410 RENTED ROOMS Dormitory rooms are living rooms as well as sleeping rooms; therefore the bedroom aspects should be minimized. This is easily done if beds without visible frames are used. See page 422. In dormitories or sorority houses where the usual conspicuous bed frames are supplied, a petition to the authorities may accomplish the substitution of hidden bed frames known as Hollywood beds. Beds on such frames look like couches and can be placed parallel to walls, covered with a medium or dark spread, and supplied with large box cushions, thereby creating a sitting-room effect. A washable wall finish or a 4-foot band or dado is desirable where couch or sofa beds are used. Personality in the appearance of an institutional room is desir- able. Individuality is expressed by personal possessions and hob- bies, which must be arranged to look orderly, uncluttered, and clean. Since there is usually no place in a dormitory room to hang up trophies, pictures, and souvenirs except on a high picture molding ingenuity should be exercised in providing a place. Small bulletin boards are usually inadequate. Large composition board, obtainable at lumber yards, can be cut to fit a wall space and hung from the picture molding. A tennis net can be hung from the picture molding to hold photographs. Hanging shelves are useful for books and hobbies where floor space is limited. Students should usually decorate their rooms as soon as they are definitely located before study and activities take all their time. They should not, however, buy their furnishings until they reach the campus and see their rooms. A woman student should consider her college room a valuable opportunity to gain experience in expressing herself and achieving a good-looking home-like effect. She should be willing to take the time and effort to do a thoughtful job, because this experience is valuable for a potential home maker. Planning the Room Consider the architecture and decoration of the dormitory. Consider the style of the furniture in your room. Select the theme or mood to express in your room. Plan the color wheme to suit the room as well as yourself. Determine what articles of furnishings are needed. Make a tentative bwi%et of costs.