HARVARD UNIVERSITY LIBRARY OF THE Museum of Comparative Zoology f { I FAUNA ANTIQUA SIVALENSIS, BEING THE FOSSIL ZOOLOGY OF THE SEWALIK HILLS, IN THE NORTH OF INDIA. BY HUGH FALCONER, M.D., F.R.S., F.L.S, F.G.S. MEMBER OF THE ASIA. C SOCIETY OF BENGAL, AND OF THE ROYAL ASIATIC SOCIETY; OF THE BENGAL MEDICAL SERVICE, AND LATE SUPERINTENDENT OF THE H. E. I. C. BOTANIC GARDEN AT SAHARUNPOOR. A- AND PROBY T. CAUTLEY, F.G.S., CAPTAIN IN THE BENGAL ARTILLERY, MEMBER OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF BENGAL, ETC. • ' m [EDITED BY HUGH FALCONER.] ILL US TRA TIONS. — PAR T I. PROBOSCIDEA. LONDON : PUBLISHED BY SMITH, ELDER AND CO., 65 , CORNHILL MDCCCXLV. Price, with Descriptive Letter- Press, One Guinea , (- ■ | Stewart and Murray, Printers, Old Bailey. 3 - MCZ LIBRARY , HARVARD UNIVERSITY CAMBRIDGE. MA USA. ' *WS> r- ■ . #■ / V YB^au ■ ' ' ;• "i - f v'lvl.rn-’ • fy 1 Fuj . 2 ou. PI HuLlmancLel &, Walton. Lithographers G.H.Ford Fig: 1 . ELEPHAS PR I M I CEN I L) S. Upper molar 2a.E ASIATICUS | Upper d° | 2 b.E I Lower d° I 3 a.E HYSUDRICUS. J Upper d ° 1 3 b.E. - I Lower cl" I I Nat: Size. BLANK PAGE FI 2 Itg:4-a/ Fig- 4 a. ELEPHAS AFRICAN LIS 41) E. .... 5 a. E PLANIFRONS 5 h E 6 a. EL. - .1 NSICNIS 6h. E Upper molar ) Lower d° I Upper d° I Lower I Upper d° j Lower d° ( Figs.f the Nat Size Tf nll mangel & Walton Iitkogra-pkers . BLANK PAGE Fuji Oy IFi ill Tn .axLd.eJ Sc Walton latkogiapkers &HJora.//• 7. i /% />. 1 fig •'/ /hr 2, }, S.H.ForA Ad. Fig: i. 2 . 3 . 4. 6. ELEPHAS INSICNIS. 7. E PLAN I FROM S. BLANK PAGE ELEPHAS INSICINIS. The Figures ( except ing Figs 3 & 7 ) 4 the Nat Size BLANK PAGE -Plate 20. ■ •/' A?’ S BLANK PAGE G-.H.PorcL. HuUmandeL &. "Walton lithographers . ELEPHAS CANES A. Scale 2 2 inches to a foot or nearly? the Nat: Size BLANK PAGE Plate 22. BLANK PAGE 3 — FAUNA ANTIQUA SIVALENSIS, BEING THE FOSSIL ZOOLOGY OF THE SEWALIK HILLS, IN THE NORTH OF INDIA. BY HUGH FALCONER, M.D., F.R.S., F.L.S, F.G.S. MEMBER OF HE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF BENGAL, AND OF THE ROYAL ASIATIC SOCIETY; OF THE BENGAL MEDICAL SERVICE, AND LATE SUPERINTENDENT OF THE IL. E. I. C. BOTANIC GARDEN AT SAHARUNPOOR. AND PROBY T. CAUTLEY, F.G.S., MAJOR IN THE BENGAL ARTILLERY, MEMBER OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF BENGAL, ETC. [EDITED BY HUGH FALCONER.] ILL USTRA TIONS. — PAR T III. PEOBOSCIDEA. LONDON : PUBLISHED BY SMITH, ELDER AND CO., 65, CORNHILL MDCCCXLVII. Price, with Descriptive Letter-Press, One Guinea. Stewart and Murray, Printers, Old Bailey. 3 - A. I MCZ LIBRARY HARVARD UNIVERSITY, CAMBRIDGE- MA USA Hate 12. A Hull-mar. del & "Walton 1 i.th .0 grapnerr--- G. H-Pord. ELEPHAS NAMADICUS. Onethird tlie Nat Size BLANK PAGE Plate 12 , B /)<) 2 . Fiq: //, G- H Fori. HuIknaiuieJ & Walton Lithographers . Fig 1_3 (3 th Nat: Size) ELEPHAS INAMAD1CUS. Fig. 4. < l ,h Nat: Size) E. HYSUDRICUS BLANK PAGE to CO n 3 o O — E Q Q < CO CO < > X CO < X ii_ LU J uJ UJ >-6 i c 6 i CO «Qi) Si \ BLANK PAGE Plate 12 D. Qfln.cl.el feTWaltan Tlrhr. gr ap' h.gr : l’igl_o. ELEPHAS NAMADICUS. 