HITLER AND I taken into the confidence of one of them, and it was edifying. The first was the wife of the Berlin piano-maker, the famous Bechstein. Frau Bechstein was twenty years older than Adolf, and lavished on him an ecstatic and faintly maternal devotion. When he went to Berlin he generally stayed with her, and it was at her house that he met the politicians whose acquaintance he desired to make. When they were alone, or occasionally in front of friends, he would sit at his hostess's feet, lay his head on her opulent bosom and close his eyes, while her beautiful white hand caressed her big baby's hair, disturbing the historic forelock on the future dictator's brow. 'Wolfchen* she murmured tenderly, 'mein Wolfchm.^ This purely platonic affair eventually ceased to satisfy Adolf Hitler, who made the acquaintance of a younger and unquestionably more attractive female. This was the daughter of Hofmann, the photographer, an exceedingly attractive young blonde, with frank and boyish ways. Adolescent girls are rarely discreet. Fraulein Hof- mann chattered so freely and to such effect that one day her father went to demand an explanation from the seducer of Munich. Hitler was not yet Chancellor of the Reich, but his fame was growing, and Europe was beginning to talk about him. The matter was soon settled. Hofmann 1 eMy little wolf, my little wolf.' 82