2 THE. WORLD America, Let us ^imagine, then, that one of us wishes to go to America to grow wheat. America is away to the west, and is separated from Britain by miles of ocean, so/we must make the journey by ship. Suppose we start from Liverpool, on the estuary of the Mersey.* This estuary is sheltered from all winds except the north-west, and is cleaned out twice a day % the rush of a swift tide that rises as much as 26 feet at the mouth. Dredgers are always at EMIGBANT VESSEL AT LIVEEPOOL DOCKS. *t work to help the tide to keep a deep clear channel There are 35 miles of quays at the port, and there are huge warehouses where the goods that go in and out of the port are stored. The wheat lands of America lie near the centre of the continent, and before we can reach them we must leave the ship and take to the railway. There are several sea-routes by which we may travel and several points afc which we n?ay land.