INDEX 351 On the Viscosity of Water as Determined by Mr. J. B. y means of his Microrheometer. Proc. Roy. Soc. London 66,259 (1894); 3 pp. , Q. and BIRCUMSHAW, L. L. The Viscosity of Some Cellulose Acetate Solutions. Advisory Comm. for Aeronautics. Reports and Memo- randa, No. 663 (1919); 6 pp, , H. The Measurement of Viscosity and the Cellulose Ester Industries. Caoucthouc and Guttapercha 10, 7202 (1910); 11 pp. BARTOLI, A- Bull. Mensile Accad. Giornale dt Sci. Natur. Catania 26, 4 (1892). BARTOLI, A-