4. 5. E M ERI DION ALI S. Figs:i Fat; Size. BLANK PAGE Elate 14 A Jig: 3 a/. % m, m ,'/i Fig: (9 a Fbg:10ay. Fig :11a,. _el Al^aIlr)iilAth.o^raTDr.ta-s / ELEPHAS IVIERIDIOIMALIS. Figs: 1 the Nat: Siz e . BLANK PAGE Plate 14 B Fvg:/t.aj. Fig.S ou. Fiq 10 (V Fiq: H Mg; 13. SxGbrLari-iieL JfWaLtcm JA-tho j$x ap liar s Figs 1_9 It 11_16 ELEPHAS 10, 17, 18. E M ERI DIOIN ALIS. ANTIQUUS. (?) Figs i the Nat Size BLANK PAGE flate 18 A /}<) ('• a d CO. H'dlimandel feTTaltoil iitljograptei Figs 1, 2 ELEPHAS PLANIFRONS. 3_5 E. IN SIGN IS. 6, 6a. MASTODON SIVALENSIS. BLANK PAGE Plate 19 A. r ^A3j& Jos:DmkeL del BaLhnanflel fe"Waltou lith.0 graplexs ELEPHAS INSIGNIS. BLANK PAGE Fig 3. ' R 9 :i Plate 20 A Figs: 1. 2 ELEPHAS GAIMESA. hw fc~Walton Litho graph* 3-7. E. INSICIMIS. BLANK PAGE BLANK PAGE Plate 24 MlmanM feWitou Lithographer BLANK PAGE Plate 24 A o ou. g ul i m an del & Walton. Lithe j^rapliers Figi,la ELEPHAS CAIN ESA. 2,3. E I NSICN I S. F E NAM ADICUS. BLANK PAGE Hr — £ -C; FAUNA ANTIQUA SIVALENSIS, BEING THE FOSSIL ZOOLOGY OF THE SEWALIK HILLS, IN THE NORTH OF INDIA. BY HUGH FALCONER, M.D., F.R.S., F.L.S, F.G.S. MEMBER OE THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF BENGAL, AND OF THE ROYAL ASIATIC SOCIETY; OF THE BENGAL MEDICAL SERVICE, AND LATE SUPERINTENDENT OF THE H. E. I. C. BOTANIC GARDEN AT SAHARUNPOOR. EMI AND PROBY T. CAUTLEY, F.G.S., MAJOR IN THE BENGAL ARTILLERY, MEMBER OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF BENGAL, ETC. [EDITED BY HUGH FALCONER.] ILL US TRA TIONS. — PAR T IV. FROBOSCIDEA. LONDON: PUBLISHED BY SMITH, ELDER AND CO., 65, CORNHILL MDCCCXLVII. Price, with Descriptive Letter-Press, One Guinea. -<= Stewart and Murray, Printers, Old Bailey. 3 — / MlZlfL MCZ LIBRARY HARVARD UNIVERSITY, CAMBRIDGE. MA USA Hate 25 '■■'I? -V 1 1 K.FoTd Hullman-dei & "WaltOL. LixLo gr apder s Fig: 1, la ELEPHAS CANESA. 2, 3 BOMBIFROINS. 4 4a I INSICNI S. BLANK PAGE 4 Plate 2b A G.H.Ford. ELEPHAS CAIN ESA • Sulim andel It Waltauliiko grafters. BLANK PAGE Plate 26 ELEPHAS BOM BIFRONS. 3 Nat: Size. BLANK PAGE Plate 27. ELEPHAS BOMBIFROIN5. i the Nat Size. BLANK PAGE "DT O Q ^iaxe 60 . G-HEorA. HuHmandel &, ‘Walton. Lithographers . ELEPHAS BOMBIFRONS. Fig: 1 .4- Nat Size. Fig: 5 S** 1 BLANK PAGE fog 2oo Plate '29 (j.H.ForcL ELEPHAS BOMBIFRONS. BLANK PAGE Plate 29 A ELEPHAS BOMBIFRONS. Fig si Hat Size BLANK PAGE Hate 2 9 B 3 cO < I a. Ill d in -OJO 111 Ul UJ ^ CO ! I •00 £ BLANK PAGE ppfe' m * ■ • > o o y G- Sckarf fiiiilm.ainiel fc Walton lithograpliers. MASTODON SIVALENSIS. 3 Mat: Size BLANK PAGE Flate 33. — .v..^ £i.'