INDEX 395 MAC!NNES, D. A, The Ion Mobilities, Ion Conductances, and the Effect of Viscosity on the Conductances of Certain Salts. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 43, 1217 (1921); 10pp. MACMICHAEL, R. F. 328. MACNIDER, G. M. (1) A Method for Determining the Value of Com- mercial Starches for Use in Cotton Mills. J. Ind. Eng. Chem. 4, 417 (1912); 12 pp.; (2) A Practical Method for Determining the Viscosity of Starch for Mill Purposes. J. Ind. Eng. Chem. 9, 597 (1917); 2 pp. MADELLA. Sopra alcune determinazioni d'attrito interno del latte. Le Stazioni Sperimental! agrarie italiane 37, 383. MAGNUS, G. (1) tlber die Bewegung der Flussigkeiten. Pogg. Ann. 80, 1 (1850); 36 pp.; (2) Hydraulische Untersuchungen. Pogg. Ann. 96, 1 (1855); 59 pp. MAHIN, E. Cp. Jones and Mahin. Diss. Johns Hopkins (1908); 42 pp. MAHR, H. W. Determination of the Melting Point of Greases by Means of the New York Testing Laboratory Viscometer. J. Ind. Eng. Chem, 0,674 (1913); 1 p. MAIN, J. Note on some Experiments on the Viscosity of Ice. Proc. Boy. Soc. London 42, 329 (1886); 2 pp. MAIR, J. G. Experiments on the Discharge of Water of Different Tempera- tures. Proc. Inst. of Civil Engineering 84, II, 426 (1886); 12 pp. MALCOLM. Phil. Mag. (6) 12, 508 (1906). MALLOCK, A. 6, (1) Determination of the Viscosity of Water. Proc. Roy. Soc. London 4=5, 126 (1888); 7pp.; (2) Experiments on Fluid Viscosity. Proc. Roy. Soc. London 59, 38 (1896); 2 pp.; Phil. Trans. (A) 187,41 (1896); 16pp. MALUS, C. (1) Etude de la viscosite" du soufre aux temperatures sup6- rierures a la temperature du maximum de viscosite". Compt. rend. 130, 1708 (1900); 3 pp.; (2) Recherches sur la viscosite* du soufre. Ann. chim. phys. (7) 24, 491 (1901). MARCUSSON, J. (1) Mitt. a. d. Konigl. Materialprufungsamt 29, 50 (1911); 4 pp.; (2) Chem. Rev. 45 (1909). (The use of blown oils in lubrication). MABEY. Changements de direction et de vitesse d'un courant d'air qui rencontre des corps de formes diverses. Compt. rend. 132, 1291 (1901); 5 pp. MAEGULES, M. 29, tlber die Bestimmung des Reibungs- und Gleitungs- coefficientea aus ebenen Bewegung einer Fliissigkeit. Wien. Sitz- ungsber. (2A) 83, 588 (1881); (2) Wien. Sitzungsber. (2A) 84, 491 (1881). MARIE, C. Surtension et viscosit6. Compt. rend. 147, 1400 (1908); 2pp. MAEIOBT. A Liquid Passing through Another without Mixing. M6m. soc. sci. phys. nat. Bordeau 2, 51 (1886). MAEIOTTE. 1, Traite* du mouvement des eaux. Paris (1700). MABKOWSKI, H. Die innere Reibung von Sauerstoff, Wasserstoff, chemis- chem und atmospharischem Stickstoff und ihre Anderung mit der Temperatur. Ann. Physik. (5) 14, 742 (1904); 13 pp.; Diss. Halle; 41 pp. Cp. Bestelmeyer.