Lord’s Day 35 Themes and Divisions


W. Slomp


Worship the Lord God only in the manner he has shown in his Word


That means that we may not:


1.      Add human elements

2.      Take away divine elements


G. Van Popta


In the second commandment the Lord God commands us to worship him as he has revealed himself in his Word


That is, as the one who is:


1.      Exalted above us

2.      Near unto us

3.      Faithful towards us


C. Bouwman


God insists that we make no images of him, lest we provoke his jealousy


1.      The ancient setting of this command

2.      The modern application of this command


A God jealous for his honour is particular in how we serve him

1.      The prohibition of the second commandment

2.      The jealousy behind the second commandment

3.      The obedience required by the second commandment


Creatures can come to know how to serve the Creator only by listening to his Word


1.      God is particular in how he is served

2.      Careless services comes from not knowing God well

3.      Knowing God well comes from listening to his Word


Arthur VanDelden


The true worship of God’s true image


God requires you to:


1.      Form a true image of God in your mind through revelation

2.      Worship the image of God in your heart without manipulation

3.      Bear the image of God in your works by means of recreation


H. Vanderkam


The manner of our worship


1.      Its importance

2.      Its essence

3.      Its transgression


J. Visscher


How shall we worship the Lord?


1.      Exclusively

2.      Accurately

3.      Carefully


C. Stam


The second commandment concerning the special manner in which the only living God wishes to be worshipped


1.      The heathen manner of worship

2.      The covenantal manner of worship


B. Holwerda


Christ writes the second commandment in our hearts


He does that in order that we:


1.      Should show gratitude to God for our redemption

2.      Ourselves would be assured of our faith by its fruits

3.      Should gain our neighbour for Christ