THE CAUSES OF FAMINE IN RUSSIA 39 the Communist Party on April 19,1935, dealing with the work of the Kombajny (combined reaping machines). The decree (published in Pravda of April 20, 1935) says: "Hitherto the Kombajny have been working intolerably badly both on the Soviet grain farms and at the machine tractor stations. The People's Commissariat for Agriculture of the S.S.S.R. and that for the administration of the Soviet farms omitted to organize the practical application and utilization of the Kombajny. They keep the Kombajny in a poor state and take little trouble about the training and maintenance of efficient Kombajny mechanics." The false system of accountancy used in the State grain farms —directly counter to Government instructions—led to Kom- bajny mechanics, who fell far short of the daily standard of work, only too often being better paid than those who exceeded this standard by doing more work in a shorter time. In order to increase the yield of the Kombajny, Moscow has been compelled to revert to capitalist principles and to cause Kombajny mechanics to have the highest possible material interest in increasing the yield of their machines. On this point the Pravda leader says: "Kombajny mechanics must be given the greatest possible interest in the efficient working of their • machines, and in their not being run at a loss." The same reasons account for the crisis in another important branch upon whose smooth working the success of industries and agriculture in Russia largely depends. Here again the Russian press continues to publish the most incredible reports. They have to admit almost daily that the chief blaine rests with funkzionalka> and here again the competent delegates at the Moscow Communist Congress have provided ample confirma- tion. It is particularly the case with the river traffic, especially on the greatest Russian river system of waterways, the Volga and its tributaries. A special correspondent despatched by Pravda to the Volga early in 1934 sent :&om Gorky (formerly Nizhni-Novgorod) a report which calls for no comment He