INDEX 427 WETZSTEIN, G. 58, tTber Abweichungen von Poiseuilleschen Gesetz. Diss. Munchen (1899); Wied. Ann. 68, 441 (1899); 30 pp. DE WHALLEY, H. C. and SIEGFRIED. A Gravimetric Method of Comparing Viscosities of Varnish, etc. Analyst 44, 288 (1919); 1 p. WHEELER. Clay Deposits. Chap. V. Plasticity of Clay. Mo. Geol. Survey 11, 97 (1896); 17 pp. WHETHAM, W. 31, 32, 213, (1) On the Alleged Slipping at the Boundary of a Liquid in Motion. Proc. Roy. Soc. London 48, 225 (1890); (2) On the Velocity of Ions. Phil. Trans. (A) 186, 507 (1896); 16 pp. WHITE, G. F. 97, 104, (1) Study of the Viscosity of Fish Oils. J. Ind. Eng. Chem. 4, 106 (1912); 4pp.; (2) Fluidity of Fish Oils as an Additive Property. Do. 4, 267 (1912); 3 pp.; (3) Ein Neues Viscosimeter und seine Anwendung auf Blut und Blutserum. Biochem. Z. 37, 482 (1911); 7 pp.; Cp. Bingham. WHITE, G. F. & THOMAS, A. Studies on Fish Oils. III. Properties of Fish and Vegetable Oil Mixtures. J. Ind. and Eng. Chem. 4, 878 (1912); 5 pp. WHITE, G. F. & TWINING, R. H. (1) The Fluidity of Butter Fat and its Substitutes. J. Ind. Eng. Chem. 5, 568 (1913); 5 pp.; (2) The Viscosity of Undercooled Water as Measured in a New Viscosimeter. Am. Chem. J. 50, 380 (1913); 9pp. WIECHERT, E. 237, Uber elastische Nachwirkung. Diss. Konigsberg (1889); 64pp. WIEDEMANN, E. 79, 246, (1) Arch. sci. phys. nat. 66,273 (1876); (2) Uber die Beziehung zwischen dem Reibungs und Leitungs-widerstand der Losungen von Salzen in verschiedenen Losungsmitteln. Wied. Ann. 20,537 (1883); 2 pp. WIEDEMANN, G. & VERDET. 2, 6, 192, Me*moire sur le mouvement des liquides qui s'observe dans le circuit de la pile voltaique et au les rela- tions de ce mouvement avec P electrolyse. Ann. de chim. et. de phys. (3) 62, 224 (1858); 30 pp.; Extraits par Verdet Pogg. Ann. 99, 77 (1856). WIJKANDER, 81, 92, Lands Physiogr. Sallsk. Jubelskr. Lund (1878); Wied. Beibl. 3, 8 (1879). WILBERFORCE, L. 17, On the Calculation of the Coefficient of Viscosity of a Liquid from its Rate of Flow through a Capillary Tube. Phil. Mag. (5; 31, 407 (1891); 8 pp. WILKINS. Elektrotechn. Zeitschr. 26, 135 (1904). WILLERS, F. Viscosity Anomalies of Emulsions in the Conditions of Turbulent Flow. Physik. Z. 10, 244 (1908); 4 pp. WILSON, H. A. 7, 190, 191, On the Velocity of Solidification of Super- cooled Liquids. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. 10, I, 25; Phil. Mag. 50, 238 (1900); 13 pp. WINKELMANN. Handbuch der Physik. 578-582 (1891). Cp. Graetz & Jager. WINKLER, L. Gesetzmassigkeit bei der Absorption der Gase in Fltissig- keiten. Z. physik. Chem. 56, 171 (1992); 13 pp.; Cp. Z. physik. Chem. 10, 144 (1892); (2) Do., Z. physik. Chem. 65, 344 (1906); 11 pp.