58 PRINCIPLES OF DESIGN PROBLEMS A sufficient number of problems are listed so that choices viay be wade, L Draw a floor plan for an oblong room and find a unit of meas- urement for it by any method given in the text. Locate pleas- ing points and lines. 2. Design the front view of a cabinet, using a geometric unit of measurement. 3. Analyze a room for proportion. 4. Analyze your classroom for balance. 5. Bring to class examples of plant material showing regular, ir- regular, and radiating rhythm (pine cone, vine, leaf, etc,)* 6. Analyze reproductions of paintings to find the center of inter- est (emphasis). 7. Point out articles with informal or formal balance (hat, dress, book cover, package label, pattern in fabric, etc.), READING REFERENCES Dow, ARTHUR W. Composition. Doubleday, 1928. GOLDSTEIN, H. and GOLDSTEIN, V. Art in Everyday Life. Mac- millan, 1954. GUMP, RICHARD. Good Taste Costs No More, Doublcday, 1951. PEPPER, STEPHEN C The Principles of Art Appreciation, I lar- court, Brace, 1949.