Good morning, Professor Lopez. Buenos dias. New York Botanical Gardens. Yes, ma'am, the Rose Gardens will be in bloom in about a week. Nice to meet you. Howdy. Think we're wasting our time. Thank you. Well, now, if you will... We did. Shh. We will go upstairs and examine the specimens of the descendants from geological time of the plants that turned to stone. Now, if you'll follow me this way, I'll show you the way to the entrance. Yes, ma'am. Yes, ma'am. Yes, ma'am. Yes, ma'am. Yes, ma'am. Yes, ma'am. Now, if you'll follow me this way... We go up there, where we will examine... Yes, ma'am. that we don't Ulter on cilantro. . You. Who are you and what do you want and so I important. It's somehow six it went down a My friend he does not trust me you will speak English so we can both here if you know anything about the diamonds speak You idiot he's unconscious now. We cannot talk he'll keep Let's feel some more coconuts We got a few more to go We can find him before he comes to You. If we do. We don't. We. Know the the your. . I'm getting tired. Lopez, he's trying to escape us. Through that bottle in the head, he ain't getting far. We must find him before somebody else does. Look upstairs, I'll look around out here. Yes, sir. Mike Bonnett, this is Mr. Lopez. Professor Lopez. He was here just a few minutes ago. We asked him to meet him here in the administration building. How are we? Well, he can't go very far. He may be in the greenhouse if you care to look. Oh, what's he look like? He's kind of cute. Chubby, tan, mustache. Wears a white laboratory jacket. Okay, thanks. If you see him first, tell him where I am. All right. . . . . . . . . Excuse me if you don't want Professor Lopez apart just no I don't but the fellow wandering around here while I go is talking to himself. Professor Lopez Professor. I might find a. What's about. When I stay. You say so. I think you better sit down. I can read on me on Los Angeles you were with what the angels are going to link they said you know I don't think you know I'm here to me. I didn't say I do a little could be three or the world's covered with glass. Sorry I was still going to get out. I think you're. I speak Spanish but perhaps I may assist by traffic there's something wrong with my vocalize when you're with us make sense. Come on say your most. Very. He does not know his name is Professor Lopez his accent sounds South American. Who around here might not have a presser Well I mean well Mr Williams all in the lab he's a superintendent. We can call a doctor from over there and he's looking after the sickle's up to a walk where they will stay down there. He's a let's get him over to your office. I think. I'm. Not there's. No pressure. To the matter Mr. So kind of an accident but we find Mr Williams first off across the way I hope it's not serious I don't know what you put up on a hospital get some right over to look at it. In here. Where does the matter I think you can tell you the receptionist called Dr B right over my name is Barnett this is my son about the month being this but I said we listen you know that he seemed to be in a state of shock when you find was wandering around on a farm in a tropical greenhouse you better sit down for a moment. Yes. It's to go to the cup is somebody's head and he complains of a headache and swelling all right but no lacerations must have been hit hard he's not rational. Could be emotional shock fear why he had no reason to be afraid to me. He didn't send for me because someone's tiptoeing through your tulips send for you are you a policeman Mr Barnett Brian investigator this gentleman called me and said he's been far for the last three days ever since he started a special consultation job here any idea why I would not miss the town of God got a secret laboratory technical garden or Madison Square Garden somebody want a few fast rounds with the professor I'd like to know the reason unfortunate perhaps he will never remember. Amnesia is usually temporary. It was brought on by a great shock we might ease him out of it with a lesser shock hollow signal that's a gamble but empty his pockets are all right I will. I want to witness that I return everything I take out a study on what I saw sort of an experiment though. I don't. Like to hear all those things in front of it one at a time you mean the content of his part of my recognition get his memory function sometimes works it's worth a try. Ready. For a grass and. White I believe. Why did he suppose I get a pulse jump subconscious reaction. Script to presentation from the Ministry of Agriculture that should be important to him. Press once left on change this. I am. To find a little quote or not. That's not Spanish no technical that in the specie of plan the station from South America if you have no further need of my services I would rejoin my tour party yeah thanks for your help I have done nothing. I guess. You know I love. Why he was set up here in South America to help us arrange an exhibit coconut culture one of the leading experts in the field you see there's some mystery about the spread of the coconut fruit some fall into the sea and I carried along by the ocean current. Lopez had been applying oceanography to back trail the coconut to its point of origin. And his work concerns coconuts we had a big shipment set up here for his exhibit he had been preparing everything from the germinating seed to the adult palm. Where is a shipment of coconuts stored in the basement I like to look at it. And you got someone to sit with the professor well yes I believe so. Oh Smith come in here when you're out I'll take you down in my cell. For Smith you heard what happened yes but just be you work in here and keep your eye on until the doctor comes if he comes to report I don't try to explain anything just keep him here we'll be back in a while. And. You. Were like somebody but looking coconut with an axe every one of the spread over is the one of the liberty you expose it Lopez is advertising his own project and himself in the back of the head now hysterical but it's not crazy why would anyone say you know this. Was he was looking for something coconut milk meat the commercial value of the entire ship was less than one hundred dollars but the customs valuation no Department of Agriculture really things don't have to clear customs I know scientific material is admitted duty free international custom. Those are the coconut eyes. This is what made Lopez's post job when I showed him this piece of coconut. But it was just a sock cut you're right. If you cut out those eyes and empty the milk out of a coconut you have a nice hollow container for the stopper to plug it up again and then you go what something small something valuable enough to smuggle something had to be followed a cover of the sand smuggler didn't recover it sure looks like he tried yeah if they didn't find it in the coconuts you might have tried to take it out of a presence I. Think that maybe Lopez accidentally found some contraband and they smell good found him yes I do. Where I want to try to get him to talk that's true then why don't we call the police instead of a private investigator. It must have hidden a little. Call me instead of the police to avoid any publicity that might react unfavorably on his exhibit. Anyway I think we're going to have a lot of the old boy gets his wits back. All the doctor just arrived on the fence and he's in the office now good I'll call a police. You Mr Williams I'm Williams I was a doctor I can tell you he does regain consciousness he was not conscious when I left him was he wearing an iron holder wrapped around his skull when you left it was. A lot of us Williams said you all right I feel right well there was another way to win came in just as well if I told you to watch it maybe if I had not a single slug that wasn't well press couldn't have been he was sitting right in front of me so he's getting active and there can only be one reason. I get the receptionist that's not. When I'm I'll be pleased. Somebody's trying to get him to talk if you ever make sense he's a corner I'm calling from Mr Williams office of using Professor Lopez as we brought him in here. Are you sure. Good. They may still be in a building get some help and search the place on the gate and tell them to watch all exits we're all part of tenants and leave work for the police I know all this stick around I might be a busy day. And. Nothing is hidden somewhere. But we're going to miss. Wait a minute I told you to cut the Apache talk I want to hear this think think hard. Diamond. The little shiny rocks where did you hide. To a pile of. Coran that. Once he's saying it is Latin I do not know I think you're a liar you you old crock I don't think you're punchy at all the rocks in my head are rocks you don't talk I'm going to kick your head out we cannot stay here to name will be searching for it let him alone maybe he will leave us somewhere. But. Ah. Ah. I will. Really speak in post it was not a talk that maybe he is. Certainly we will see. Well. I found. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. This is Mike Bonnet. Turn to this same channel next week for another exciting case from the file I call, Follow That Man.