310 GUJARATA AND ITS LITERATURE Indian nation at the second sessions of the Indian Round Table Conference. About the end of 1931 the Mahatma returned to India and, soon afterwards, Government intro- duced the ordinance regime. Government arrested him on the 4th of January 1932 and a strenuous struggle began between the Congress and the Government of India. Lock- ed up in the Yeravda jail and single-handed, he then began to combat tremendous forces by sheer force of spi- ritual strength. On the 20th of September 1932 he went on 'his fast unto death' in order to undo the wrong which the British Premier had inflicted upon the Hindu com- munity by cutting it into two. It moved India and many parts of the world to its innermost depths; the cons- cience of the Hindu community was awakened; and the British Premier was compelled to revise his award so as to leave the Hindu community one and undivided. The Yeravda Pact is, perhaps, the greatest event in the history of Modern India, Thereafter, the Mahatma organised from jail a campaign to remove untouchability. In May 1933 he held communion with God and went on a self-purificatory fast of twenty onS days. He had to be released in consequence, but, on his decision to resume individual Civil Disobedience, Govern- ment arrested him again on 1st of August, and refused to give him the permission he had enjoyed during his last im- prisonment to carry on the Harijan campaign unrestricted in jail. He went on a fast again and was released. Pursuant to his vow, he then conducted a whirlwind campaign throughout the country for the removal of untouchability; and within so short a time as one year defied time and space and the demands of health to carry to the most remote villages his message of hope to the socially sub- merged. History knows of a Buddha preaching his gospel of Nirvana far and wide in the course of a long life and a Peter the Hermit delivering his fiery message of the Crusades across Europe; but this generation has seen with its eyes what centuries have found it difficult to imagine: a prophet in one year by his quickening inspiration stimu- lating the conscience of so vast and slow-moving a society and re-shaping the life of millions. On the 28th