Study. Fortnightly Review,

1904. Iverach, James. Her-
bert Spencer. The Critical
xiv. Pp. 99-112,

1899. Mackintosh, Robert.
From Comte to Benjamin
Kidd. The appeal to
biology or evolution for
human guidance. Mac-
millan & Co., London.
Pp. 287.

1900. Macpherson, Hector.
Herbert Spencer. The man
and his work. Chapman
& Hall, L ondon. Pp. 2 2 7.

1872. Martineau, James.
The Place of Mind in Nat-
ure. Williams & Norgate,

1879. Martineau, James.
Essays. 2 vols. Triibner
& Co., London.

1882. Michelet. Spencer's
System der Philosophic.
Spencer's Lehre von dem
Unerkennbaren Leipzig,

1898. Morgan, C. Lloyd.
Mr Herbert Spencer's
Biology. Natural Science,
xiii. pp. 377~383-

1900. Pearson, K. The
Grammar of Science, 2nd.
Edition. A. & C. Black,
London. Pp. 548.

1904. Pringle-Pattison, A.
S. The Life and Philo-
sophy of Herbert Spencer.
The Quarterly Review, vol.
2OO, pp. 240-267.

1902. Sidgwick, Henry.
Lectures on the Ethics of
T. H. Green, Mr Herbert
Spencer and J. Martineau.
Macmillan & Co., London,
Pp. 374.

1905. Sidgwick, Henry.
The Philosophy of Mr
Herbert Spencer. In « The
Philosophy of Kant and
other lectures." Mac-
millan & Co., London.
Pp. 475.

1904. Sorley, W. R. The
Ethics of Naturalism: a
criticism, 2nd Edition,
Blackwood, Edinburgh.
Pp. 338.

1892. Sorley, W. R. Her-
bert Spencer. Article in
Chambers's Encyclopaedia,

1879. Sully,James. Article,
" Evolution." Encyclo-
paedia Britannica, ninth

1899. Ward, James. Natur-
alism and agnosticism. 2
vols. A. & C. Black,
London. Pp. 302 and 291.

British Quarterly Review.
October 1873, and January