INDEX 405 PEDERSON, F. The Influence of Molecular Structure upon the Internal Friction of Certain Isomeric Ether Gases. Phys. Rev. 26, 225 (1907). PELLET, M. Relation between the Fluidity (Barbey) and the Viscosity (Engler) of Lubricating Oils. Bull. Assoc. Chem. Sucr. dist. 29, 622 (1913;; 2 pp. PEREHST. 190. PEREOTT, G. ST. J. and THIESSEN, R. 218, 282, Carbon Black—Its Properties and Uses. J. Ind. Eng. Chem. 12, 324 (1920); 8 pp. PERRY, J., GRAHAM, J. & HEATH, C. 6, 131, Liquid Friction. Phil. Mag. (5) 35, 441 (1893;; 18 pp. PETROFF, N. 263, 268, (1) Neue Theorie der Reibung. J. des Ingenieurs Nos. 1, 2, 3 (1883); Imp. Russ. Acad. of Sciences, St. Petersburg; (2) Frottement dans les machines. Me"moires de 1' Acad&nie de St. Petersburg (8) 10, No. 4 (1890); (3) Experimental Untersuchungen tiber die Reibung der Flussigkeiten. Petersburg (1886); (4) Neue Theorie der Reibung. Trans, by Wurzel. Voss. Leipzig (1887); pp.; (5) tJber ein physikalisches Verfahren zur Bestimmung der Eigen- schaften eines Schmiermittels. Baumaterialienkunde, 269 (1899); (6) Prosdde* de determination des quality's d'un liquide lubrifiant. Congre"s international des methodes d'essai des mat&iaux de con- struction 2, 1 (1901); 6 pp.; Paris. Vve. Ch. Dunod.; (7) Reibung der Flussigkeiten und Machinen (russ). Ber. d. St. Peterburger tech- nolog. Instituts, 1885-6; J. f. Ingenieur (russ.), (1883). Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4; J. d. russ. Phys.-chem. Ges 16, 14 (1884); Bull. d. kaiserl, Akad. d. Wissen. zu. St. Petersburg 6, 365 (1896). PPAFF, F. 239, Versuche uber die Plasticitat des Eises. Pogg. Ann. 165, 169 (1875); 6 pp.; Sitzungsber. der phys. med. Soc. zu Erlangen, 72 (1875). PHILIP, A. Reducing the Viscosity of Petroleum Oils. U. S. Pat. 1,286,091. PHILLIPS, P. 143,146, 245, Viscosity of Carbon Dioxide. Proc. Roy. Soc. London 87, 48 (1912); 13 pp. PICCIATI, G. Sul moto di un cilindro indefinite in un liquido viscoso. Line. Rend. (5) 16, (2) 174 (1907); 10 pp. PICCININI, G. M. Viscometric and Cryoscopic Variations in the Blood after Administration of Antipyrine, Phenacetin and Antifebrin. Arch. farm. sper. 12, 193 (1911); 17 pp. PICK, H. Viscosity of Fluid Crystallin Mixtures of p-Azoxyanisole and p-Azoxyphenetole. Z. physik. Chem. 77, 577 (1911); 10pp. PICKERING, S. U. tlber Emulsionen. Koll. Zeitschr. 7, 11 (1910). PIEECE, C. On the Influence of the Internal Friction upon the Correction of the Length of the Seconds Pendulum for the Flexibility of the Support. Proc. Am. Acad. 13, 396 (1878); 6 pp. PIEST, C. (1) The Viscosity of Nitrocellulose Solutions. Z. Ges. Schiess- Sprengstoffw. 6, 409 (1911); 5pp.;Z.angen. Chem. 24,968 (1911); 4 pp. PISARSHEWSKI, L. and KARP, E. The Relation between Diffusion Constant, the Viscosity and the Electrical Conductivity. Z. physik. Chem. 63, 257 (1908); 12 pp.; Cp. J. Russ. Phys. Chem. Soc. Phys. Pt. 40, 599.