>:n ' facuj.'* hj G Sckar: HuJlniajidfel &, Walton LnacgtaplicrR MASTODON SIVALENSIS. Figs : i inches to a foot I nearly l the Nat Size BLANK PAGE FAUNA ANTIQUA SIVALENSIS, BEING THE FOSSIL ZOOLOGY OF THE SEW A T IK HILLS, IN THE NORTH OF INDIA. BY HUGH FALCONER, M.D., F.R.S., F.L.S, F.G.S. MEMBER OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF BENGAL, AND OF THE ROYAL ASIATIC SOCIETY; OF THE BENGAL MEDICAL SERVICE, AND LATE SUPERINTENDENT OF THE H. E. I. C. BOTANIC GARDEN AT SAHARUNPOOR. AND PROBY T. CAUTLEY, F.G.S., MAJOR IN THE BENGAL ARTILLERY, MEMBER OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF BENGAL, ETC. [EDITED BY HUGH FALCONER.] ILLUSTRATIONS.— PART V. PROEOSCIDEA. LONDON : PUBLISHED BY SMITH, ELDER AND CO., 65 , CORNHILL MDCCCXLVII. Price, with Descriptive Letter-Press, One Guinea. — (- Stewart and Murray, Printers, Old Bailey. 3 - ( CAMBRIDGE. MA USA Plate 34 MASTODON SIVALENSIS. Fig s i the Nat Size. BLANK PAGE Plate 35. IVI . LONGI ROSTR IS M.ANDIUM M.OHIOTICUS Figs 1, la. M A STO DON SIVALENSIS. 6,6a DINOTHERI U M INDICUM. Hullmanael feWalion Iath.0 gr apkei BLANK PAGE cO <0 2 U _J < > c n z o a o i- cO < § • CD to - z (0 UJ Q z DC DC — UJ O a: o V s < _l • p*4 cO 1 1 4-j 1 cti 1 I 1 1 HjcO 1 cfl I 'OX) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 K S £ to a c6 6 BLANK PAGE Plate 37 tO cn qj z. N id 'c/3 w < > cd 0) to £ nd z J4 o Q O O H cd co *cuo < PH 5 BLANK PAGE Plate 3 8 . G.H.ForcL. HuHmancLel fc "Walton Inth.ogxap"h_ers. MASTODON PER I M ENSI S. 3 Nat: Size. BLANK PAGE HullraandeL & "Walton Litko^rapkers .KPorcL l'u f Plate 39, Figs 1 3 MASTODON PER I IV1 EN Si S. 4 ,7. M. S! VALEIN S i S. Figs i the Nat Size BLANK PAGE Hate 40 03 3 O h 0 1 o Q Z < 2 2 2 2 £0 0 > <0 "00 £0 <0 z w Ul z D Ul — s h < z o Q ! o h ! L$P Fig: 10 co. Figlla- I Fig: If a. Fig:U-co. *glrr%M Fig: loco. Fui 25. HuHmauld. & 'Walton Lithographers G-.H.rord and. James Key PROBOSC! DEA Figs: i the Nat: Size PROBOSCIDEA. Plate 42 i&z* — Jl^ 'It t Dl NOTH: I IMDICU M IV1 . AN CU ST I DEN S M TAPIROI DES VI M . A IN D I U M IV 1VI ASTODOIM OHIOTICUS I D I NOTH ER I U (VI CICANTEUIVI E. PRISCUS!?) XVI ELEPHAS PLANIFRONS XVII. E. AFRICANUS XIX. E. ANTIQUUS.m E. MERIDIONAL! S G-SFord SuDxa aadeL ^"WaltoxL Li th.o graph, et s ■ XXII E.NAIVIADICUS XXIII A E. IIMDICUS.(DAUINTELA Fig 1,2 DINOTHERIUM rigs 5 JSIat bize 3_ll MAST 'iiOINi 3- ft Sect TRILOPHODON. 12 24 ELEPHAS. 17 11 TETRALOPHODON. XXIII B E . INDICUS. 12X6 STEGODON. 16 18 LOXODON. 19-24 ELASMODON. IV! U K IN A .var j PROBOSCI DEA Elate 43 M.ARVERNENSIS M. LOINCI ROSTRIS !Vl . LATI DEIN S VIII M , SIVALENSIS XV . B E . ! N S I C IN I S E. CLI FT 1 1 Vn M.PERIMENS1S XV A E. IN SIGN IS XIII E.BOMBIFRONS XIV. E. CAN ESA E. INSlGNIS Young C-H.Ford. XXIV. E. PRIMIGEINIUS HiiUmandeL So "Walton Litb.0 aplier s . XX A E. HYSUDRICUS XX.B.E.HYSUDRICUSYoung. XXIII C. E . I N D I CU S .Young Figs X Xat Size PROBOSC/DEA . M.TAPIROIDES VI. M. ANDIUM IV MASTODON OHIOTICUS I DINOTHERIUM GICANTEUM DINOTH: INDICUM XI. M. LATI DEN S U AA- XV C E. INSICNIS V M. ANCUSTIDENS XVIII E. PRISCUS.t?) XVI. E. PLAN I FRO NS XVII ELEPHAS AFR1CANUS XIX E A NTI QU U S.