu size, but s lands as small as 1 21ieclaies my be essential fbi some species in some legions (Johns 1993). We caplured SIX species of siuaU uiaiunTiaL inqoaking aspens tands durnig coibnef#arly July tiapping Ihe deer nuus^ (J^rcn^j^ rcj n^^u^ciilanii-) it as most abundant (13 af ^ captuies, onQve of six traphnes}, fbllaiv edby SIX ^llow-pnie chipminks ( JfirraLU Li^^urruLr) on tsro tiaphnes, tna soutfaeinied-b acked voles ( CTfi jfiTiLTTtTnii J g^^^ri) antff o traplmes, and one eachof lueadmr vale {Mh^rotu ^ff rau^i !var^c2u\ nunlane v^le (^ic^otis ^^LTTEfLirQLr), and wes lem jumpuig luoiue (Zap\{^ p^'Diczp^'} Otliei small mammals cbs#i?^ but lut happed mquakmg aspenstands weie led squniel (Tami^isciimii t^id^ofnc rcj), ye lloiT -bulbed maiiYut (M"nr?ra?^/?Ln'n'*nf7i j}, and iiDrtliem pocket goplier (rpt7?ft?ffp J Jalp^^s'} Tlittigliwe did nol soivey for bat, sev^ial species piefeimatuie aspens tands ov^r otliei fbiest lypes for cav^ly rcos I sites (Cian^huiand Barclay 1^93, I^^lcoums and Bngham 1993), we recomnwnd fiture soive^ of bat use mqaakmg aspen stands an the Refag# Species nclmess of lenestnal snails is oflen ^ealei m quaking aspen stands Sian adjacent conifer foies t (Beetle 1957, Bo^ aodWishaitl9S2, Beetle 1997) Ouibnef esammatianof twostai^ mT14^, RIW, ^1 ICC ?SNEHE iBv^Aled ifae preseiuneofsevcn snail species Jbzgiizspi^akocf^ Cohirfielfa edeyjtiila^ Dtscm o^^oTbi Ducrt^ J Pc^ns is, a ;tate S p«cie^ of Concern (CubDn 21I0I), is abo lih#ly Id ocau in ^anw of ifae qoAlang Ajpen ^ lands iiL tlifr Centennial Mcuiilami? but WAJ not lound diiiiiic coi EeldwDih. Seviral plant species af cotijiein me as ^ocialed witli quahmg aspen habitats W# duccvctai one new Dccuuenjie afS ilkA cobiTiTb niE {ApdU^afo^ty^sa ^sp fo?-mo^^ h^Z/G J) an the Relate in ^002, adding to tliree p IB YiEU sly-know nm tlie vicinity Tins plants pecies may b# fbiuid anyrrlifife withni Ite qnalang aspen Ibre^ts that ccciu on tliE toe- ; la p€ of tli& Centennial Mconlaina S ticky false-; taiw ort (Sfff^^Ln eLTjLtfj^jiaM^ S1^G5| u anothei Montana plani ;p&cia; af concern thAt u asjocialad with qaahme asp«n liabitiits in the Ticimtyaftfae Refiige. LandU^ Many land nse ActiTitie; talce place it i Ihin qii^knig aspen liabitats onSie Refuge Paitioiu of tlie qiiakiiig aspen h^it^t aie p'azed by doircstn: cattle und#i an adaptive managemenl pi^scnptian. Grazing is Qequentlycited as Ihe cfluse afall&ied giai^iiicid and faib con^ositiDii, wiSLKeiitackybbiegrass, dandehon and clavei specie; all ;aid to niErease iTitr gi^zuig Giazuig pi^ssuie on qualang aspensuckec isptufaably alsa suppi^snig I'egen&rAtian, altlmigli tli& ni^^act of danws he Lves lock reUtiT^ Id wild uneulAtes is not ceitain. Fiia suppression, at bast ni ttc past is a significant management piactice tliat has hkely changed the vegetation con^tojitian, stnK luia, and age clas; distnbutian afquaking aspen stands antlie Refuge Fire suppiesjian give; comfec acliance loi'eplace quaknig aspen tliFaugh nahual successional proc es ;es S ome re cieatiDU activities cone enhate in quaking aspen stands Tlie Uppei Lake Can^^mind is located in agiQve a F quaking as p«n Tins stand is cuiientl7nndei stiess ^m mpiiy and dainage tosuckeis, and a imiiieiaFquakingaspcnpatliDeens aiEpiesent(Hp€le etal 19S7) Exotic:^ Canada tlus tie andmisk Bus 8e, b otli consideied noxious weed; in Montana^ ai'e pies ent m qi.iakuig as p«n □n tlie Refiige Caimda tlustle is associated with ttc nuist quaking aspen ty^s. CaiuniDn tun^thy and Keokickybbi^iass liad^highei caver in grazed qaakmg as pen stands S ib enan peA tiee iCro ojona ^^^^^rfffce^ ),» non-native de^idiicu; tiee ui the legume faimly, was fcundin qoalone aspenneai ttc Uppei Lake Can^igmind Hus tall shrnb was planted as a canserration ciDp inthe adnumstiative aiea and at tlie uppei cair^igiuund and IS luiv repioducing an its [Trrub eneatli the canDp7of qoakine aspen and Douglas Qi Its CApabihty to loot spiout and disperse seed; contntmtes ta its abihtyto mccesjfulty lepioduce and spie^d. Ttc EuiDpeanstarhng (&ji7Tir[j I'z^^ipij} nes b insoiue quaking as p«nstands adjacent to spiuce forests along tlie souths toie of Upper Red Rock Lake, using cavities excavated by native specie; Hiuubeis of s tadmgs cculd mciease, con^^etme with native pmnaiy carit/ nes bis soch as wocdp«ckefs and intliatctcs , and lecondaiy canty lies teis such as swallo^TS aid imiibiiihkubiids 11 Status of Aspen Habitat habiiat m tliE C^nteiimal i^^ioil ciocial lubitBl Ibr a diTci^it^ of nahT~c specie::, and th^ii inainteiiAxce aiid I'^stoiatiaii u » ^fhile iiahuBl proE€^;e^ soizh a; iTuect ani duea?