188 EXTERIOR HOUSE DESIGN PROBLEMS A sufficient number of problems are listed so that choices may be made, 1. Visit a new residence section. Write descriptions of several small houses that are simple in design. 2. Make quick drawings of houses with attached garages. 3. Identify the building materials in the houses in a specific block. 4. Trace the fafade of a symmetrical house from a periodical. 5. Trace the fagade of an asymmetrical house. 6. Draw the ground plan of a house, showing a winter terrace and a summer porch. 7- Visit a demonstration house or some other new house to ob- serve new features. READING REFERENCES ARCHITECTURAL RECORD. A Treasury of Contemporary Houses, 1954. GILLIES, MARY D. McCalfs Book of Modem Homes. Simon & Schuster, 1950. HENNESSEY, WILLIAM J, Ammctfs Best Small Houses, Viking Press, 1949. PRATT, RICHARD. A Treasury of Early American Homes. Mc- Graw-Hill, 1950.