(?) E, iVlERI Dl ONALI S XXIT.E. NAIVIADICUS XXIII.A. E. INDICUS.(DAUNTELA.yar XXIII B E. INDICUS.fM LtKNA.var) Fxgl_2. DINOTHERIUM. 3_1I MASTODON 3^6 Sect 7__11 TRILOPHODON. TETRALOPHODON. Fig: 12_24 ELEPHAS. 12X5 ST ECO DON. 16X8 LOXODON. 19_24. ELASMQDON. Su.1JmaTtd.eL "Walton Litko grapker s . Figs -g the Sat: Size PRQBOSCI DEA . Plate4<5. X.M. LONCIROSTRIS PERIMENSIS VII. MASTODON VIII. M. SIVALE1MSIS XII M .CLIFTII IX. M.ARVERNENS1S XV B E. IN SIGN IS XIV. E. GAN ESA XIII. E. BO IV! B I FRO NS XXIII C E . I N D I C U S .Young ■HnUmandei "Walton, la£h.o g5rapli er , XX. A. E.HYSUDRICUS. XX. B. E. HYSUDR1CUS. XXIV. E. PRiMIGENIUS. Figs i the Nat Size BLANK PAGE FAUNA ANTIQUA SIVALENSIS, BEING THE FOSSIL ZOOLOGY OF THE SEWALIK HILLS, IN THE NORTH OF INDIA. BY HUGH FALCONER, M.D., F.R.S., F.L.S, F.G.S. MEMBER OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF BENGAL, AND OF THE ROYAL ASIATIC SOCIETY; OF THE BENGAL MEDICAL SERVICE, AND LATE SUPERINTENDENT OF THE II. E. I. C. BOTANIC GARDEN AT SAHARUNPOOR. AND PROBY T. CAUTLEY, F.G.S., MAJOR IN THE BENGAL ARTILLERY, MEMBER OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF BENGAL, ETC. [EDITED BY HUGH FALCONER.] ILL US TRA TIONS.— PART VI. PROBOSCIDEA. LONDON: PUBLISHED BY SMITH, ELDER AND CO., 65, CORNHILL MDCCCXLYII. Price, with Descriptive Letter-Press, One Guinea. (' 3 - J -^*^44 habv,“d L S.“ers m CAMBRIDGE MA USA Flare 46 Fig: 3 i. Fog 42. H'allmaruiei .fWaitoit Litiiograpkpxs PROBOSCI DEA . Figs.l Sat.Sixe. BLANK PAGE Rate 4 7 W.L.ALdous . HuHmandeL h "Walton Lrtko gr apter s . PROBOSCI D E A. Figs i Sat: Size. V BLANK PAGE Plate 48 Mg: Hi. Fig: 12 b. Fig: 431. Fog 74 a, FCg:1kl. Fig 231 Fig 22 b Jos: Dinkel. PROBOSCI DEA. Anterior Extremity. Figs: 1,2 ELEPH AS NAM ADICUS. Figs: & the Nat. Size . Bralhn ancLel fc 'Walton Lithographers BLANK PAGE Plate 49. Fig :5a/. Fig: 5 b. Fig: <2 b. Mg: IS. Mg: 13 ou Fig: 15. Mg- 16. Mg: 17. Mg.10.OL/. Mg :12a/. Mg. 15 a/. Fig: 19. Fig.ZS. Fog: 20. Fig: 29. Fuj 21. Fig: 30. Jos: Drake! del. Fug: 2,2. Fig: 31. Fig: 25. Fig: 26. Fig: 20. Fig:27. Fig .23. Fig:3Z. Fig: 30. Fig:3d. BuHmaxtcbei fc Walton Lith.o gr apker s PROBOSCI DEA . Anterior Extremity. Figs?