^, £je, and avalaiiELe hare a luge idQu^hcb on a^pfiiL jiRnd dyiiannc;, a^peii aba t^jpoivL to niaiugeni£nt achvitKJ suclia; gazing and Gi^ JTippEcssiDD. A major focuj of tluj slody wa^ ta d^sciibe tli5^€ liabilat uideiRiland TUEgejt 5 l^iraidjlnp piacti^es tlial will l^filp nvoiiiaiii aid CDii;eiTt tliEje Kalogical ^yrtarrc We evabiated qaahuig ajp^n oology plot data aiid aiialy^d ttiB ujIc of local jtaiid #xtu'patioii luuig an a;3€s;niBnt de vEioped b yCaiT^ell & Bailoi? (2DD1) ThEaj^essirentunisantlDidenhfyandiiclppnantize standi wh£i^ t^^taiahon axd cans#JYahon4^ bvitrinay be iiE^ded to enlian^e jiRnd FiiJTTval Oiu ^an^tle ;i^ wa; sniailbut did reveal le^^ral ii;k factor tJtat ^nigg^^ ^ ^ ^^^'^ fo^ i^^^t'^^fi^i^*^ i^^^i"^"^ntioiL One of the leading ru^ toqiiaking aspen u socce^sion tc comfei^ along the luith flank of the C EntenmaL Comfei seedinig;, saphngs and pole size tree; are pie; enl ni tlie nrd^c kny in several areas, and a c[?i pie standi we san^ded had comfei canopy >-IO% Ld3s ofqi-iaknig ajpen canopy is a iisk factorbecause low eoT^r (<-IO%) u symptomatic of anunliealthy stand ^ e^eral nf coi sairgles l^llmto 0iu ruk tategoiy AnextienK e as e of i tand i^eteiioration oi^ruiied along tlie edge of eai^hfloiT d#pos it^ it tere some comiei, shmbs ^ glasses, and Ibib s are leplacmg lost quaking aspen Theie are some exD&ptiom , nuchas ultxa-mesic to wet ^uakmg ajpen coimTiinihes, irluie <40% ajpen CDT^r does nol nEcessanly sigin^ a s€noiu dechne m 10^01 Old age stmcture ui quaking asp«n is another uidicator of quaking asp&n mstabihty and dechne Ag# san^l^s collected m 2001 landed fiom 64 to 165, hf^TST?^ ttf loajonty IT e£G ovei ICO yeais old Quakuig asp«n m li£ Nortliem Rncky Mountains aie i^lahvely ^lioi't-Lved, expeueiEine '^toral" moiiahty b€hT#€n ^ 100 t*j l40yea«((roii|wranJHci[le] lflfl7)_QiiflUn[^a'*pen*:aiwplMijvtr lOOvL^ir-Kolditutiizalt^od^ijllne Li£LiiiLlvii>ot. Tl^eoiiptiiL^vt^r^itif^' Li ihi^si^ iii;miJ^ 3^ ac uc iififin^L^hiiU!. [lie njie orJei^u JL^ii^ti. dnJcuuliJ sucL^edtDLiLidiler JL^iULtiimL:eLj^DrelD[Jt'ely^hLj['LtLfrii^-(jLiakJd^^pE^iiiVLl tULLimll) iJeit^lop inulLi-j^L^ filmd^ ivith sa]ilLnL.s [in J jiule sL^^ttv^^ii^laL^in^ [he dda-tree^. unlL^^fuppre^ibthl by un^ubie (v^^lu^ or ofquLilhiji]^ LLSpen In the LJtv[Lcr^[Qf^ pli^ee^ tiaQ^[ ^^J Uk.-:^' i^uunl'; ^l hl^i risk. Rip^iLm :^et[jji]]s Jthdv b-.' Lin eu:£p[ikiru o^ ihoi^e bt;inLti ^ppe^ inurv ^Uihle. QLiakin^iQspe]it.t>dijnLinjtJ^vvlihcDtiiJeruitlieLiJ3Jer^kn^ a£i^t]ieliJ|^e^pdi>riLyf4^ri^storalLOd((rumpbcll ami Buru^ 2001 > on the Relume l^itvd ehev^liere In tlie InlcfEiiouiilLjIn Reg^lunj. Coiiif-et^ dre r^pbizlnij qiiiiklni; uspen t1injtj|]1] ndturijl ibUcL^S-Kiotu] prouei^L's on tlae Reluae. Iia tiOLLirjl flt^ :^tlm|jji. thi^ fiUL^L^^skincil pLjlhu■4j^ \y^ penuLllLrLillv InieiTujilejJ aver spj^Ualajid tern poj^Ls^^^e^ by stand repLaneinL^nt tin^s. W4^spek:LjLne LhalwItliuutareEiL^^vld^dLsturhonci^. Li^. Iit^. iJie quEikln^ jspeti ^luilI siructur^ and compQ&LtiontbiuqLuilJlje^tnonyafthe^jifipetisti^adiiii^i^ be lost iti s Jtue mi^LLSLJt'c(Kfly I997>_ Fine seli the sLijie for tlie^pmutingorsoekerfihaLiLsb^ removing jplizaL Jam iiLiULL orihfc [^v£t■^nlltLiJvlnee« iiiKLkilllrtt^compeLitigconlleft Ev^n lia t^LititeJy ii*YflJ*;rLltL4int!fl. OI1hLibtiiGJL:ii4!OJiV3ndni>L^a±ietiiJitfin^DL:L:timp^iji^ mL3Lli^rali^3Lph]jih Lnieii^itJe&Ljfun^Lil^ti^ bro^v^ba^v^Ul^^veniu^llyelamlnaTemLj^tL^UQkitigQ^penclLiiiEU. GruellaadLakipen'^V4)pvijnLout fire oncx^ dkpet^ed hraw^lii^ Ufi^LilLitL^ enough Ibr qiirikid^ a^peii tn n^entt^leLthismiik^acanvLttcLnj^ LifgiiinejiLror lite pUmninQi|£l{ir^land:^c:ipe^ siz^eij. Relief from brow^Jni! pressure m^y be erltiLal aner finy tn^^tmenL Lo Jncreuse suckenng . In tniniy aren't \vesur\'eyeilqu[ilJngLi^pensueke['&iv^ereheavlJybtYt\vseclbyiin^ij]aie£, miiJijLjbt dionguig tlae j^e slnjctureola^pen standi on the RefiJ^. ] leavy hnjw&iag af suckers deplele^; tuot reserves oatL ilineaieiu sijrvlVEil ufclanes. Mo'iL L)UbilLjn|j li^^ti stonds ^vlll rej;enet'4jLe ^vLthauidli^tnrhQnce if Lin|iij];jLe use is low (KEiy 2MI) Hie Reluge shc^uld inunitor j^peii tv^^eneratu^rL IbJU^^vin^ ptefcrlhed ar v^jIJIjI^ burns. iJugubte^n^ngh^alsamocllliedtbeherbiL^eaiuiindeKtaty. MLieggler[l^ l9S5)ju;^gtstJlhnllnihe IntotuaLintiiin Wl^sL KenmLkybliiegrii^.^^v'eedyttillkveldLCXH^ijnLJtiyMtuw. iLinJ^ (Fro^ddij vescii). dnd lieun-lt^al'dirnlc;i(ArnLL:ji^unJirQ]lEi}will inenejse with gmzJng prci^tjre. AllhouLLh gmTingc^in remove deijjdLnt pLint"^ ^hl pn3]tLote re^tit^Mh.continLiQU.'i j^dkzin|j QnqntiklngospertsucLkericiin be ifeldmeiitd Grazing- prescriptions j^hauld hhkit e:i.[rQ pnedJUtiLin lu reifiiL^e the Lzinnnluth l e^Jetlii Dthn3WsiJ3^4^%llcl[inddon3e^LJL^cpnLiLnikin^4i^pe]LTliJii Li dbpt^eiullyiniponajit In smaller JsalateiL^lnnci^ where pQpuliiiian^kirthe±^ lorbs cmil Intitxlutedgmsbes like eonunan timalh^ ^tiain higlieo vet valuer sudi as we observed inthequdlunya^pensLiirhlnanhi^rtbeiuud. HBUpperLakeCjuupgraynd merits special oDentJon Factors hostenlni- the demise of 3£pea stands ojid TtidMdltEiljiare lis tvloiively ^Kin UlespaneoLipJed with SLisi^epEihillty la ainultlEude alde^itoiln^ ami 4atiil Itingal lnleL!tiLins4nitit^ ihon an) other tneespeeles In the NoHhem Rocky MoLiniaiJLstatuI inseet p^illiti^^ns. all E^r^vhii^h iiccj^JeriiLe inorttillty. Because qiukinj! jspen Is prone ta Insi^el Lnle^catluns jnJ dist^ose. deleriiriiOiii; o^sperLstojils lea^e potential ha^iiril trees intlie^xunpgn^urhL Ahti^iird U^e]Ji^'ej]LOi\ sh^^uld hti conduetchl pt^aJleolly. using ^nelhod^ouiluaeJ by Jt^in^^n [19^1 j. Muintemince ul'quoking aspen hi the lon^ totn iviU tvigtjije bai^^rjted inonagejnent that considers herblvoiy, lire, insect!^ and dlseo^. Ideally. L^uokn^s^ o.'spen i^ltould be munoitcd ^ inultl-uj^e stands generally le.^ies arjiraup of ipeck-- [s CLLed m \hc ^nJh[in]i \e\i^\^Ui]on dj &itQbLuJiii3giJOL!Luttail^lJorL; il'tbe^pecie.h IaIhIl^K listed ar a tTMv*^fl^ fjr U^Lnjz Ff the ^PlVJ [^ Jii 5l;ttjZ listed or of pajtik^u]^ te^iLL^nbi] LniL-re^c. atnl if the ■^petrle'; iyv speok^^up isiui uidioHGr^if eizu^'Biei]! rhL] uJ the Cure>jm^inationcif InxeatQfy t^ccird^Qndlileotur^it^i'ej^onuiubt^ Ibr QiiULchLH^bubLLal-^peLzJtktevLevF'jkSLciilJiirciJiliJsii^porl. W^d tor i^^peoiliL! pknls. dmhiul groLip-K jrvd naturui iioinmutiitie^. The ^reoce^t gup ici llori'itic bnowl^d^e i:ciiic:enu the nonvdiL:ijliir'^peti^s_bt'\ophylcSEiflJlL4:htiSs tt"-LlL]io\^ijJtvijlrtv^iiUrty'lbt'[liesfcflpeL]ie';ontlwRel\jj5e \ good jYliace to st^irL is Willi a review ol'^tiAiehertici^aJbt'ino^iincI LLL]]jeiiieeordslij|]Qwedh>'alidii^a[ind bi^ophjle tnveotiJiy- BiiL^ L]utitltitje tu beijnder-i^pt'4ZseiilL^lUm}U|]JiltickQriippmpri^tefitirve^-enbrlthii3u^ Ri^JiJs;^. BecoLbiebiit-ihiive b(!^n IbutuJ to Juvi^rqLiiikLttgaspencjjviLiesforrc^biilLcigo^'ta'CiJvlLje'; icioLbh^r Ibtust [j\iti tvpes- [heir use or Add depeddeiiee oji LiLiiiLLi|^ li^d i^ii priority Ldventflty needed on the Refuge. A tlidrough i3JiD]y&i£ ofqinkLm Q&peii^ftamLandquDkid^a^ti-irij^'iLV dymunji::^ is therefore of value, bemtise biiUtif^ dependetit upon cavity-ext:^vtiiJ|tj; speoi^^oflMtiiit^i-tHJdp^Lker^and nuihuidie^t^^^teoit suLtiible toojflslleM. Future hotlLit reviews sli£Ajldldke piDL'e \n the aquoiJc.ctmllerous.BEmdhlltsAtulfiigehrushEtfpfe hahllats otidsodie addition Ibiiusid wv'tlimilajidaspeiihol^l^ts.Thi^Re^^e'sabufijlantrvedamlsi^ s*at:hi4slheCenL4!JUiiaJ StitvilhlJIihii^e received otilv -JLirsuiy in^eniaiy forrafcpldJitLWii-Tlwsiuidlillls habilaLliosL^anudiberolV'tidetdJCplariLS^wella'iconimuttllLesdtacarcriirejnMoi^ irt^dli^d a."