130 HOME LANDSCAPING THE PRIVATE AREA The private area usually consists of all the space not occupied by foreground and service areas. For the sake of privacy, con- venience, and quiet it is located at the rear of the house adjoining the living room and dining room, if possible. In the past the usual treatment of the private area of the grounds was to convert it to lawn, surround it with a border of shrubs and hardy perennials, give it a center of interest, enclose it with a high wall, fence, or hedge, and supply shade trees where they are needed, A more modern and functional treatment of the private area is to organize it for outdoor living to meet the needs of every member of the family. All families need an outdoor living and dining room and places for games and exercise; some require in addition a special playground for children, a barbecue, a recreation court, or a wading pool. The indispensable outdoor living room may be a porch, terrace, or patio. See page 176. It should have at least partial shade and a weatherproof floor. It should have some suggestion of enclosure, for man does not relax completely without at least the semblance of a wall to protect him. Climate and exposure usually determine the most effective protection from sun, wind, and insects. For example, a seacoast house might need a free-standing glass wall to exclude the wind but not the view. If possible, outdoor areas of some type should be provided on three sides of the house to meet different weather conditions in different seasons and supply shade at various times of day. Delightful features possible in connection with a terrace are a simple raised pool or a children's wading pool The water cools the air, reflects sky and flowers, contains colorful fish and flowers, and attracts birds. The little pool may be a modern free form, or square, round, kidney-shaped, or oblong. A plentiful supply of plants in pots and tubs should be used in outdoor living areas* The private area should be well furnished with comfortable weatherproof furniture, of a type in keeping with the house and its furnishing. Suitable combinations are unpamted wooden slat furniture for a plain cottage, metal furniture for a Modem house, and Mexican or Island furniture for a simple Mediterranean home. Where contrast is desired white furniture is effective.