INDEX 379 HARO. 285, (1) Sur P6coulement du sang par des tubas de petit calibre. Compt. rend. 83, 696 (1876); 3 pp.; (2) Essai sur lu transpirabilite du sang. Gaz. Hebdom. April 11 (1873); (3) Transpirabilit6 du sang. Gaz. Hebdom. July 7 (1876). HARRISON, W. J. (1) The Hydrodynamical Theory of Lubrication with Special Reference to Air as a Lubricant. Trans. Camb. Phil. Soc. 22, 39 (1913); 15 pp.; (2) The Motion of a Viscous Liquid Due to Uniform & Periodic Motion Maintained over a Segment of an Infinite Plane Boundary. Proc. Roy. Soc. London (7) 88, 13 (1913); 11 pp.; (3) J. Soc. Dyers and Colourists 27, April (1911). HARTLEY, H., THOMAS, N. and APPLEBEY. M. 196, Some Physico-Chemical Properties of Mixtures of Pyridine arid Water. Trans. Chem. Soc. 93, 538 (1908). HASSELBLATB, M. Uber die lineare Kristallisationsgcschwindigkeit isom- orpher Mischungen. Z. physik. Chem. 83, 1 (1913); 39 pp. HATSCHEK, E. 206, (1) The "Viscosity of Dispersed Systems. Z. Chem. Ind. Kolloide 7, 301 (1910); 4 pp.; (2) Kolloid.-Z. 7, 301 (1910); (3) Do. 7, 81 (1910); (4) The Viscosity of Disperiods. Z. Chem. Ind. Kolloid 8, 34 (1911); 5 pp. Cp. C. A. 5, 2458; (5) Kolloid.-Z. 11, 158 (1912); (6) Die Allegemeine Theorie dcr Viskositiit zweiphasiger Systerne. Z. Chem. Ind. Kolloid. 12, 238 (1913); 8 pp. Cp. Trams. Faraday Soc. (1913); The General Theory of Two-Phase Systems, 14 pp.; (7) The Viscosity of Emulsoid Sols, and Its Dependence on the Rate of Flow. Kolloid-Z. 13,88 (1913); 8 pp.; (8) Viscosity of Colloidal Solutions. Proc. Phys. Soc. London 28, 250 (1916). Cp. Humphrey; (9) Viscosity of Colloids. First Report on Colloid Chemistry, Brit. Assoc. for the Adv. of Sci. (1917); 4 pp.; H. M. Stationery Office, Imperial House, Kingsway, London,' "W. C.; (10) The Componition of the Disperse Phase of Emulsoid Sols. Kolloid-Z. 11, 284 (1912); (11) The Viscosity and Hydration of Colloidal Solutions. Biochcm. J. 10, 325 (1916). HATJSER, L. 140, tJber den Einfluas des Druckes auf die Viseositat des Wassers. Diss. Tubingen (1900). Ann. Physik. (4) 6, 597 (1901). HEJCHLEK, W. Fluiditlit und Leitfahigkeit ciniger korizcntritcr wasserigor Salzlosungen unten 0°. Ann. Physik. (4) 15, 157 (1904); 16 pp. DE HEEN, P. 6, 131, (1) De la fluidite des liquides. Bull. del'Ac. Roy. Belg. (2) 46, 798 (1878) 19pp.; (2) Determination d'une relation empiri- que entre le coefficient de frotternerit int&rieur des liquidea et los varia- tions que celui-ci 6prouve avec la temperature. Bull, do PAc. Roy. Belg. (3) 7, 248 (1884); 5 pp ; (3) Determination des variations que lo coefficient de frottement interieur des liquides eprouve avec la tempera- ture. Considerations th6oriques que dtScoulent de Pobservation do