358 INDEX BOUTARIC, A. Sur quelques consequences physico-ehimiques des mesures de viscosite". Rev. gen. Sci. 25, 425 (1914); 8 pp. BOUTY and BENDEE. 192. BOVEY, H. Some Experiments on the Resistance to Flow of Water in Pipes. Trans. Roy. Soc. of Canada Sect. 3 (1898); 14 pp. ; BOYNTON, W. P. Application of the Kinetic Theory to Gases, Vapors, Pure ' Liquids and the Theory of Solutions. Macmillan Co. (1904); 288 pp. \ BRAUN, W. tlber die Natur der elastischen Nachwirkung. Pogg. Am. , 159, 337 (1876); 62 pp. i BRAUN, W. & KURZ, A. (1) t)ber die Dampfung der Torsionsschwingungen £ von Drahten. Carl's Repert. Exp.-physik. 15, 561 (1879); 16 pp.; j (2) Do., II, Carl's Repert. Exp.-physik. 17, 233 (1881); 21 pp.; (3) "Uber die elastische Nachwirkung in Drahten. III. Carl's Repert. Exp.-physik. 18, 665 (1882); 8 pp. ; BREDIG, G. 192, Beitrage zur Stochiometrie der lonenbeweglichkeit. Z. physik. Chem. 13, 190 (1894); 98 pp. : BREITENBACH, P. 79, 252, (1) tlber die innere Reibung der Gase und deren Anderung mit der Temperatur. Diss. Erlangen (1898); Wied. Ann. I 67, 803 (1899); 25 pp; (2) Do., Ann. Physik. 5, 166 (1901); 4 pp. * BRIDGMAN, P. W. (1) Mercury, Liquid and Solid, Under Pressure. Proc. : Amer. Acad. 47, 345 (1912); 94pp.; (2) On the Effect of General Mech- | anical Stress on the Temperature of Transition of Two Phases, with I a Discussion of Plasticity. Phys. Rev. (2) 7, 215 (1916); 9 pp. I BRIGGS, BENNETT and PIERSON. J. Phys. Chem. 22, 256 (1918). \ BRILLOUIN, M. 32, 38, 42, 142, (1) ThSorie elastique de la plasticity et la fragility des corps solides. Compt. rend. 112, 1054 (1891); 2 pp.; \ (2) Viscosity of Liquids as a Function of the Temperature. Ann. chim. | phys. (7) 18,197 (1899); 16 pp.; (3) Sur la viscosit<§ des fluides. Compt. } rend. 144, 1151 (1907); 2 pp.; (4) Legons sur la viscosite" des liquides f des gaz.; Part I. Ge"n<§ralit<§ des viscosit6s des liquides. "VII + 228 | pp. Part II. Viscosite" des gaz. Caracteres ge"ne"raux des theories molecularies. 146 pp. Gauthier-Villers. Paris (1907); (5) Diffusion of Animated Particles in Brownian Movement. Ann. chim. phys. 27, 412 (1913); 11 pp.; (6) Thermal Conductivity and Viscosity of Monatomic Liquids. Compt. rend. 159, 27 (1914); 3 pp. BRINKMAN, C. Die innere Reibung als Hulfsmittel zur Erkennung und Unterscheidung ahnlich konstituierter Verbindungen. Diss. Leipzig (1903); 54 pp. BRITTEN, R. P. L. Hardness and Viscosity of Varnishes. Oil and Color Chem. Assoc. Sept., 17 (1918); J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 37, 594 (1918). BRODMAN, C. 30, (1) Untersuchungen iiber den Reibungscoefficienten von Flussigkeiten. Diss. Gottingen (1891); Wied. Ann. 45, 159 (1892); 26 pp.; (2) tJber eine zur Untersuchung sehr zaher Flussigkeiten geeig- nete Modification der Transpirations methode. Wied. Ann. 46, 188 (1893); 19 pp. (Glycerol). BROWN, D. F. 162, et seq., 168, Thesis Lafayette College (1921).