PREFACE 13 fidently hoping that Geneva would enable the good work to become a reality. This hope was not so much the result of an overestimate of the task and achievements of the new Geneva organization as of a belief that I might be able to interest a man of unique qualities, who was attending the session, in the work of relief. This man, whose beneficent activities had been known to the entire world for decades, was Fritjof Nansen. It was he whom I wished to interest. A few days before Christmas I had an opportunity of talking to Nansen at the Hotel Metropole, where he was staying at the time. He immediately approved of the idea of relief for Petrograd; but he did not conceal the difficulties. What distressed him most was that the public conscience had become dulled in the post- war period and did not favour fresh relief action. He considered success possible only if the International Red Cross Committee and an influential official of it, competent to deal with the question, were to support my endeavours. I went to the Committee without delay. But the conversation with the official, whom Nansen recommended to me, was one of the greatest disappointments of my life. He argued that the public interest ought not be distracted by new relief activities from those which had already been taken in hand. I must confess that the argument that the setting up of any relief organization would represent a kind of competition with relief action already being undertaken made the most profound impression on me. The Red Cross official raised other objec- tions, and allowed me to understand that despite Nansen's interest the International Committee could not participate in the work This sealed the fate of our endeavours. The Petrograd catastrophe took its course unhindered A year passed. The Baltic States had concluded peace treaties with Russia and the time had come to implement them—among other things by securing the return of any nationals interned in Russian prisons. In March 1921 I went to Moscow as the representative of the Estonian Red Cross, my object being to