56 PRINCIPLES OF DESIGN EMPHASIS Emphasis is the principle that directs us to have a center of in- terest in any arrangement, and a dominating idea, form, or color in any scheme. In order to place emphasis on any special feature, others must be subordinated or simplified. Emphasis on a dominat- ing idea is considered on page 3, dominating color on page 40, and dominating shape on page 12. The Center of Interest. If possible every room should have a center of interest, which is the most important point in the room and should be worthy of the attention given to it. It may be an architectural feature, as a hearth or a bay window, or it may be some interesting furnishings. It is not always desirable to em- phasize the same feature in summer and winter or even by day and by night. A large room may well have secondary points of in- terest also. How to Emphasize. Emphasis can be created at any desired point in the room by using the art components in a dramatic way, as by means of: 1. Large or unusual forms. 2. Positive surface pattern. 3. More light than elsewhere* 4. Unusual texture. 5. The brightest or the most contrasting colors. When emphasizing a particular part of a room, the other parts should be subordinated. Some decorators distribute the emphasis so that the observer will give attention to the accessories, the furni- ture, the floor, and the walls, in this order. Sometimes, however, this order is deliberately reversed in order to withdraw attention from things that should be minimized. For example, nondescript furniture should be eclipsed by especially attractive wall paper. Although the floor is not the place to focus attention, some floor coverings, especially Oriental rugs, are so conspicuous that they cannot be obscured. If such a rug must be used the only solution is to subordinate everything else in the room. A warning should be given to the amateur decorator; it is very much better to underemphasize than to overemphasize in interior design* It, k pleasant to feel that the decorator has plenty of reserve power.