^ spedesoddLiodutiutilLje&ol'cjjacerdhv th^ Natural ] kriiai^e Pivij;i^di Maitit^niuiL^ ofil]^ imiLLue hohitiit [5 depeuiJenc uphill sjjiJhiUdudettim^ationajidJtioxemenLwhkh could be dKiiiitotedbv ujne sequeneed colorudm-tedLierLLilphoio^riiphyflj l.GUOio l.60D0t. Ther^ kp{»tettLiul Ibr a number ^7l\\eLlajid-LLS:^H:iuled spfCLeaur4!oneeni im [l^ Ri^l'uite dnJa inorei]oitLpl4^[L plaatidvenlon'iswarratitedlnthewedaiidluibluil- Agoodexaiuple^Alkiall Pnmrcise4PriitiLi]aalc:ilida] k as agblully ore plojat spL'j:lES (GL ) EL^sociiit^ with L:a]car4^^Liu1iJ hi^lji ilL'teriniae il^c^liiraLioneHort^^ue iiL^Je± Al|U[iUc ti?itimLjnilitisoti[heRL:tiJj^^ luve duiii^ si^dilldnntlv ^idk^etlu; LasU^LQlicitmrawalercotitn:i] sirLicturtiiiilieuulLelo(LQ%^tirRcJR«kUittinLfl57|B«d 1957- l^SS, I960, PiiuJlh] 1973f-PiiuUiJi lL973te^^ttteniL!iGtJLlhJsh\dtt7lOE^ELiiJ iLLL^dLlkatithrLlL^'^ JteF^JuLjiiaLJcei^tiainunlLJL-'iJJidiAte^pi^rtiiJblerthr tin; iijinilliTiirtt J^LlLQi 3Ei tlieccrt-er ul CjJUMlLiin ^^ JieAVi^t-i iiprelcrteJ \M\i IbrTrunspeierS^^aiU- PjljI1j]1 al^i JljluiJ lilt jioLJiual lor i^i^nilJLatit lu^ ul EuguntJt: bubiti^L Jue lu ^^menLUUkin. P^LillLH'^ report ^uppuriii Diieed Ibn^tiniJniJ^ study tind tnoniiorid^ollake^eiJijni^titiitJLid mic^uiuE if ^ ellA!t on l^lioUl] ImhituU^^id |he faoil^iupply Ibr wjcerib^vL- 16 Liit:rature Cited AniEncAii OimthcilDEut ' Uman 1^93 Cli^ck-Ibt of Noilh Ani&iican biidj, T* ^ditian. Aitieutan OiiiithDloeEt'Uiiiaii,\Va3Lu^tDii,DC S29pp AniEncAii Onii^lcgiit ^ UiiiDn. 20CO Foily^ecDiiiijTippleni&nt Id tli& AmEncanOnuttoloEutj'UiuDn Chfick-ii;t of "North Ameiican buds flul I L7 S47-S5B Andei3Dn,L_E 1990. Acli&cldijtaFip'iiipzfEmuiHcnlhAineiicaiiDrfliDfMeKko 'nieBi5TjloEi3l93 500- SOl- Aidei3Dn,L E,H A-Cnim^EudW R Biitl: 1990 Lut ofn^Baei ofNorthAnKiicaira-thaFMeKico Tl« Bi7TjloEut93 44SA99 Haii}[Oj W E 1960 TliE Tnim|Ktei ^wAii ll's luiiDir^habitTandfOfolatianuitliE Uiuted States North AniEncftii Fai.inA Hiutfcei 63_ 214pp Heed, W E 1957. 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Sheppeid, WD , D Binkley, D L Bartos, T Stohleren, and L G Lane, corrriltH 2001 Snstaniing Qiiakm^ asp«nui We stem Landscapes S ynipc sm in Piocee dings , 1 3-15 Juie 3D0Q .Grand JonctKJii^CO Pmceedu^sEMES-P-lS Fort Collins, CO US Departnientof AgnCTiltuie.FaiKt S eivice. Rock^ Mcuntam Reseai^ch S tatian 460 p_ ^7 Cazljan, J jQDl CcotdiDAtoz, MoiitAiiA Aimiial Species of Can^eiTiCDtiiiriitt^c McmtaiiAAininfll Specie; of Coticein McmtaiiB Natuial H^ntE^e PiDgiatn ^nd Montana Fii\ \^^ld]ife ^vi Parks, Hel^iia^ Moidana 12 pp Cooper^S V^P Le5ica,E_L DeVelice, and T McGair^y 1995 ClAisiGcatianofsauiJiTejtEmMantaiiA plant cammuiitie! 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Long-tExmquakingaspeneKclosuiMmtli&YellaiTjtaiieEcDsyTtenL Id. S li&ppeid, WD ^ D Bmldey, D L Bailos, T Slolilgi'en,andLG Lan&,con^nlei7 21X1 1 Sustaining Qaakme aspen ni W#stEni Landscape; Syni^jmnTL Pioceedings, 13-15 June 2CO0, Giand Juiv^tiou, CO PiiKeedii^EMES-P-lS FortCollini.CO.U ^ DepaitnKntofAEiicultuiB,FaiKtS#rTic4e,RiKky Maintain Reseanih Station 235-240. Kaya, C M 1990 ^tatos repcit on fluvial Arctic Giaylni^ (31p ffiJ^ra a^^n^ju) in Montana Report for MDnlanaDepartntntofFisli,WildJifeaiJPaiks, Helena, MT 97pp. 30 Koib.'N 201:? IiTtEgiBtfidiTMdniMiaeeiiKnt-planfbrth&l^dRiKkLilteaHatimaaLl^ On fl]£alih£ Relate. Lesicn, F aiid S V Cooper 199S ^uccesjionand di^tuibAiicc uismdhillj Tcgetatiaii. 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T 1996 ^lahi^ and biology of ttc spAwniiic population of Red Rock Lakes Anztic dating MSc_ tlieiUj Montana ^tate Umveisitr, Bo^iv^ii\, MT 90 -pp Mue^lei, W F and W L Stewart 193Q Giasslandand ilmibland habitat tjpes of western Montana GeiiEral Technical Report lirr-66 O^den, UT U S_Departinent of Apiciiltiue, Forest ^eivice, Inteimcontain Foies I and Rane# F^penmenl S lahon IMpp Muegelei^WF I9S5 In. DeByle, N V , TOoDbix, R P , edj Quakii^aspen ^cologyaid mana^nwnt mtiK Wesfem United Stales G#n Tech. Rep RM-119 FoitColhiE, CO U 1^ Depfli-tn*nt of Apiailtiuej Foie it S eivice. Rocky Mcuntam Forest and Range Espeninent Station 1^9 — 134_ Mue^lei, WF I9SS Quaking aj pen conmiuutyt^pes oFthe InteuucunlanL Region Geneial Teclimcal Report INT-350 <^d#n, UT U S Department oFAgncultuie^ Foi^est Seivice, tifennointain Research S tation 135 pp Nelson, P. 