* Nat Size. BLANK PAGE Plate 50 Mg: 16 l. / Mg: HI. Mg: 19. Mg: 20. Mg: 21. Mg: 19 ci. Mg: 20 ou. Mg: 21 c, , . Fig: 14a. Fig 3 6' a. . Fig 31- Fig: 2 fi. Fig: 12 a. Ficj: 17 a. Mg. 47 Fig: ‘M. Flit: 3 7. Fia 32 a/. Fig:32. Fig:3( ■ Fig: JHa. fM- I lgf| G-KFord. / / W 3 i HullmandeL tr, Walton Lithographers . HIPPOPOTAIVUJS( H EX AP ROTO D: ) SI VA LEIM SIS. Figs t the Nat Sr/.o BLANK PAGE Elate 6 0 ■ Fog: 3 b Tl ii liman del &"Walum Tath.0 grajfher s . HIPPOPOTAIVIUS ( HEXAPROTOD.) SI V A LEIM S I S. ithe Nat . Size BLANK PAGE Plate 61 G-EFord. Hullmaiidei & Walton Lithographers HiFPOPOTAMUS [ H EX APROTOD:} SiVALENSlS. Figs : i the Nat Size BLANK PAGE 770.3... yru2 ... 7*0.4,. pA... p3 p 2 m m 4 ( P^r p* pS 9 ~ pi Elate 62 Fig: 4 5 fig. 42. Plr. : 1 )nikel Fig I RHINOCEROS PA L/E I N D I C U S . 2,,‘l R. SIVALENSIS. Figs: i Nat: Size. BLANK PAGE Plate 74. B xJItti and.el fcTIVkltorLlathograji'lier: Fig 1_4 RHINOCEROS PAL/€I N DICUS. 5, 6 R SIVALENSIS. BLANK PAGE Tiaie 75 Hnllmantlel &. WaltcoiLitkograplieri -E-Ford. Fig 1_4. RHINOCEROS PAL/EINDICUS. 5, 6 R SIVALENSIS. 7, 8 R.— — S ON D A l C U S. (recnt) 9_12. R. PLAT Y RH I IN U S. 13-16 R (ACEROTHER: '?) PERI M ENSIS. Figst Nat Size. BLANK PAGE Plate 76 Fig 14 01. Fig :3 a. Fig :20b. Fig: 19 a,. Fig ,27k.- Foa.ltfa, Fig 12 1 From the Valley of theNerbudda Kg 21 ay. Fig: 211 FlSs 1_10 From the Netee Pals Pigs li 13 Front BeloocMstaii HuUmandel &. Walton. Liikograpln Figs 14.17. RHINOCEROS PERI MEN SIS RHINOCEROS. Diverse Indian Fofsil Species figs: (excepting Fig 9 j.F the Nat Size. BLANK PAGE RHI NOCEROS. Divers Fofsil Indian Species . Anterior Extremity Fig s i Nat. Size BLANK PAGE Tig:2ou. Fug:tf to. Fiq 10'b ' 1 .Fig. 5 1 Gr-H.Ford. h B. George. jiuiimaxLciei & Walton Lith_o grap h.e r s . RH I NOCEROS. Divers Indian Fofsil Species. Posterior Extremity Figs: i 'N at Size BLANK PAGE Plate 79 , Clara Caws e. Si illm an del (fcl^alloiiTj.th.0 apker s RHINOCEROS. Divers Fofsil Indian Species Figs 1_ 14 Anterior Extremity 15_23 Posterior Extremity Figs: i Fiat: Size BLANK PAGE Hate 80 . G.HTord. SuilmandeL & ‘Walton latLograplier s. CHALICOTHERIUM SIVALEINSE Tigs Nat Size. BLANK PAGE \ • ■& FAUNA ANTIQUA SIVALENSIS, BEING THE FOSSIL ZOOLOGY OF THE SEWALIK HILLS, IN THE NORTH OF INDIA. BY HUGH FALCONER, M.D., F.R.S., F.L.S., F.G.S. MEMBER OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF BENGAL, AND OF THE ROYAL ASIATIC SOCIETY; OF THE BENGAL MEDICAL SERVICE, AND LATE SUPERINTENDENT OF THE H. E. I. C. BOTANIC GARDEN AT SAHARUNPOOR. AND PROBY T. CAUTLEY, F.R.S., F.L.S., F.G.S., MAJOR IN THE BENGAL ARTILLERY, MEMBER OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF BENGAL, AND OF THE ROYAL ASIATIC SOCIETY, ETC. [EDITED BY HUGH FALCONER.] ILLUSTRATIONS.— PART IX. EQUIS2E, RUMINANT! A. CAM EL ID JE, SIVATHERIUM. LONDON : PUBLISHED BY SMITH, ELDER AND CO., 65, CORNHILL MDCCCXLIX. Price , ivith Descriptive Letter-Press, One Guinea. Stewart and Murray, Printers, Old Bailey. J— - 5 - H ARvSD L lS5vERSntl CAMBRIDGE. MA USA \A\ 81 . Fig. J t BuQtnandd feTfakoalittLOgrajij Lara. ^av? st\ Figs 1_4 EpUUS SIVALENSIS. 