THE LAW OF POISEUILLE 15 be somewhat distorted, in which case there must be a drop in pressure pa. 6. Heat is produced as the fluid passes through the tube and therefore the temperature may be different at different points of the tube and since the temperature greatly affects the viscosity of most substances, this may affect the amount of work done in the passage through the tube. If the fluid is incompressible it will have the same mean velocity through each cross-section of the capillary, and the pressure must fall in a linear manner at least so long as the flow is linear. If on the other hand the substance is compressible, the velocity must increase as the fluid passes through the tube, because of the expansion which results from the decrease of pressure. With the expansion there is a lowering of the temperature. Let the resultant effect of these changes in the temperature upon the effective pressure be pT. It may be either positive or negative. At the exit of the capillary the fluid has no effective pressure but it still possesses all of its kinetic energy which causes the fluid to go for a considerable distance out into the reservoir R, dragging some of the fluid in R with it and producing eddies, so that the kinetic energy is finally dissipated in overcoming viscous resistance outside of the capillary, and not in adding to the effec- tive pressure, as Applebey (1910) has supposed. The sum of these possible losses of effective pressure is then p = Pk + PS + Pv + Pe + ps + PT (2) We shall consider first the case where p = pv, supposing that the fluid is incompressible, as is nearly the case in liquids. Let the radius of the capillary be R and the radius of a hollow cylinder coaxial with the capillary be r. It is evident from the symmetrical arrangement that at every point in such a cylinder, the velocity must be identical. Let this velocity be v. The dv rate of deformation must be -r~ and the tangential force due to (Jv the viscous resistance, acting from right to left, will be ?? ~r (cf. Eq. (1)). Over the whole surface of the cylinder whose length is Z, this force must amount to