60 HUMAN LIFE IN RUSSIA subordinates to set aside all human emotions in collecting the grain. But it was Postyschev's mission to save the foundations of the Soviet regime by assuring the supply of all the consum- ing districts and industrial centres. For him and for Moscow, therefore, there was only one way: to collect all the grain that could be got hold of and hand it over to the State. As Postyschev's remarks give a better idea than all the detailed reports in the world of the struggle which, to this very day, Mos- cow is waging with the local population in all the agricultural districts of the Union, I propose to give certain extracts here. He begins by openly admitting that the previous grain campaign had been a complete failure, and describes it as "last year's disgrace." Now, he went on, not a day, not a minute must be lost, and all eyes must remain fixed on the one great duty of collecting the grain with all possible energy and determination, since on this depended the position of the Soviet regime and— note these words—"the maintenance of its influence abroad.3' "The task can only be fulfilled," he went on, "if we reflect upon last year's mistakes." What were the mistakes which, in Postyschev's view, led to the fiasco of the previous year's grain collection? This was not due to the "objective causes" (diminution of the harvest, famine, etc.), but to the "leniency" (serdobolie) with which the local authorities discharged their duty of taking the grain from the producers. To illustrate this harmful "leniency" he quoted a number of examples, e.g. a regulation issued by the Odessa district committee that the first hectare threshed "was to be kept available for local or public consumption." Postyschev commented on this as follows: "Need I waste words in pointing out how wrong such an instruction is, which assigns a secondary position to the delivery of grain to the State, while the feeding of the community is placed first? Is it not the best possible proof that some of our district committees were influenced by consumers' interests, thus promoting the class interests of our enemies to the detriment of the proletarian State? Can