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Pilsbry ILA_ ]*M6_ Land MolluitaofNorthAmeriGit north of Me viL:u),\4:^lLime2_Purt ] AckCemyof Njjliiral Rck^ncesurP]]jl£ide]|^tu Mo]io^ra|^ !i(Z>; 1^520. PiLihry^lLA- l*>4S_UiJidMalIusiaDl1^tinliAineni::i[i»rUiofMi;KlL:u), ValLMtie2,P;irtZ Ai:^ Naliiral ScitnceaurPiiJitiddphiti, Honoyrj|* l(Z>"5?l-miH PohLK.^CmJ , ApilQtlnv^5ti|;^L(rti Jnio iht iTtvliJston'^^rOiemonliiiK loi^stoftiie Cententiiol Muuntuuvi. SQUthwestEm MtmLmaj l743-2Wll_SulNm[itiJidT]ieNjiijn^CQtiser^'iMi:yol'MonlimiLlle]e]i^ 20 pp. Ito^dt:]. M.D.. LUhJP. Ilendric:k-^. 1^9^. Amphibian iindteplilemv'entoi^' on the I fi^wDlers and Dillon ReiOLJn_eAiiMiUikXHaiuni!tiLifiivitliReJRLii!k.LiikeiiNEiliLPiy W-lldljleRcti3^^ ]*Wfi-lWS_ Mi^QtiirtiJ N4iiLiriil [li-^iiiiji^ Propjtuji_ I [tlcriU- MT 6Bpp_ Rc]]Itnl*.^W_ I l__Tumtr_M_G.; WtiilucenL.L-: Walker, J_S_ 1995 Quialiinj! aspen. ^]k,£ind t1re In norlbvi^m Yelluv^'siune Nuuania] Ptirk. EL]oli3yy 76(7|l 2097-2HMt- Sdiroeder. R_l_£indK_A^keroatli- r*399.Ah£ihitM-tQ^apptuai:hlQniana^tne£iLoflallyrQss|vaJrie^aL llieTetViiiilLOJiNatJotial\VildliJeRi;lijyiii'Ll S_Dtp[_orthe Interior, Ll-S-Geoluyii^alSLin'ey, Spnn^llelJ VA' National TecHniciil Infommtion Serx'Lcti SnadsYgyer, J L_J-D S^liollelil.R.B BeT=,tinJM L Mannick ige^-Th^UppecCrMtamial Valley, Beavi^da^Qilajid F^ladison C'ounties. Motttojia' Aj3 ttt%'^stii>aiJon of [^otinies utilizing l^eLilo^^. jjeaphy^icaL hvdJOLbemiLQ] aj3 J ^eotlieriual nietliod^ Memotr 50, Moniomi Bureau of Mines ojid Geoloyy- Btitte_ 53 pp pi tLS appendices. 3? St^hbitw-R-C 1985 A^tld[^uidt;to^v^*lltmr^plil^zi;ifLdiJtk|>lubiflni_st^:dndedllMn_Kviwd M^ll^ Co.. BoacuiL MA- Jibpp. SumnLX J- iii^d R- Ri>j^£t^- l*>4*J-MojitjnaPejt|irideFa5consLirvey_ Report IbrMi^dLiimDiipi^ Flsh,tt'ildli1*:iiiMLr£irkii_Bo2tmEiJS_HT_27pp_ h Lippendlc:^^. ■V;iflderi3DriLJ_P_[irtJP_L£ilaL 199^_SeIliili^■epl[lnl3periHSL]n■e>■lfilheTfllJL^^ MLiunliiJtis. Bwiverijeui County. MT. UnpubLi^iedr^on im [he Bureau ot LaniJ M^mo^Ut^iL MuiiUJiii Njiiin^] lli^td^e Pra^rEUtiH I [e]en:L26pp. jilii^ oppeMiL^L^^. mikbid. [. J 1982. neolo^lLzmiiportluCei^efmialMGtjnliiJiLs^vndeme^sibnL^yti^ I Jiihti LUi J MiintiUiEL U_S GeoloiJiriilSucvev Mai^MF 13-I2-A_ Vp'inieniJlT- B L 1980. Dird^ in L)LiiikLii^uspen-P|i. 247-2^7 la Wat^lupp^L^LeJiji^' tniiiu^emtinLof FiJiwilSer\'iteGentirj]Tt\:luiit:jl RepurtTNT-86 liscLmst^LiuULcil'oniilJudRujSHtitvpet'iniertL 33 AppendixA. Red Rock LakesNationalWildljfe Refuge Annotaitd Bibliography BuAo, W_E 196D The TninTLpetei ^wan It hutaiy, habit , and papiilationiii the Uiuled Sfites. Naiifa Ain#iican Fauna Nurob er 63 ^14 pp JpirnHMr^' H^tftfi hLHojy, liabrJ^ and popiiialzon stairu ofth^ 7?^[?f^*tff^ Swan inliM U.S^ wzlk^f?^kaiu oTilke R£d Rock Lok^s pojynlation BtJtIpm.F T ,C Wl^bch.uLii S L auftr 1?97 Fimiif c liuttE uithc YcUairrtonE Nitienil Pvln re giDii And fe patmtiil m^tEt oil vt petition ConservtUan Bia lo^ 11 7^2-792 ,Sh£y\i s prq}€^t£^poteirn^y^^tationihnngv^ respo72din^io i^fAJi?!^ o/a^c^ CO ^ uif^rtiej BnmiL.C J.D. 1971 Kflif s cd Lfanluii Bi^Shy Boohs .Montiiu ^t^ Umvtrsity Bo^min^MT 2D7 PP DoHh^tnbAitic^nyii^ sh£y\ifl^h^p^ci^^^olI^itedmC^7]t^?imal Valley a?^ihe refii^^ l£:^tu]clfi£iei I^ Ju^tojy oinofmii Burton, S R,D Pitli,tnd C E Petprfon 2DQ2 An^hibuiu nf HedRDchLit^jFPi^-^onPi^Wildl^fl Refi^p oc cTiirfiK t , diftiitrjticiiLjie litEd'e ibiiLiEluu^ 3 indhioiUt isf ci{ jLjuu H^ip^tolci^tlLtbori^oiy^idAliD lotttt Umvprsit7_ 66 pp refill (iiTEMf ?lif sADTey- frjv^^M^ Jitej ii*j"*^irai/o?'it?jff?7iLMti b^Treal c?t7na J^vs^ W2d Cohnnl^ia jpoil£djfoff F?'£dLctzv€ habital7fAod£U o/ oci ruT^j]ce Mere g£?UTal£ii for all amphibi^ ^p file ^ Caoppr, £ V 1S?9 Pknt iss^cittiors af tre Red Rock til^ir Vlp.t_snp.l V/ildMe Refugp Abbreviitfd f mnTvinpiTty de f ci^tiDiu tD tL L [>iiijhuiy vs gttPitiDii imp IPl^k^b ^lE d isp Dlt to tht IT I? Flfll uid WlUM ^ Seivke Moiituu Nttiirtl HtiiUgt Pio^im, H^ bnt , M T 39 pp inteTj?reinIioft qf l^'g^e j^ol? CIR aenal pi^togr^}^ ar\^ dcKfmteimn^ m partiirilar th£ ?