5_7 E NAMADICUS. Figs i Nat Size. BLANK PAGE Plate 82 Fig: 12 b. FvaHJi). F , ' S#' - ; Fig JO a/. Fig:l2(Ki. ra , % GHFord. flulimandel 8 & Walton Litko ^raph ers . 6 EQUUS 51 VALENSI S Figs 1-16 x Nat: Size 17, 18. 19 Sat: Size ( From theSerbudda) 17. 8 E.: NAMADICUS.i 9. 10. 11. E PA L/EO Nil S. [ 12. E. ? ( From the Irawaddi.j 13-18. E ( HIPPOTHERIUM) ANTELOPi N U M. 13. E (HIP: ) C R AC I L E.(Europe ) BLANK PAGE Plate 83. Fig fit, Fog .9 co. Focf.'tOoo. Fig\iOb. Fug- 1 '4-c. Fig: tZ b. Jos.-Einkel 5~ -^rr ,aitdei 4h Dalton Lithographers. Figs 1 11 EQUUS & H ! PPOTH ERI LJ IV1 . 12. HIPPOPOT:( HEXAPROTOD:) IRAVATICUS. 13.14 ? ? Figs: l excepting Fig 12 ,s Xai Size. BLANK PAGE Plate 84 Fug:43ou. Fog:4Fb. Fig: & Ob. Fig :40b Fig 45. Fug 4 5 a. Fug: 4 5 b. Fug:49. Fug: 49ou. Jug: 9 b. Fug: 44? h. FugJFcu. Fug J Zoo. Fug: 4 9 b. Fug.40 b Fug.\20ou. Ibg:42\b. JugFou. V.' H Bailey Hulbna-n.deL & Walton la tho gr ap h e r s Figs:l_4 EQUUS SIVALENSIS. 5_12 E (HIPPOTH:) ANTELOPINUM. 13, 14? EQUUS From the NeFbudda 15_19 EQUUS From the NeLee Pafs Figs; 1_19. Anterior; 20, 21 Posterior Extremity Figs; \ Nat: Size. BLANK PAGE Plate 8 5 . Fty IS b Fig: 10 b. Fig -12 b. Fig: 13 h. Fig-lib Mg.-ISoo. Fg.lSb. Jig-lb l. H.Furd. and Clara Cawse Figs 1 8 EQUUS SIVALENSIS. 9d8. E. (HIPPOTHERIUMI A !M T E LO P I !N U W\ Figs n Nat: Size S ulim an del & Walton Lithographers BLANK PAGE Hate 86. Fig: U- a. CFcBone. iiullxn an del "Walton Bath o gr aph. ers. CAMELUS SIVALENSIS. Figs: ( excepting Fig 4) a Nat . Size. BLANK PAGE Plate 87. Fig.Soi Fig : 10 l. u ‘ V G-.H.ForcL SiLUmandel ^."Walton lithographers. CAMELUS SIVALENSIS. BLANK PAGE Hate 88. Ft A. 3c : Jig: 3d/ Fug. dli. Fig. da. B/g i Ot>. Fior. 4. luf da. fi/f. Ub. Fuj. 61. 54 HaUcai Garden. CAWELUS S1VALENSIS Fig-s. i Nat. Size. BLANK PAGE Hate 8 9. Fig- 3 co., Fog: If o Figidb Fig j 3 a;. Fig 12 , luy are P erha P s the most perfect that have yet been produced in any S Tl ? e wrhhas commenced with the Elephant group, in which the authors say § a ! ,y dls P layed the numerical richness of forms which characterizes the Fossil Fauna of have not cha P ter /elates to the Proboscidea— Elephant and Mastodon. The authors the affinWer, la * he “ s( f es to a descript, on of the Sewalik Fossil torrai, fi„t they propose to trace Thev rive n hr?^ ‘HI an arrangement of all the well-determined species in the family. nalJnrUnllLe I hl ®‘ oncal ak etch of the leading opinions which have been entertained by palaeontologists respecting the relations of the Mastodon and Elephant to each other, and of the tbe f“ very ,°f ' "7 f0 ™ s which ha '' e Ied ‘o modifications of these opinions They state that the results to winch they themselves have been conducted, lead them to differ on certain points from the opinions most commonly entertained at the present day respecting the fossil &;^h P Feb nt ll?6. 