DYSIORIA DEPENDING ON THE ANTERIOR PRESENTATION 819 Donation Upward and The deviation of the head more or less upward and back- ward — the inferior borders of the lower jaw being vertical or turned towards the maternal sacrum — is an extremely rare condition, and is chiefly met with in the mare, in which it has led to rupture of the uterus and rectum, and delivery by the latter. The cause Is probably the same as in other deviations of the region. On exploration, if the f tutus is in the dorso- sacral region, FIG. 104.—ANTERIOR PRESENTATION, DORSO-SACEAL POSITION : DEVIATION OF THE HEAD UFWAKDS AND BACKWARDS. (SAINT-CYK.) the fore-limbs may be found more or less advanced in the vagina, and beyond them, at the inlet, the hand meets the sternum; while above it is the front part of the neck, with the trachea leading upwards to the head, which may be bent more or less back on the withers or loins, or inclined to one side of the foetus, the lower jaw always facing the iumbo- sacral region of the mother, or twisted slightly round. Indications.—First retropulsion should be practised on the sternum of the foetus, and this alone will often bring the head