FLUIDITY AND TEMPERATURE 129 changed to a liquid or gas, the time of relaxation becomes smaller and smaller, and for air Maxwell has given the value r = 1/5,099,100,000 sec. With rising temperature, the value of r increases, and according to Graetz, one may write n = where $ is the temperature reckoned from the temperature at which the viscosity is infinite, i.e., the temperature of solidifica- tion. In gases the modulus of rigidity is known to be equal to the gas pressure at the critical temperature and is of the order of magnitude of a hundred atmospheres. In solids, where the modulus of rigidity is known, it has a value from 100,000 to 1,000,000 atmospheres. Since E decreases in passing from the solid through the liquid into the gaseous condition, its value approaches the critical pressure P at the critical temperature #0, and we have according to Graetz E = P + 61(^0 - 0) + &2(#o ~ #)2 + &a (#o - #)3 + . . - where 61, 62, 63, - - - are constants. From Maxwell, we get = Er = - n or where a, ft, /32, . . . are constants. Since the formula with a large number of constants is of little practical use, Graetz neg- lected the constants ft, ft, . . . which are of small magnitude and thus obtained or if the temperatures are changed to the absolute scale, T — T r, = a±~_ (44)