0/ Preside J of the aU.Lu LiJ^} “ Few men deserve higher commendations for the laborious nature of their investigations and the important results to which they have led, than Dr. Falconer and Major Cautley n wn hi m ! , b ? ar , out tb ?, promise of the First Part > hove no hesitation in sayiig fhai it will be the most important contribution ever made to the science of Geology .”— AthenJum COMPLETION OE SIR JOHN HERSCHEL’S SURVEY OF THE HEAVENS. RESULTS OF ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATIONS In 1 vol. royal 4to., with 1 8 Plates, price Four Guineas. m-esentL as m ill Z?- f li norlhern [ e S 10ns > Published in various scientific transactions, and father had C,! I .f visible in our latitude, the most sc'isfactory termination of what his Sir Tnh, h!S! 7J 8 tbe r ord t f™ mal,on with reference to the resources of our own day— firvev of H thf hesv^f m, Au d *? at ,‘ he same e y e an(i ‘he same instrument should complete the nhoniL f th heavens. AH who have ever heard two different observers speak of the same of'expcution' th ?‘ tbe Talue , of ‘he additional labour is much increased by this uniformity UOn * E , Ve 7 l i ,ng u S ex P ressed ,n words of the same meaning; the astronomer of every ! a ?. l * ud f “ ayre . ad of **! e ‘hmgs he cannot see as with a dictionary, by comparing what he can see with the description given of it. Sir John Hersehel set off with his family for the Cape of Good tov ^‘“peldha'^n 18 ' W ’ and r retur “ ed ‘o England in the spring of 1838. lie mounted his observa- tory at Feldhausen, six miles from Cape Town, at the foot of Table Mountain, and there performed for the southern hemisphere what he had already done for the northern. The years which have eiapsed since his return have been employed in the drudgery which astronomers" call reduction of the observations, a process possessing about as much of the interest of science as casting nn the accounts of the commissariat has of the romance of war. The scientific world is all the more obliged. Many an astronomer has been a useless star-gazer because he found peeping and measuring more pleasant than reducing. “It is not for our space to give scientific details' of the contents of such a work. Like all that comes from masters of their craft, there is much in it which is easier to read than the unlearned would suppose. Sir John Hersehel, as sound a scholar and elegant a writer as he is a profound mathematician, and a practised experimenter and observer, possesses a power over language and a command of it for the purposes of description, which is rarely equalled in any walk of literature The volume before us (which, we must mention, was printed at the expense of the late Duke of Northumbeiland) has taken its place among the records of astronomy, and among those of highest value, as it were, of course .”