^ip? 'j *_\I*njn'£ Caopei, £ V,C J^muidB L Heidtl 1??? Pluit tEfociitiims uidiElitEdbotuufilmv^iiloiy cd Ou Be tT^rli^id Maimti nu S^cti^in, Moiituu Ui'^^ublijlu drepaitta Ou Bine lu cd Lmd Muugenuiit. Moi^tuu Niturtl n«iUe^ Pro grim. He km 33ipp j*H zrafMiJ LiU^ni^f to p7'o^'Zi& a c^7mp?'£heyuTV£ t?'£ai}M€y]t i^ NVCJ^-Te^opii5£d playit iu^o^iatioTU (PAs 1 att£i^€yu2liv£ platn spe^j^^ for 072£ qfBaii^;\ 's S6cli^ile\el eco7'e^ons, p^'ovides a key Id all P Jj, a dejcnptton <^mo^i sfmtmai'i^e^ the ^tai^ knowl^dgs re^iiniot^ the re^ait^ j^hjeUt^ jfwrjf j art^prqfilei Appendix A- 1 [:aDpti,£.V.,F L«fHi,R L D^Vehce^uidT ME[>iivty 1995 Cliss ifu idoii of soTithne ftem Moiituu pluit EDimmnutie f En^hif isingtliDS^ af tht DiUdii Ee EcmrE^ ^e i ,Bnrtm of LuiEi Muugtmeiit Moiituu NLturtimiiUef Frogrim.mkni.MT IS^pf RRLNW^I m the flies of MTNHF j?€rLai72ni^ to Ihis ?;ttf?unv JaraifL^? to p^'odm^ a k^j lo fl;fwj orai (b^iTipHoTU qf7)ioit f^P^^ fJjj^' iL^u BLMfli?^deA U ^j?h^^ to J^m^ <^ all iyw^ner^hip J!amjyhyi^ >{ oi Clufa, T. W , A H. HirvEy.R D Dom, D L Crent^r, uid C; Giavef . tdf 1?G? Eii«,ftiuitivf , ind tliietttiuii fpecipf af tli^ [>rfit^r Ye llo it ft one EcDsysUm NoitluiTL RoctieE Ccmfsrvitian [^aopeiitive, Moiituu Nttiiitl Heriti ge Fro^uii, Hu Nttme Coiutrvuuy ,ULd MoiiDttiii We rt EiivirDtimentil Seivic e e rSJimnroTfj qfpJant firirf flPfEwal spe^ie^ i^ coit^^rvatioft concern m th£ CrfJ E™:Jjiti7if jptcirtc [^iIvEi, D R 1??3 Stnfbie plim specief mv^nloiy ui tli^ CemEmuil Vi Upy , B^iveduid CDurity, Moiituu Ur^ub lifht dr^p DTt faith t Bntle DiftiiEt .Dur^ju of L trid Mtiu^mEnt Moiituu Nitunl Herbge fiDgrun , He l£ii* 43 pf f lof tppendiEts ^DT£y Jk^ si£it£ ip€i2£^ of ^o?^ €^71 ^TT'TIIFffoiAi^jyi^ Oft BLMlcmd^ /fhiM€ qffl^J^T^i€TV£d^iir^a7y tTVLifm^TflJ zn ??tf Cf?^yuiinl ^p^mm iOT^dmled an J3^?3 Jlejyorl mcJin^s r^jpJtf <^^ jtot^j, ^peciei [^ikei.D E 1994 Fbiiftif AnilyEif cd the [^eiibmuil R^gum , Monluu Mtfteif the se , Monluu Sttte UnivErsity ^ Ba zpmtTL lS?pp Aft ori^2^2alflonsnc mrfHi^ c^i^tcpff d ii'ith^v* xj Jinif JuU i>' vopiisru ?¥J*fl?^?tfrj tu^lJIo jfcjw tfc?j 7201d^rfrom tJ^at qfoth^T region qf^jj)ijiai'iopo^'i;^}^' em it ?j?f ?7] Wjrtfi J™ ^ ?^l^ eoirlm?^ ru^J i;q)j?£iubj\ qf^p£ci^s di^t?ibr\lAonbyforiJ'V£g^eint:^n:iof\£^ l>Evtii, Cj a. 1?iS4 Muuuiil di^ctlift llpttEi tiid type eci^I ZejIj 44 TfA^mtmal sp^^j^^for t}2£ 3^i^ J>Dni,R D 196G Fluitf of RedRoch Ii!ke$ R^fii^ mdthE idjiEEiH CenttPiiiPil Morait^ ?^f , Be ^viih^ id Caunty , Montuu Fi^h ind Wildlife Muiig erne i^ Mxmltii* Sbb noi^^isit^ M^uituu^Fe diitl Aid fia je cts ■W-9E-E,W-T3-R-23pp TTiu/JorutEC Jut u rt i^'-^EVsdJir t <^^ Zioeti'j IIi^jcj w cht t rtnJ jLTmjfJr if ?rTt_pftfljij*d t?tf Ji^LNWR, Appendix A-2 l>Dni,R D l?7Ci MoQEe ind c *ttb f ood hibiti xl s Duthrre ft Mamuii Jaumilcd WOdMt Muii^ui^nt ]>[niglif ,D [: ,T T Ritn. R A Bltck^ind T E Alldrtdet. 19?? Aviui hibiUt tf aocittionf nij^inui ^Dtitf of Idiho'a Ctnlei-iimlMDTiDliiLU Wilf on BiiUptm 104 4G5-5aD rSirii^ ^\ iu ^^7ft^\ctedv2^ail£^7ipi7rt:i7nqf C^7]t£W]i^MofirrIaDi^ uiLiahooppix^j^ Mat^ bird ^p£C2£s jfc7M?d £hm'€J£ paSle^TU o/ J^abiint j?r^/^r^ft^£s aioxi^ a moufrov ^'Oihent m 2lhot ^ipancvi ha^yital, t}2£ iiala ut^aS£ thai jji&ljf ^hatjgs^ io npan^m ar£^ /rc^ jtl^^z^^ timber harvesC drtuitags tftivrjECHj^ *L: m^ fen'* j*i'*3¥ 3WJj?^^?j D?f ??tf tcrrfrmiiiiijpap QomtE^D. 1S?4-?001_ Tiun^ H*r 3w*n snrvey of thp Ra chy MomiUiip Dpulitian^ U S flocks, Fill U 3 Fifh md Wfliilif € StrviEE^RfdEoch Ltltts Nitioiiil Wfliilif e Eefoe^ jjimTTi^r Sacky MofoitcHMpopakHi^n GmntE.D l^Pi-JDQD Mid-iTinl«mirvfy Racliy MoiiDltuipopiilitiancd Tnm^eterSiTuis IT £ Fifhind WiMJif^ £(mL(,R£dRDchLil[«5NLti£iiulWiMJift Refuge jFtnrcLii T^ifdli i^ Jwuiniy- re^i£D^ jjjTrirj, rurlF^Mf tf^ C£72teirmal Valley birds, TH^nd?rfIo jToi'ide atolnliofoii qfJh^ Jloi}^ MorD2taDipopiiIano?i GDuJd.W E ,ULdC J D BiEmii 1970 DimibutiDn cd 5f n^uf {Cottidi^ } ni Montuu Cop^u l?7Ci-5?4- Mip jlimi J sp£ci7fA^n ^'€^ords for Cattiu btirdiznl^ Crfr££7uu^ ralley. Gmtcr YfUowrtaiLC [^dilkiDn l?Gd A model far u'daimitiDn xHeentian ind muLicmum for Ou Cciittmuil Ec Dfyfhm Ui'^iblijlLe d rtpait lS4pp Atr&^ j/opmflj j^ffn-afi^Ft JFOJiwj LiTM j/hjt jfivral jfWfEM ^r^nf fn'oHon ccmr *T?t mc JjiiMf Ctte:; Jr S^tD' £?