428 INDEX WOLFF, H. (1) The Determination of the Viscosity of Varnishes. Farben. Ztg. 17,2108; (2) Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Leitfahigkeiten gemischter Losungen von Elektrolyten. Z. physik. Chem. 40, 222 (1902); 34pp. WOTJDSTRA, H. 206, tlber die innere Reibung kolloidaler Silberlosungen Z. physik. Chem. 63, 619 (1908); 4pp.; Cp. Chem. Weekblad 5. 303, 602; (2) The Degree of Dispersion and Viscosity. Z. Chem. Ind. Kolloide 8, 73 (1911); 8 pp.; (3) The Viscosity and Coagulation of Caoutchouc Solutions. Z. Chem. Ind. Kolloide 5, 31 (1909); 2 pp.; (4) Kolloid.-2i. 8, 73 (1911). WRIGHT, 105. C. Kendall and Wright. WROPLEWSKI, S. VON. (1) Uber die Abhangigkeit der Constante der Verbreitung der Gase in einer Fliissigkeit von der Zahigkeit der letztern. Wied. Ann. 7, 11 (1879); 13 pp.; (2) Uber die Natur der Absorption der Gase. Wied. Ann. 8, 29 (1879); 24 pp. WtiLLNER. Lehrbuch der Experimental physik. 4th Ed., 259 (1882). YEN, KIA-LOK. An Absolute Determination of the Coefficients of Viscosity of Hydrogen, Nitrogen, and Oxygen. Phil. Mag. 38, 582 (1919); 16 pp. ZAHM, A. Atmospheric Friction on Even Surfaces. Phil. Mag. (6) 8, 58 (1904); 9 pp. ZAKRZEWSKTEGO, K. O oscylacyi krazka w plynie lepkin. Rozprawy Akademii (A) 42, 392 (1902); 7 pp. ZANDA, G. B. 286, (1) Viscosity of the Blood During the Absorption of Glucose. Arch. Ital. Biol. 62, 79 (1910); 4 pp.; Zentr. Biochem. Bio- phys. 10, 1006; (2) Azione dei farmaci sulla digestione pepsinica dal punto di vista fisico-chimico. Giornale della R. Ace. di. Torino 10, #7 and 8 (68). ZAREMBA, S. Krakauer Anz. 380, 403 (1903); Rozpr. Akad. (A) 43, 14 (1904); 7 pp.; Krakauer Anz. 85 (1903); 8 pp. ZEMPLEX G. (1) Bestimmung des Koefficienten der inneren Reibung der Gase nach einer neuen experimentalen Methode. Ann. Physik. (4) 19, 783 (1906); 23 pp.; (2) Do., Ann. Physik. (4) 29, 869 (1909); 39 pp.; Cp. Math, natro. Ber. Ungarn 19, 74 (1904j; 7 pp. and Math. Termt. Ert. Budapest 23, 561 (1905); (3) Investigations on the Vis- cosity of Gases. Ann. physik. 38, 71 (1912;; 54 pp. ZERI, A. (1) La viscosita della bile umana. Arch, di farmac. speriment, c scienze affini 4, 279 (1905); (2) Un Nuovo carattere differenziale tra essudati e trasudati. II Politecnico. Sezione pratica 12, 1373 (1905). ZEUNER. 18, Civilingenieur 1, 84. ZIMMER, O. (1) The Viscosity of Ethylene and Carbon Monoxide and its Changes at Low Temperatures. Ber. deut. physik. Ges. 471 (1912). ZOJA, L. Physikalisch-chemische Untersuchung der Reaktionen zwischen Eiereiweiss und Essigsaure. Koll. Z. 3, 249, 269 (1908); 20 pp.