72 TRADITIONAL STYLES IN HOUSES PROBLEMS A sufficient number of problems arc listed so thai choices vhiy be ih'jdc 1. Classify pictures of houses according to their styks. 2. Identify the types of houses in ;i specific block in your city, 3. Name the architectural style of your college buildings, church. post office, home. 4. Trace a page of traditional houses suitable for your locality. READING HANNAFORD, D. R. and EDWARD, R. Sfamish (lolnnLtf or Advht Architecture of Ciiliforwx. Architecrural Book Publishing Co. PICKERING, I'JWKST. The Ifowesvf ////AT/VJ. (Voucll, I(>51. WATERMAN, THOMAS T. The Ihvellii/irs of C.oloiiixl America. University of North Carolina Press, 1951.