^ofoii^rs 272 ihf Cf Hi^TPnoI Jf ojmtoMj b£tn'€£n ]97{f- J9S I [>r**n,D M^T F Shutipl, J Kpirsby.tndH Kiiser 199i5 Post^ltcitl rme* f hictiutian, e*netic jiibdiTiJiDii ind fp ecutiDii m Ou TTC ft^ni Noith AiiuiiLUL SpDtl« d F^e ^ i^^^^ ^ 7 ^^^^ Etd1ii£idil 50 374-J?a iFtfiij^j jjj^f [m *]LP ^UJH ilie refl^^ a?^d£s^rtplioii qfthezr aiio:i;\'Vie div£rsiiy Appendix A-3 Humiti^A.R ,G J. Lfamapa li, B Otlrletf.P J Humiti , md Lf R^ftiiu 1??? Mavemintf tiid survivil of BiMEiglpEbtiiEleiixLtlif Greitti YfllaiTftone EcQEyftem Jaumil af Wildlde Muue^iium d 3 7Sl-7?3 H#iidncb, P , And M Roedel 2001 A faTuiAliurrB7DFtlie Centeiimal VJIey 3 AiidLillj, B eav^ihead CcniLty, MonlAiia. R#poii to llie U 3 Bui^eflii af Land MaiiAgenTLent aiid U S Full and Wildlife Semte M ontana Natural H &ntage PiogiAin 44pp_ Htndncl^E.F ind M RDsd^L ?Ci03 Fiebb'f 3irtiT md Gie tt Bisxl Fa ckd Moiuq fiomOu C^ntfnmil Villpy louidlulb of Montuii NoithiT^ fttm Nitmlbt 3J mpicss rFrE^njfETV ^ ^^£o?\iI (md habzial association itfi^rjfiat^tn fitr i}i£ss I^vo s^all nouuLiLr qf c oyuervatf on io?^ €771 m th^ sat^dhilh Hof^iui-in.R lo ,D L Ftttie.tnd J F Bell l?d? "Du diftiibuticin cd som^ mixomik m Lfamtn* . 11 Bitf JauETLilcd MixquuId^ iO 737-741 ^tcJiAi&s apfibJishedreim'dfar Towjue?^'^ Biff-£ared Satfrovi the r^igv, spicim^its (^positedat C^ t^invTJZ^ (^Mtjn£a?fa. Hof^iuniL.R S ,F L ^A^i^.indF E "NtTTby l?t? "Du diftribntiDn cd Ecmu musmik m Mamtni 1 Muuuiili Dtli^r thtn bttf TDimulof Munxulci^ ^0 ^79-iSa4 Ificliid£s first published specimen {U]d si^^T^iordi ^f^fiaj JSafr&alLirei JIacft-tozT?c?JLi:A3'at&H Kiyi, C M 1990 lotilns itpoit on f hiviil Aictic Giiylmg (TT^^^^illdJj lift fir pu} in Mont uu Repoitfoi Montuu D tputiaent a f Fish, Wildlife tnd Ful[f , Htlpnt ?7pp 3icliid£s flif slaHai^th^ ^^d ^^^ &n€T popfdatioit. Korb^H- ?001 Red Rack Witrashed Weed Project Enmiiuiy On file it Hip Htture Coi^ervuwy Field DfiKe^HelenL^MT. Jp^I^i^f a jjmn^^ qfim'^irlorv at2difq)j?rfiS2on LVCnTCffj in f^ C£72teiDual Valley It^72tifiei ^£V£i'al noMOfis -\^e€dspre^ff?^aiit}2€ ?^iff Appendix A-4 L(fiEi,F uid S V [^oop^r 1997 Fie f ettleintnl ve e^btioii cd Eauthtm Btiverlutd CoiiDly, MDiitULi Ur^iib lifhed rep DTt to the Binetucd LuLd MuLie^iupm Momuu Ntturtl n«iUe^ FiDgrun , He leni , MT 3Jpp 7^poihes£s r£gai'dLft^pr£-j^ttJem^f{S\^^etaiL072pa£i£^'}u m ithth^ pnmcuyfi22dD2ffb£2^^t}2atJl'W'ai ibffx£Adt I'a/Ptf'^v foc^ilioTJs wiJhlhe upslope pop^d^tioiti shewing lix^^l^^^dva^-ialum; willow poprdations hai'£ alto de^72D7iilrabiy dscf^a^^d. Lictnf ,[j A 1?S4. "Du pit Eem rums uid diftiibutiDii cd We rtj Jop^ [^itthrojl Ikaut | Jl^^ti^ -: J^-A3 l^wui) E ift ULd we Ft of Oie CEmtui^nttl Divide uiMDiituu Report foi MoiiUiu D ep uttn ml of Fish, Wildlife ind Pul[f,Helpiu liSJpp. ^iclin^s flif ^LcSm i^ tJiu j-j?€^2£^ 272 the E^d Jloih JliY^r ^ysJ£m IbbttEon.D J ,K. C.KEiidtll.uLdD P REinhut lODl Whl^btrk pme , gnzs^ ^^txs , ind re d sqiixre If Pp 131-1 J iS ^i^^hitebuh Puif { Dimmoutie f ^ e c Jd^ tndie ftantiDii |D F Tamtuct.lo F Anui.trLdR.E EtmE.^ds ). Ifluidftesf.WifhmgLDii.D {: 440 pp. M{KituLe7,T 1?S4 Iht Ctmeimiil Vi Upy af Monluu - ui JSEe Eouem af wildlife tiidirildUe hibitit vihiPE R*dRci€t litef Htticmtl Wildlif* Rifn^e liSpp MtEipmey.T 1?S4 19E4 Tti-sttte ThiD^*t*r Swuifurvey U_S_ Fiih tiid WildJif p S*mE* ^ R< d Eoct liteENLtiimLlWildlife Refugt l^pp ^immcBy <^ FaHifiTv^t, v^Ixtdot^ i}i£ Cf Ft^nToaZ FoQf.v b2J^ McEiPiney.T 1?S5 1 ?S 5 mid-wnil*! Trumpeter 3wtnsurve "Hm Birdi of North Ameiir* .No IDS (A Poole uidF Gill.Eds > Flulide^lm "Du AjziEicmyaf Nimr*l£ci«iEtf, Wifhui^cm.D.C :1h( AmpiHui Dnutliok] giftf ' UiLL^n 24pp S^kLak£^NW£. Mo^uL, J T 1^96 ^itui mdbiolagy of Ou fptiTTong popiilitiDii of R^dRoch Ltl^ts AxctiE [>r*yliL^ M.