338 ACCESSORIES Accessories should be acquired gradually, in order to allow time to find the most effective object for the special place where it is to be used. Almost all accessories have some functional as well as esthetic value, but usually a few articles are chosen which justify their existence by their beauty and mental stimuli alone. Variety is a source of pleasure in accessories; they might well differ in size, height, texture, color, age, period, cost, and origin. Complete sets of matching accessories for desks or dressers are usually monotonous; a collection of articles that agree in scale and feeling and are made of the same materials is more interesting than sets. Pairs of objects, however, can frequently be placed to advantage. Expressiveness. Accessories should be chosen to express the same idea as the home itself. Indeed, it is more important for ac- cessories to carry out the mood of a room than it is for them to have unusual beauty. For example, a room with a rustic feeling would suffer from the, intrusion of a sleek Modern article, no matter how fine it might be in itself. The personality of a family is revealed in its accessories; some of the telltale things are books, periodicals, plants, work, and hobbies. Certain hobbies, such as well-mounted groups of stamps, coins, photographs, maps, or prints, might provide distinctive notes in home decoration. Collections of interesting bottles or china could be effective in a decorative scheme, if well placed and not too extensive. See pages 60, 223, 278, and 350. Line and Form. In line and form the accessories should con- form to the general design feeling of the home. Period, Non- period, or Modern furnishings should include accessories having the same general line and form as the furniture. However, devia- tions from the general style are more acceptable in accessories than in other furnishings. The present vogue is to use much larger accessories than formerly. Color. An accessory should be carefully related in color to the furnishings of the room where it is to be placed; if possible, it should be tried before being purchased. Although accessories often provide the brilliant color accents of a room, it is well to choose some accessories that have less compelling color than others. Chinese accessories which are suitable in either Modern or period rooms are often selected because of their delightful coloring.