20 ELEMENTS OF ART LIGHT Light in an art element as well as a utilitarian element. It has a definite emotional effect. Light is stimulating; darkness is de- pressing. A sunshiny day makes us sparkle, and a dark day makes us dull. Those who are so unfortunate as to occupy only north rooms in the winter time realize the gloom that results from lack of sunshine. On the other hand, light that is too brilliant exhausts us physically and is as offensive esthetically aS loud noise. In our homes we should have available, but under control, all the light that we can use. The shadow element too is an important decorative factor both indoors and out. Architects use shadows for emphasis, in the front door, in overhanging eaves, under porch roofs, under siding boards, and on uneven surfaces such as stone or brick. In interiors, shad- ows assist decoratively, serving as a foil for light. Daylight is such an important factor in the appearance of a room that no plan of decoration should be made without considering the exposure, the number of windows, the amount of sunshine that enters the room, the trees or vines that shut out light, and what season of the year the room is used most. As much daylight as is desired can now be procured by means of glass walls or large windows extending from floor to ceiling. Movable curtains should be provided, however, so that the quantity of light can easily be controlled to fit the needs of the occupants of a room* Modern artificial light, particularly electric light, is not only a remarkable functional utility but also a marvelous flexible art medium. It should be used in a room as an artist uses light in a picture. Artificial light may produce unity by its diffusion through the entire room. It may show contrast and emphasis by bringing bright light to important areas while subordinate areas remain in the shadows. It can bring rhythm and continuity to a room's fur- nishings by linking together various points of emphasis* The sub- ject of artificial lighting is thoroughly covered k Chapter 18* American designers, particularly the Modem ones, have learned to employ artificial light with excellent results. Designers of light- ing for homes became aware of the great potentialities of artificial light through its tise in the modern theater.