CHAPTER V THINKING OUT THE SYNTHETIC PHILOSOPHY Thinking by Stratagem—The System Grows—Difficulties— Italy — Habits of Work — Sociology — Ill-kealth — Citizenship—"Visit to America-—Closing Tears HAVING theoretically secured the requisite number of subscribers to the projected series of volumes, Spencer tried to settle down to " something like unity of occupation." In the Spring of 1860 he began the First J?riwip/ej—oii[y to break down before he had finished the first chapter; and the same depres- sing experience was continually repeated. Fortunately for Spencer's peace of mind, his uncle William left him some money 5 one may well say fortunately, since the number of defaulters in the subscription list was so large that in the absence of other resources even the first volume could not have been published. Thinking ly Stratagem*-*-Spencer's devices for keeping off the cerebral congestion which work induced were many and various—some almost laughable, if the whole business had not been so tragic. He would ramble into the country, find a sheltered nook or sunny bank, do a little work, and move on like a " Scholar Gipsy " § he would take his amanuensis on the Regent's Park water, row vigorously for five minutes, dictate for fifteen, and so on da capo j he 37 pencer was in no wise lacking. ing out Ms System,