— Daily News. 8 B 01 m 8 nest PUBLISHED WITH THE APPROVAL OF THE LORDS COMMISSIONERS OF HER MAJESTY’S TREASURY GEOLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS MADE DURING THE VOYAGE OF H.M. 8. BEAGLE, Under the Command of Captain Fitzroy, R.N. By CHARLES DARWIN, M.A., F.R.S., Sec. G. S. &c. Part I.— ON CORAL FORMATIONS. Demy 8vo. with Plates and Woodcuts, price 15s. in cloth. Part II.— ON THE YOLOANIC ISLANDS OF THE ATLANTIC AND PACIFIC OCEANS. Together with a brief Notice of the Geology of the Cape of Good Hope, and of part of Australia. Price 10s. 6d. Demy 8vo. cloth, with Map. Part III.— ON THE GEOLOGY OF SOUTH AMERICA, Demy 8vo. with Map and Plates, price 12s. cloth. RECENTLY PUBLISHED AND IN PROGRESS UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF THE LORDS COMMISSIONERS OF THE ADMIRALTY. *** IU IT 0 j° SCim f Z tke f Ul1 adva f a f 6 °f P is M.veries in Natural History , the Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty’s Treasury have been to make a liberal grant of money towards defraying part of the expenses of the following important publications. They have , in consequence been under- a en on a scale worthy of the high patronage thus received . , and are offered to the public at a much lower price than would otherwise \ave been possible. I. ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE ZOOLOGY OF SOUTH AFRICA. By Andrew Smith, M.D., Surgeon to the Forces, and Director of the Expedition. 7 AtnCan , t W Q uarto Parts price I Os. and 1 2s. each, containing on an average ten beautifully coloured Engravings, with Descriptive Letterpress The whole of the Plates are engraved in the highest style of art, from the Original Drawings taken expressly for this Work, and biStiSitySS after nire. i wenty-six Parts are now published ; and the work will be speedily completed. II. THE BOTANY OF THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. SULPHUR. 7 7—^ V Tms Work is now Complete, and may be bad in six sewed Parts, price 31., or in half-rnssia, or cloth binding, at a small addition to the price. III. THE ZOOLOGY OF THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. SULPHUR Unde, the Commend of Captain Si, Edward B.ncmj,, E.N., C.B. F.R.G.S, &c. Edited and Snporintondod by R, chard Bm™ Hhids Eso. R.N. , attached to the Expedition. ’ ‘ ’ c v 3^“r^Lt1Sr” ! ‘T, S be , e ? n dnc *; ie «' r % nsw "t— •«- *• hitherto new o, unfigured. The collection hae been assembled from a varietVoTe " ’ t° '"' ' l' l ' C , 1 , a . f orm ’ Wlth illustrations of such as are at? s&?j£St rs,: 3* ".etss: P»rt» I T md n? B TOnta ? a 0 MS”““by"^ jjfif Gnjl" 3 Era "f R Y pSs 5 III°' d I I S’ f '' B U ” a ' ” "t'Mnding, at a email addition to the price.— EtaH, by J. Richardson, M.D, E.R.S.Lp,,,; G «"“> T-I-S.-P.rte V., IX., and X. \Y\ r %