£c tli«sif 3 Uamuii £t*t« Ui^ueis Hy ^ Boztintii. [^Qpp. rEftl? jpLiwniHf iR Jed Jcvj: Cr^h firirf Orfffi CVfft &Jif Hot m tm oiher Jn^torical jf^ii'Tunf Ntlfon.P H l^a Lifehiftoiy ind nuTLie^mem of tli^ AuitrictTL CriPiylmg ( 77^ ?^ LiJ?ru ^ignifir tncoi^?') niMomuii M loc the f li , Momuu lotite [^oUp^ , BDseuiuL 45pp Jilr(i;^fiy£Aii£dotiihe C€J^e?imaiyaIl£ya?^JledR^ckLi;^^ area, ui^Jri^i lut <^otf2£rflihspeci»i jampUd KtlfoiL.P H l^a Lif e hiftoiy trid nuTLigtmeiit af tli( AnuiKui Griylmg ( JT^julij^u j c^n^e r Cn^ chjof') mMomui* TDunulDf Wildlife Muugtmeiit 13 324-342 Co?^ii:i^din t?tf Upper Ce^itFwnal Valie;\ to^d on £?te refli^^r an^^rirfej hit <^ other Jiih speciei jampUd. l^iPthunmer J K 19Po IPS 3 ^iD^*t*r 3w*n snrriy af the Rocty MDumim populitiarJ U 3_ flochs , Fill US Fi£h ind WiMlrie loervLze^EedRact LiteENLtiDtiLlWiMlrie Refuge ^immcuy qf J?€ptfmb£T^rui.'€y ?¥JJi&i jnfJrrfmj tfe tTenffrmtnl VaJIfv &u"^, cmipir <^^ tfe jjimnffr JWfUlLiaOTL UiPthamTrtPT K 1^94 1 [^9 4 mid-ivinler fUTT^y Rochy MomitASLpapulitiim of ^iimpeter ^mf IT £ Fifh wdWildUe loervice.EtElRaEtLiteENitiimilWiliilife Refiigt 19 pp Appendix A-6 Pigc.E D 1976 "nw Pcolc-Er'aftli* Tnm^ptpr Swtn mi Rpd Eoct Ltt^s Htticmtl Wildffie Eefugp Hi D D us EibtiDii^ Ui^uers ity af Momuu , Me Ecmli FiuUiL, D 1[^71 The ecDlagy of nibiiL«e^d iquitiE mtcropl^Ef of £Ed RDch Ltl4«f ^^WR, Mmiluii M*ft t If Ou Eu . Ui^uEifity af Momui* , Miff dull 171 pp Arahor ^ampl^d liMo Jl nU JiSiLNWJl water boih^^fiTr jjjfrwj erg^ed ma^^'ojyh'\ t?j^raiMf m nrfi ov^rlt^ /wrQptfnt nfflinf a fTOi Ji m Jiffrfea ^oraicfrnj] J [prnnflpp' IVinii^???' Jii'on/i?^ jofo"^* J jznf * cjnjft-Jif fion <^^ Pohl.K JDQl Apilat uive ftigitiDti nitD Ou f m hiftoiy of tlif momuif f aif ft of tilt Centtmiiil MDuminif , f autliiv tftem Moiituu 174 J -2000 Siibmitl^d tD Hu Nitart CDtifeivuuy of Moiituii , He leii* . ^Qpp- thi^fi>lic^viitffs€ill^me72tth£ji?'£-r^tf{nti72terval}2£ii i?^Teai€dU} ^ma^Mhat ^'£ater th^m 6Qye£D'^ PoviMii.T ,ULdM H Mtln 1??S Mamtni's Cinttmiui 1 Villey nituri 1 dr:erf Hy hot fp ot ind TTildhnd comiiar NitmlAxeif Jcmmil IG 114-133 EiTi5clur,R L 1??? Stitiu tiid di5tiibiitJDii cd the PTgn^ Eibbit iiLMamuii,fxuliepDrt Moiituu n> tptjtiae lit of Fifh^ Wildlife tiidPul^f l^pp + ipptndiE^f ^immary q^reiordi cmd sxirvey rendti znMon^?^ mrlp^^C?^ C£72teirtu£d VaU^y cmd^'^igE Eeftuii, M 1991 R^fouKe putCiDtung unoi^thr^f Biit^o specipf ni tli^ [^eil^muil ViUt v , MDiitULi Candor ?3 10 D 7- 10 ID . Ne^l ^lie nhnraclf^i^tii^ W2d foixd h^it^ qf ioexisl222ff Jled-taileii J^ioDuan'^ W2d ^-en^jfin^jj Eatdel, M D .uidF Hendrickf 19^^ Ai^hib lui ULd leptile uiveiitoiy oil the HetdiT^teif uidDillim Ee lEniTEf Axtif in { anjmutionwitli R^d EDch L tire f Nttiontl Wildlif E Refiigt l??iS-19?G Montini Nitari 1 Htntigt ftagrun H^kni CGpp rSi?T£,v r£SAiIts LinJ ^i^ympzlatimi ^ amphibjon rturf reptile Ftrordj for the r^ige orai C^?^yumd Appendu: A-7 3cinii*reeEer^J_L ^J_D Schafitld, R B Be^^ind M L M*mJ£t 13E2 ThpT^iper Cfliilpnmii 1 V*Iby , Pul[f , Bos^hutl ?7pp + ipp^ndiL^s. SwEiuon, T E , K L AJt. uid R. L Em^. 19Z6 EcoIdc^ af Bild EiElfs ui the GrtLtn YcUai^ftoiu Ecosyrtflm Wildlif* McmcigripliHa 95 4fipp_ Z/ml' laid Sag^l^ ^r(bpopfilatio?i "h luch znf infrj Jl£d Jlo:h Lake^ Naiio?^ WikGt/^ J^jp? Hloo^eoil, L S 1?S2 Al?7? ctiuof of [>reit Bhit HeiDti {abnieE m MDiitPmi Frcicee dikes of Ou Bfontuu A{*d£D^Df ^unctE 41 22-17 Jpffif J9S9fro?M C. D Mitc}2£ll fai^L rffli^e Tficmn^er) io D (je?ti£T merman^ aiolcn^/jn:* ?/ cm ill? J/j fert CHf Upper Hfd Rock infe Uiuttd £ut«s FifhtiidWildUe Stivirt, Red Rack Ltl^^sNtticnulWildUe Etfoe^ Nd dite Lfuumtlf of tli« RfldEDch Ltl4f f NjtiDiiil WddM e Etfoe^ CTAfj Uuf ipjjl- J?/J rtnJ_pr?- J P3 U] fptitf aJanp jLifra attd habital o/ 49 mamj^ial ^peciei, mrlF^Mf niut«d ^lEf Kflimd WildMt Stivirt .EsdEDch Litt e Nitionil WildM e R«fTi^ 30130 Birds cdOu R«d Eai± LiteENitumilWildltfE Refiigt uidtli^ C^memiitl Vilby , Lfamuii . CAjfAiu? miValmf j*LTJL7?tLii OK rPT^Tfc? ^md &j"**^Mf j?LifTu ofl^il^ bzrd sp^^j^^ Uiubd Stibf f^fh uid WildU4 ServLzt.R^d EdcK Lt]£4$ Nttioiul Wildlife Refuge ^QDa Fifliaf the CciitHuuil Villcy. Appendix A-S