^------- Jacobean. | ( 430 THE RENAISSANCE MOVEMENT THE RENAISSANCE Italy. Fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. Spain. Sixteenth century. France. 1500-1643. England. 1509-1660. T * [Henry VIII. 1509-1547. ludor. |Elizabeth> 1558-1603. [James I. 1603-1625. [Charles I. 1625-1649. Commonwealth. 1649-1660. United States. 1625-1700. English Colonial. (Early American.) 1625-1700. Spanish Colonial. Seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, The Renaissance was a revival of Classic civilization) after Greek and Roman art, literature, and science had been neglected during the thousand years of the Middle Ages. It was one of the world's outstanding periods in the development of thought, as Man emerged from a long period of misery and subjugation and under- stood his right to earthly pleasure. The new interest in humanism and realism was integrated with art consciousness and was expressed in the architecture, sculpture, painting, and minor arts of the rime. There were several reasons for this rebirth, the most immediate being the flight of the Byzantine Greek scholars to Italy when Constantinople fell in 1453. Their veneration of Classic art in- spired others to study the philosophy and government of the Greeks and Romans so they learned that the ancients had lived better and happier lives than they. Other important causes of the Renaissance were the Crusades, the invention of printing, the art patronage of wealthy Italian families, and the cultural activity of the Church of Rome under Pope Nicholas V. The Renaissance was not alone a rebirth of the classicism of Greece and Rome, for Oriental and Gothic influences were also factors in its development. The Renaissance began in Italy and achieved its highest development there, but it spread to all western Europe, where it had a strong effect on France, Germany, Spain, and England and prevailed for more than a century. Most of the period houses and the period furniture that are used today are descendants of the Renaissance.