ELEMENTS OF ART 21 SPACE The Importance of space as an element of art structure has been fully recognized recently; however, organization of space is basic in Modern architecture and interior decoration. A sense of the beauty of space makes us want large undecorated walls and floors which bound space without disturbing its effect. Appreciation of space is the cause of our using a small, amount of furniture and concentrating It In groups, so that we can have some empty silent spaces in our rooms. The present trend Is for space to become freer and less obstructed throughout a house. Indoor space seems Increased by means of fewer partitions and larger openings between rooms. Indoor space seems also to connect with limitless outdoor space by means of glass walls, large openings, and porches. Interpenetratlon of out- door and Indoor space results from the use of wide overhanging eaves and extending free-standing walls which protect outdoor living areas. The landscape designer, as well as the architect, utilizes this element of space. He may focus his garden on a bird bath or on a distant mountain peak, or he may project it Into Infinity. He or- ganizes the space In the garden so that the result Is livable, func- tional, and completely integrated with the house. As our understanding of spatial organization increases we may expect to have better functioning and more beauty in our homes. COLOR Color Is so important an art element that It Is considered sep- arately In the following chapter*