LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS A struggle for existence 1 Surrender FACING PAGE Foodshop in Kharkov besieged by the population 32 Queue at a milk-distribution centre in Kharkov 32 Starving, homeless children, the bezprizomie 33 Bezprizomie . 33 A mother and child wandering in search of food 64 Famine is of all scourges the cruellest to children 64 Another child victim of the famine 65 Brothers in distress 65 Corpses of famine victims who died in the streets awaken at first the sympathy of passers-by 96 This famine victim also still attracts attention and pity 96 Familiarity breeds indifference 97 Even several famine victims dead in the street cause no emotion in passers-by 97 Carrying on everyday conversation regardless of the corpse by the roadside 128 A child dead from starvation to whom passers-by pay no attention 128 Body of famine victim lying on the roadside 129 Another famine victim lying in a field 129 Body of famine victim lying by freshly dug grave ready for burial r6o Famine victims in hospital 161 Body of famine victim in a field, stripped of clothing by passers-by 161 Collecting corpses for burial 192 These families boarded a train and went to Kharkov to demand food, which they did not, however, receive. When the train was opened they were found to have died from hunger on the return journey 192 The last journey 193 Mass graves of famine victims, in such numbers that they resemble dunes 224 A great multitude which no man could number 224