? & O M b 3 1 Q a H Designation of tube ? 5.0225 10. 030 0. 6025 1.015 2.44 Length in centimeters ^ 0. 00454 0. 004600 0 P d p 0. 0086 Major axis Open end Diameter of capillary in centimeters I? g* 0.00438 0.004466 d O d p 0.0085 Minor axis §£ gg ? 0.004450 0. 004450 d 0 d o ? Major axis Bulb end ?' 0.004250 0. 004250 d O d o d p Minor axis (J^ltkCOCOlOtOMH* .CnOOiOCnOCnOOr ^ o 10° d O d p d p Temperature of experiment S88SS8888 d d P p 0. 3629 d O d o d p Volume of bulb in cc at 10°C •*3-3OM»4<3-«4'cnOi rf».rfxCn£-Cn»^.COrf>>tf».»*>.C»fcOCDCOCntf>. M M CO M CO 00 >-» CO <| ><». CO «O O rf*- <1 CO t-i t-» • to >P» ->l rf^ 00 00 CO rt»- •^ CO H* >-» <| 00 CD rf»- CD >£>• rf>> OOO>CncDfcOC7i««JOQC>cn «O H-> tO g CO rf* W bO tO l-1 H* Or H« fcO CO i-« >-» O O <£> O >-* t-t t-1 Cn CO CO . en co l-« CO »-* tO rf^ Qi oo H* Cn O O> »*»• 00 -^ H4 H1 CO O to co >-» SCO 00 to zn -4 00 CO 00 CO CO 00 O i— to co -q rf*. to "co tn "oo "-3 00 Oi t4». 00 CO S Time of efflux of volume of bulb in seconds ^toCOOi*a«OH-«cnOOOiOOOOi^tf>-COil*-^JCOi-itoeOOcOOfcO-4loi-'eo<35 OOa>CntOCOOOCOO)OQO>Cni-'t-*~400O 00 O